I did not forget to write my blog yesterday, just ran out of time as I usually write them in the evening. Instead I wrote to my siblings about setting up a Trust for mom and matters such as that. So anyway, there wasn't a lot to say yesterday anyway and today was an okay day. It actually got up to the low 80's this afternoon and it was really nice! So I got a taste of summer! :)
Tomorrow is of course my favorite day of the week so I'm looking forward to pizza and beer tomorrow night and looks like it may also be a work free weekend. So that leaves more time for housework, boo!....and reading..yeah! Tomorrow is April Fool's too so I will be on the look out for someone trying to pull an April Fool's joke on me.
6/23/13 ** Just changed the name of my blog. I am now officially an empty nester ** My countdown started in 2009 to becoming an empty nester as my youngest was headed to college. Now I just blog about whatever I feel like for as long as I feel like...
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Accu-weather, Not!
Today I got dressed under the impression that the weatherman was going to be fairly accurate. I wore a long skirt, sleeveless top (one of those that I keep on my shelves now), and a light button down top over top with one button buttoned. It was supposed to go up to 77 degrees today. It was grey all day and never got over 68 degrees! Ugh! I ended up put the heat on (slightly ) because I could not get warmed up.. I guess I could have changed but I didn't want to once I was dressed for the day.
We just had a little excitement behind our house. Heard an ambulance getting closer and louder. It went to the house behind us. The ambulance also was there about a week or so ago at night. There is an older (late 60's?) couple I guess one of the couple has some health issues unless they have someone else staying there right now too. Hopefully whomever it is, they'll be fine. They just built this fairly big (as best I can tell) house about a year or two ago. I never met either of them, they seem stuck up to me. They had a wooden fence built behind our house and behind the house next door and we already had a metal fence across the entire back. We have dogs and I guess they don't like it. They did not consult with us at all about the fence either and tore out all the lantana plants that were at the fence line (although some appears to be growing back). Sorry we were here for years before they were and besides I didn't know when we bought this house than anyone could even build back there. But again I never wish anyone ill so hope whomever got taken to the hospital will be okay.
We just had a little excitement behind our house. Heard an ambulance getting closer and louder. It went to the house behind us. The ambulance also was there about a week or so ago at night. There is an older (late 60's?) couple I guess one of the couple has some health issues unless they have someone else staying there right now too. Hopefully whomever it is, they'll be fine. They just built this fairly big (as best I can tell) house about a year or two ago. I never met either of them, they seem stuck up to me. They had a wooden fence built behind our house and behind the house next door and we already had a metal fence across the entire back. We have dogs and I guess they don't like it. They did not consult with us at all about the fence either and tore out all the lantana plants that were at the fence line (although some appears to be growing back). Sorry we were here for years before they were and besides I didn't know when we bought this house than anyone could even build back there. But again I never wish anyone ill so hope whomever got taken to the hospital will be okay.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Book Progress
So I did get some reading done today. I am on page 265 (last was around 235) so that is something. I had a nice Sunday and got some singing in on singsnap too. Earlier this evening we had a nice steak dinner (which I made in my cast iron skillet). Yum! Searing the steak in cast iron makes it tastes like we just sat down at a 5 star restaurant!
I finished cleaning the bathrooms to the extent I planned to as well. All in all a very nice weekend. Back to work tomorrow.
I finished cleaning the bathrooms to the extent I planned to as well. All in all a very nice weekend. Back to work tomorrow.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Many buildings and structures in Texas are made of limestone. A large part of our house is made of limestone. We also have a mailbox that we had built for us as we just had a metal rod with a mailbox on it before. It has been there I'd say six years or so. It had been getting a lot of black mold on it the last few years and has been bugging the heck out of me. I had bought some expensive non-toxic cleaner to use on it but it was rather expensive so I decided to try something else and save it for something more important (inside the house) versus the mailbox. So I used a wire brush hubby had and vinegar and water and scrubbed it. I spent about an hour on it. I should have taken some more 'before' pictures because some of the sides were a lot blacker than the back. But anyway, here is a before and after picture. I am very proud of how nice it looks now. The after picture I took was when it was still wet. It looked even lighter after it dried. It should take at least 3 or 4 years before it starts getting black again. Right?
