Guess it is going to be a Murphy's Law Day.... got up an hour earlier to try to get a jump start on my day and get some work done before chaos found me. Nope, system is down and so I have wasted some vital SLEEP time and in place of that have been staring down my desktop waiting for systems to kick in.
So...guess it is Murphy's Law Day...for me.. Hope that is the only incident though!
Well summer is truly here in Central Texas as it has been near or over 100 degrees for the last several days. My cantaloupe and green peppers are still hanging in there. The tomatoes are nearly done, as the stalks are all turning brown. Wonder if I should just pull the remaining few green tomatoes and put them in a brown bag..think I heard that is how they can turn red.
I have been back to working a ton. Seems it is either one or the other and with rates so low, it is really busy this time around. I can always tell when there are more job postings out there....that it is busy everywhere in this business.
Oh I almost forgot. I had a bit of a scare on Friday. It was partly my own stupid fault for putting socks on before I came down stairs, but I was getting ready to put my sneakers on to go and help my folks out with something and one of my dogs bumped into me a little when I was only one step down from the top of the stairs. Next thing I knew I felt my butt pounding one, two, three steps down before I could stop myself. I was able to stop myself (likely with angels help) with my arms and I think my right leg because I knocked out one of the thick wooden posts that run perpendicular to the railing.
I really am thankful that I stay in shape, and also do muscle building with hand weights as I don't know if my butt would have survived very many more steps without doing some major injury! After accessing the damage, I had two scraped arms and a bruise on my butt about the size of a dime. That was in the evening around 7:00pm. The next morning the bruise had spread to two butt cheeks and were a lot wider and were dark purple/black. I had really done a number on my rear end. My arms were sore like they went through overkill on the weights. BUT I was able to sit in a chair without too much discomfort and work all day, much to my surprise and delight!
The bruises have faded some and are now a light maroon color. I was able to do some walking on Sunday (didn't attempt my regular exercise). I took the dogs walking though and Molly really pulled on the leash which hurt my sore left arm, so that didn't help any! And yesterday tried to do my regular exercise and took it lightly..barely doing the running part...more like marching in place. But I don't want to overdo it until I'm healed. I did make the mistake of sitting, although briefly, on my butt on the floor when I was in the process of lying down on my back during the stretching part..OUCH!
Well I think I will go water the balcony garden since I still cannot work yet. Fingers crossed it will be working fine when I get back.