Got done work earlier than expected so I decided to visit my blog and talk about what's new...
I am saving the pink lids from the Yoplait yogurt so that I can send them in and have .10 cents given per lid to try to help with cancer research. I am up to 11 today. Yeah!!
It was a busy weekend of work but that is good because I can always use the money. It was beautiful outside and that made it a bit harder to concentrate, but I got through it.
Then this morning I got my two weeks of menu/groceries bought which is great, because then I have next Monday morning off. I won't have to get up early to go grocery shopping. I don't ever go on the weekends because it is too busy then. I hate waiting in lines while the ice cream melts. This way going early in the morning I never have to wait in a long line.
Next month will be sort of a family reunion as one of my sister's husband is throwing a 50th birthday party hoopla for her and word is that my other siblings are coming to town for it. We haven't seen each other in close to 3 years so it will be nice to see everyone again. I need to make a mental note not to volunteer to work that weekend so that I can be free to hang out with them.
Haven't bought any Halloween candy yet but there is usually a good price on them a few days before. We do not get many kids anyway so I won't be buying that many bags...but will get what I like for sure just in case there's any left ! ;-)