So that is what I did this morning around going to mom's to help her bathe and bring home some laundry.
I finished getting the closet organized too. I took more pictures and added some captions.
I did not get any reading done but I did get the last thing I wanted to do today. I went to purchase Turbo Tax and get the returns done but with a Schedule C the cost was over $100 for the version that covered Self-employed. No thanks! I decided I'd figure out what all I needed to do by researching the IRS website. So I got it done without the help of Turbo Tax.
All in all I was happy with my accomplishments today. Tomorrow will be more of a relaxation day and yes, I will do some reading!! I would like to get some singing in as well. Hope everyone who celebrates Easter has a wonderful day!
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So that is what I did this morning around going to mom's to help her bathe and bring home some laundry.
I finished getting the closet organized too. I took more pictures and added some captions.
All in all I was happy with my accomplishments today. Tomorrow will be more of a relaxation day and yes, I will do some reading!! I would like to get some singing in as well. Hope everyone who celebrates Easter has a wonderful day!
Friday, March 25, 2016
Good Friday
I worked today and thought maybe they might close the office early but that didn't happen which is fine with me because I was going to work the full day anyway. It was pizza and beer night which is always a great way to welcome the weekend. I don't have to work this weekend so will likely work on taxes. Since I have vendor income from the sales at Old School Antiques there will be a Sch C, and there is other stuff that needs to be reported correctly. I will probably get turbo tax this year due to these extra things. Last year was a nice and easy tax return. I do have to say though that there isn't a tax year that goes by that I am not so grateful that I only have to file one tax return. It makes things so much easier.
I'm going to finish organizing the closet this weekend too. I suppose I'll get some cleaning in there somewhere too and oh, there's relaxing some. I really need to get that #@*% book read too. So that is another goal, get at least 50 pages of that book read! :)
I'm going to finish organizing the closet this weekend too. I suppose I'll get some cleaning in there somewhere too and oh, there's relaxing some. I really need to get that #@*% book read too. So that is another goal, get at least 50 pages of that book read! :)
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Almost Friday
I worked a 'normal' day today so I'm off the rest of the evening. Yippee! Getting ready to head to my mom's to make her nightly dinner. Not much new to say. I did fold some more of my tops during my lunch break. I am liking how the closet is looking. Hubby even said he will be getting me a mirror for above the jewelry cases so I can put things on right there! Isn't he wonderful? I think so!
Well bye for now!!
Well bye for now!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Hump Day Blog
I had taken my book with me the day I was to have jury duty and lost the page I was on. Using the book cover flaps when about half way through is not a smart idea, as they don't go very far and when the book falls, the spot gets lost. Luckily I wrote the last page I stopped at in my blog (back near the end of February). So I got a little bit of reading done.
Recently when searching for something to wear in the closet, I got annoyed at the lack of space to stand and look when there are clothes on both sides of the closet (and not enough room in between them when there is). So I had asked our handyman/construction guy to come look at doing a closet revamp. You know the kind that transforms a closet into the most functional and usable space possible. He didn't seem that excited about coming over anytime soon, so hubby and I decided on a much cheaper 'fix' after I looked online at some closet organizer kits. Some were upwards of $1000! OYE! We ended up going to Home Depot yesterday during my lunch break and bought a plastic shelving unit and 3 canvas bins for a whopping total of $62.15.
We originally were going to place the shelves under that hanging area but since the shelves were 18" deep they still would have made it hard to look at the clothes along the left wall. So we put it on the back wall instead. This way all my tank tops that I wear basically as undershirts or the bottom shirt when I put a button down shirt open over top, can be folded up and placed on the shelves instead of taking up 'hanging' space. This is eliminating the need to hang anything on the other side. YIPPEE!
Then I moved my jewelry boxes for my costume jewelry to that side so that it would free up space on the clothes wall side. I used to have them staggered between clothes and the lighting was not great either. Now the lighting is much better and the space is better used. I still have some more folding and sorting to do. I'll take pictures when it is fully done.
I also took some of the winter clothes and put them in a spare bedroom closet. As I went through some clothing I noticed there are some that I really haven't worn in over a year, maybe over two. Am I really going to turn into that person that gets rid of clothes that are perfectly fine and not threadbare or 20 years old? I think so. Maybe for Goodwill. I have to admit to myself when I reach for something to wear, I gravitate to the new clothes not the old. So what really is the point to hanging onto clothes that I never or hardly ever wear? It is funny how my wardrobe has transpired. If you were to look at my part of the closet 4-5 years ago and there would be maybe 10-12 things hanging, all drab and from the 80's and 90's. But hubby convinced me I deserved to get new clothes back then, despite the fact that I work from home. I can still look good and stylish right? So since then I have bought some nice things and my wardrobe has gotten a huge makeover. And all those clothes from the 80's and 90's have been long gone. And now with the changes, they'll be room for some more new clothes right? :-)
Recently when searching for something to wear in the closet, I got annoyed at the lack of space to stand and look when there are clothes on both sides of the closet (and not enough room in between them when there is). So I had asked our handyman/construction guy to come look at doing a closet revamp. You know the kind that transforms a closet into the most functional and usable space possible. He didn't seem that excited about coming over anytime soon, so hubby and I decided on a much cheaper 'fix' after I looked online at some closet organizer kits. Some were upwards of $1000! OYE! We ended up going to Home Depot yesterday during my lunch break and bought a plastic shelving unit and 3 canvas bins for a whopping total of $62.15.
We originally were going to place the shelves under that hanging area but since the shelves were 18" deep they still would have made it hard to look at the clothes along the left wall. So we put it on the back wall instead. This way all my tank tops that I wear basically as undershirts or the bottom shirt when I put a button down shirt open over top, can be folded up and placed on the shelves instead of taking up 'hanging' space. This is eliminating the need to hang anything on the other side. YIPPEE!
Then I moved my jewelry boxes for my costume jewelry to that side so that it would free up space on the clothes wall side. I used to have them staggered between clothes and the lighting was not great either. Now the lighting is much better and the space is better used. I still have some more folding and sorting to do. I'll take pictures when it is fully done.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
I just got done work so not really writing tonight. But I did want to say I got my mammogram results and Normal. Woo hoo! One of the times that I LOVE to hear that word :)
Monday, March 21, 2016
Back to the grind stone
It was back to work today but it wasn't too bad. Only had to put in my regular day. It took me close to half the day to get somewhat back into the groove. It was a long day since I got up early to walk. Hopefully that is the last 30 something degree morning that I have to walk until next winter. This is a short note tonight. I'm watching Blindspot and then hitting the sack. :0)
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Winter's Last Wallop
There is a chance of snow back East and we're facing a low in the low to mid 30's. So I will have to bundle up tomorrow for my walk. My 4 day weekend is about over. Boohoo! It was nice not working all those days.
I finished cleaning the oven this morning with the vinegar spray step. I won't say it didn't involve a lot of elbow grease, because it did. It wasn't just wipe off gently with a cloth. I think it did about 95% of the job.There are still some specks of stubborn burned on food.The glass in the door did not get fully clean. I even tried that magic eraser on it but not all the spots came off. I'm pleased enough with it. At least I can look into the oven through the window and couldn't before.
I finished cleaning the oven this morning with the vinegar spray step. I won't say it didn't involve a lot of elbow grease, because it did. It wasn't just wipe off gently with a cloth. I think it did about 95% of the job.There are still some specks of stubborn burned on food.The glass in the door did not get fully clean. I even tried that magic eraser on it but not all the spots came off. I'm pleased enough with it. At least I can look into the oven through the window and couldn't before.
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Saturday Evening Post
Okay not the magazine but my Saturday evening post. :-) The youngest went back home today to get her self all ready to go back to teaching on Monday. I'm sure it will be a little tough after being off for Spring Break. It was nice to have her visiting.
I did a little cleaning today and some laundry . I also am trying baking soda and water to clean the oven. I forgot to take any before pictures. It is suppose to stay overnight in the oven, although it looks pretty dried now. I'm not sure if I made it a wet enough paste. Tomorrow I will spray it with vinegar as I wipe it clean. Well hopefully clean. I'll take a picture after I'm done :-)
No reading done lately so I'll make a point of getting some of the first book I'm still reading read. I still have nearly half the book to read. I have to organize my makeup tomorrow too. I am tossing all my old mineral makeup that I have had for years. I don't think it stays good forever. So I got some new Mary Kay to start using. Since I'm a rep for them, I get a nice discount. I've already been using their skin care, just will start using their foundation, eye, cheek and lips products again like I used to years ago.
I did a little cleaning today and some laundry . I also am trying baking soda and water to clean the oven. I forgot to take any before pictures. It is suppose to stay overnight in the oven, although it looks pretty dried now. I'm not sure if I made it a wet enough paste. Tomorrow I will spray it with vinegar as I wipe it clean. Well hopefully clean. I'll take a picture after I'm done :-)
No reading done lately so I'll make a point of getting some of the first book I'm still reading read. I still have nearly half the book to read. I have to organize my makeup tomorrow too. I am tossing all my old mineral makeup that I have had for years. I don't think it stays good forever. So I got some new Mary Kay to start using. Since I'm a rep for them, I get a nice discount. I've already been using their skin care, just will start using their foundation, eye, cheek and lips products again like I used to years ago.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Friday fun
Today Stac and I went to see Whisky, Tango, Foxtrot starring Tina Fey. It was pretty good. It was based on a true story and that was one brave woman !! I would give it a 7 out of 10. There was a pretty long line when we got to the theater. Guess others on spring break wanted to go see a movie today too, although there were only a handful seeing the movie that we were seeing. There are 7 other movies playing at this theater.
I also went and got my mammogram at 4:30PM. It went okay. It never goes terrific. Who likes to get squished?!
Pizza and cards at my mom's topped off the evening. I just got done checking to see if anyone new was hosting Saturday Night Live only to find out it is only Friday. Ha.! The good news is I still have all weekend. Gee, I hope I remember how to do my job come Monday.
Got some nasty thunderstorms just to the south of us. Looks like we only heard a few rumblings and got light rain if that. Fine by me. It is suppose to be cold for the new few days, with highs in the low 60's. At least there is no chance of snow like I hear there is back east. Hope my oldest daughter enjoys snow at her new home. : - )
I also went and got my mammogram at 4:30PM. It went okay. It never goes terrific. Who likes to get squished?!
Pizza and cards at my mom's topped off the evening. I just got done checking to see if anyone new was hosting Saturday Night Live only to find out it is only Friday. Ha.! The good news is I still have all weekend. Gee, I hope I remember how to do my job come Monday.
Got some nasty thunderstorms just to the south of us. Looks like we only heard a few rumblings and got light rain if that. Fine by me. It is suppose to be cold for the new few days, with highs in the low 60's. At least there is no chance of snow like I hear there is back east. Hope my oldest daughter enjoys snow at her new home. : - )
Oh well
Yikes! I didn't blog for two days. Did you miss me? Didn't think so. Wednesday evening I was sitting in the living room on my laptop and even said out loud that I hadn't blogged yet that day and I was headed over to my blog but got sidetracked and never did. So it made my forgetting yesterday that much easier. :-)
Anyway the youngest is here visiting. We spent some time yesterday in the square shopping and having lunch at a nice restaurant called Wildfire. They have very good french onion soup. We decided it still isn't our absolute favorite which was at the hotel's restaurant we ate at while in Pennsylvania when we were there for the oldest daughter's wedding.
I did get a maxi skirt at a shop that I couldn't resist because it was on sale less than $10.
Today I have my dreaded mammogram. Hope it is clear. Of course there is the waiting game for getting the results but at least I'm getting the necessary deed done today ;)
Will write more tonight.
Anyway the youngest is here visiting. We spent some time yesterday in the square shopping and having lunch at a nice restaurant called Wildfire. They have very good french onion soup. We decided it still isn't our absolute favorite which was at the hotel's restaurant we ate at while in Pennsylvania when we were there for the oldest daughter's wedding.
I did get a maxi skirt at a shop that I couldn't resist because it was on sale less than $10.
Today I have my dreaded mammogram. Hope it is clear. Of course there is the waiting game for getting the results but at least I'm getting the necessary deed done today ;)
Will write more tonight.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
One more day
I only have to work one more day and then I have the rest of the week off. :-) The youngest is coming to visit for a few days while she is on Spring Break. So I figured I deserved a break too.
I got my hook glued back on for my Invisalign this morning. Hope that it stays now for good until we're all done with rubber bands. I tried to find out today how long I need to wear the rubber bands. The gal who worked on me didn't know She went from probably until the end to maybe not much longer. Safe to say she had no clue.
Even though I'm off I did schedule my mammogram on Friday. There are some new 3D Mammograms that they offer now which are suppose to be able to view more angles, etc but I couldn't get that done here in town. So I opted for the one I always get. Besides if I got the 3D they'd undoubtedly find something they'd want to explore further. No thanks. The basic mammogram is hopefully good enough. Assuming that comes back fine, I'll be done with the female tests for another 2-3 years. Fingers crossed.
It was another warm day today. I think it got up to 90 again. It really hasn't been that warm yet so it is a bit of a shock feeling that kind of temperature. But I'm not going to complain. Warmer weather means I can wear less layers. I like that idea!
I got my hook glued back on for my Invisalign this morning. Hope that it stays now for good until we're all done with rubber bands. I tried to find out today how long I need to wear the rubber bands. The gal who worked on me didn't know She went from probably until the end to maybe not much longer. Safe to say she had no clue.
Even though I'm off I did schedule my mammogram on Friday. There are some new 3D Mammograms that they offer now which are suppose to be able to view more angles, etc but I couldn't get that done here in town. So I opted for the one I always get. Besides if I got the 3D they'd undoubtedly find something they'd want to explore further. No thanks. The basic mammogram is hopefully good enough. Assuming that comes back fine, I'll be done with the female tests for another 2-3 years. Fingers crossed.
It was another warm day today. I think it got up to 90 again. It really hasn't been that warm yet so it is a bit of a shock feeling that kind of temperature. But I'm not going to complain. Warmer weather means I can wear less layers. I like that idea!
Monday, March 14, 2016
Great! Well not great!
This morning I was having my Special K with Almonds and crunched on something hard. I thought it was just a hard nut or cluster but it felt weird, so i took it out. It was the hook that they attached to my back molar for my rubber bands. I am glad that I didn't break a tooth on it or swallow it. So I have an appointment tomorrow morning to get it put back on. Well the good news is I'm skipping my rubber band on the other side tonight. Lol.
I (stupidly) thought that it would be lighter earlier today since it was staying lighter longer...duh...So getting up at 6:15AM to get a jump start on my walk was a bad idea. I went back to bed until 7:00AM. I may have to just walk in the evening until it gets light earlier again. LOL.
I (stupidly) thought that it would be lighter earlier today since it was staying lighter longer...duh...So getting up at 6:15AM to get a jump start on my walk was a bad idea. I went back to bed until 7:00AM. I may have to just walk in the evening until it gets light earlier again. LOL.
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Just for laughs
Since I got my hair cut short, I thought I'd take a few pictures of hubby's hair. His grows really fast.
We were having some fun so he made a long thick Moustache with it. LOL. The things we do for entertainment :)
We were having some fun so he made a long thick Moustache with it. LOL. The things we do for entertainment :)
Saturday, March 12, 2016
2nd blog today
I got my hair colored, cut and styled today and I really LOVE it! Finally found a hair person who gets me. Here are some before and after pictures. I put on some make up today so that I could look my best in both before and after pictures.
Another thing I like about my new hair cut is I can wear it either in front of my ears or behind. I prefer behind but pictured it both ways. Finally, someone that understands lots of blond highlights! :)
I only wish I had switched to her years ago.
Another thing I like about my new hair cut is I can wear it either in front of my ears or behind. I prefer behind but pictured it both ways. Finally, someone that understands lots of blond highlights! :)
I only wish I had switched to her years ago.
First Blog of the day
I didn't blog yesterday. I forgot, well I posted on my jewelry blog instead and didn't come over here to blog after that. I am starting to make short videos about my Paparazzi business and having fun doing them. This is the one I posted to my blog yesterday.
For the first time in 5 days it is to get sunny today and in the 70's. We'll see. Our back yard is getting so high with weeds I think Ditzy will get lost out there. :) More later.
For the first time in 5 days it is to get sunny today and in the 70's. We'll see. Our back yard is getting so high with weeds I think Ditzy will get lost out there. :) More later.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
I got up extra early this morning to get my exercise in so that I could still shower, dress, force myself to eat something for breakfast (thanks to hubby who scrambled me an egg) and get out the door in the rainy weather to make it to the court house before 8:30AM. I only took a few sips of coffee too so that I wouldn't need to go to the bathroom too much.
I got to the court house and someone who was about to pass me outside asked if I was reporting for jury duty? As soon as I said "Yes", he told me it was cancelled. I went in to the courthouse myself in case they at least were taking down the names for those who showed up but they weren't. There was a young lady just telling everyone it was cancelled. Here's an idea, instead of indicating on the card to call after 5:00PM the night before, have it indicate to call at least 30 minutes before time to appear. This way if it is cancelled every one doesn't have to waste their time!! What if I were a mom with little kids that I was paying a baby sitter for? Or what if there was a meeting in Dallas that I had to skip in order to do my 'civic duty'? I'm glad that I didn't have to spend the whole day there, but still. I'm sure many were not so happy!
I got to the court house and someone who was about to pass me outside asked if I was reporting for jury duty? As soon as I said "Yes", he told me it was cancelled. I went in to the courthouse myself in case they at least were taking down the names for those who showed up but they weren't. There was a young lady just telling everyone it was cancelled. Here's an idea, instead of indicating on the card to call after 5:00PM the night before, have it indicate to call at least 30 minutes before time to appear. This way if it is cancelled every one doesn't have to waste their time!! What if I were a mom with little kids that I was paying a baby sitter for? Or what if there was a meeting in Dallas that I had to skip in order to do my 'civic duty'? I'm glad that I didn't have to spend the whole day there, but still. I'm sure many were not so happy!
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Oh well....
So, I have to show up for jury duty tomorrow. Luckily I still get paid at work for being off for jury duty. I haven't actually ever been on a jury before. I have gone and sat and waited for my name (or number actually) to be picked but they either picked all the jury before they get to me, or the trial got cancelled due to one reason or another. So we'll see. I just hope it isn't pouring when I have to go there. At least I have a book to read while I wait there.
By the way, Mr weatherman you were WRONG about last night. I was awake from about 12:30AM - 3:00AM from the wind, thunder, lightning, and two of the dogs being uneasy due to the storms.Needless to say I was dragging today and didn't get a walk in either.
I've been stepping up the fruit intake as just the apple every day gets boring. So today I had raspberries, blackberries, and apple and orange bread (that I got at the farmers market), and milk for breakfast. Yummy!
By the way, Mr weatherman you were WRONG about last night. I was awake from about 12:30AM - 3:00AM from the wind, thunder, lightning, and two of the dogs being uneasy due to the storms.Needless to say I was dragging today and didn't get a walk in either.
I've been stepping up the fruit intake as just the apple every day gets boring. So today I had raspberries, blackberries, and apple and orange bread (that I got at the farmers market), and milk for breakfast. Yummy!
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Tornado warning this morning for just north of us, tornado warnings now to the north west of us...looks like we may get lucky again. It even doesn't look like it will be bad overnight tonight either as it will be mostly East of us or West/North (heading Northeast). We got some steady rain last night and today but no loud thunderstorms startling us out of our sleep. I hate when that happens! :)
I got the results of my pap today. All normal .Woo hoo! One down one to go. I haven't made the other appointment yet but I will soon.
Between the interruptions about the weather and interruptions about the current primary elections, it is hardly worth having the TV on right now. LOL
I got the results of my pap today. All normal .Woo hoo! One down one to go. I haven't made the other appointment yet but I will soon.
Between the interruptions about the weather and interruptions about the current primary elections, it is hardly worth having the TV on right now. LOL
Monday, March 7, 2016
This morning it was raining lightly at some points of my walk and other times just drizzling but breezy so that the drizzle blew right in my face. But I wore a poncho so it wasn't too bad. I'm glad I was able to get a walk in today because the rain chances are higher through the week and I'm not sure how it will be for the rest of the days I like to walk. I spent a few extra minutes rubbing my legs while stretching on the floor because the back of my legs have been feeling really tight. It helped some. :-)
I don't have the results of my pap yet from last week and I never heard anything from the lab that does the mammos. So I guess I do have to call to make an appointment for that.
Work was challenging today but I got through it. I love being able to clock out after 8 hours when I've worked at some point over the weekend as I'm usually pretty caught up. So we're watching Lucifer. I'll have to get back to my book soon as I haven't read any of it in a while. My oldest has already read 6 books this year!!
I don't have the results of my pap yet from last week and I never heard anything from the lab that does the mammos. So I guess I do have to call to make an appointment for that.
Work was challenging today but I got through it. I love being able to clock out after 8 hours when I've worked at some point over the weekend as I'm usually pretty caught up. So we're watching Lucifer. I'll have to get back to my book soon as I haven't read any of it in a while. My oldest has already read 6 books this year!!
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Monday 'eve
We may get rain 4 days in a row starting tomorrow. So I'm not sure how the walking is going to go this week. It depends on how cold and windy it is (along with the rain). If it is just light rain with no lightning, I'll probably keep walking.
I found yesterday when I was cleaning, my hair dresser's email address that she wrote on one of her business cards one time for me. So I took the easy way out and emailed her that I was canceling my appointment and trying a different hair salon. She took it well and thanked me for my patronage. So I'm glad it is done. I was really feeling bad about do that. I've gone to her for so many years and we've even gotten together socially with our husband's but that has been 3 years or more (since we've gotten together).
So anyway I am excited about Saturday getting my hair cut. I'll make sure to take a before picture too so that I can show before and after. I worked today but also had plenty of time to try that Yoga again. Used the mat this time and the dogs were quiet so this time was much better. I'm still stiff though. ;)
I found yesterday when I was cleaning, my hair dresser's email address that she wrote on one of her business cards one time for me. So I took the easy way out and emailed her that I was canceling my appointment and trying a different hair salon. She took it well and thanked me for my patronage. So I'm glad it is done. I was really feeling bad about do that. I've gone to her for so many years and we've even gotten together socially with our husband's but that has been 3 years or more (since we've gotten together).
So anyway I am excited about Saturday getting my hair cut. I'll make sure to take a before picture too so that I can show before and after. I worked today but also had plenty of time to try that Yoga again. Used the mat this time and the dogs were quiet so this time was much better. I'm still stiff though. ;)
Saturday, March 5, 2016
What I did today
I took some pictures of some things I did today. I did not 'work' (I will tomorrow) but I did do cleaning and such.
First I cleaned off the dryer screen because it was getting clogged up (looked at the video that was going around Facebook that shows how the screens are clogging from dryer sheets). I checked it first and sure enough water was sitting in a puddle on the mesh. So anyway that got cleaned. Then I washed some of the covers for the dogs beds and then also cleaned all the fur from their beds that are in my office. I forgot to take a before pictures of them. Let's just say there was enough dog fur to make another dog with.
Then I cleaned up my desk. Took before and after photos.
I haven't bought gas since the last time I visited the youngest which was in December. The gas light has been on for a few days so I filled it up today. Wow! Gas is really cheap!
I also cleaned all 3 bathrooms. That was quite a chore. But they all look and smell good! I went to the farmers market today too and got a bunch of veggies for stir fry. I got something that I have never gotten before. It is eaten just like cauliflower.It is lime green and had several what looked like spikes coming out of it. I didn't mind giving it a try. I just cut it up and threw it in the stir fry. I also was able to freeze 5 portions for vegetables and froze 3 stir fry meals. The stir fry was with fried tofu too. It turned out yummy!
First I cleaned off the dryer screen because it was getting clogged up (looked at the video that was going around Facebook that shows how the screens are clogging from dryer sheets). I checked it first and sure enough water was sitting in a puddle on the mesh. So anyway that got cleaned. Then I washed some of the covers for the dogs beds and then also cleaned all the fur from their beds that are in my office. I forgot to take a before pictures of them. Let's just say there was enough dog fur to make another dog with.
Then I cleaned up my desk. Took before and after photos.
I finally replaced my desk blotter too. Hubby got me a new one two months ago and I just today started using it. LOL
I haven't bought gas since the last time I visited the youngest which was in December. The gas light has been on for a few days so I filled it up today. Wow! Gas is really cheap!
I also cleaned all 3 bathrooms. That was quite a chore. But they all look and smell good! I went to the farmers market today too and got a bunch of veggies for stir fry. I got something that I have never gotten before. It is eaten just like cauliflower.It is lime green and had several what looked like spikes coming out of it. I didn't mind giving it a try. I just cut it up and threw it in the stir fry. I also was able to freeze 5 portions for vegetables and froze 3 stir fry meals. The stir fry was with fried tofu too. It turned out yummy!
Friday, March 4, 2016
It's all about compromise
I just got to watch a gripping episode of GRIMM, so it is now hubby's pick, so Wheelers Dealers is his pick and he's watching it now. I just got done making some cucumber salad as hubby is eating healthier and he's pretty sick of lettuce salads every day so he bought some cucumbers the other day for cucumber salad. It is easy to make too.
Today was one of those days when I just wanted the day to be over. I'm sure glad they don't expect overtime on Friday nights.That is the one night I just got to relax and unwind. We enjoyed some pizza and cards at mom's this evening. I had my one beer too. So glad mom doesn't give me a hard time having a beer with my pizza. I just love the combination. She was wearing her new shoes tonight. They look nice on her and I'm glad she was able to find shoes with soft insoles for her feet.
Tomorrow I am going to have to do some cleaning, at least the batho matter how much I wish, they aren't going to clean themselves.
Today was one of those days when I just wanted the day to be over. I'm sure glad they don't expect overtime on Friday nights.That is the one night I just got to relax and unwind. We enjoyed some pizza and cards at mom's this evening. I had my one beer too. So glad mom doesn't give me a hard time having a beer with my pizza. I just love the combination. She was wearing her new shoes tonight. They look nice on her and I'm glad she was able to find shoes with soft insoles for her feet.
Tomorrow I am going to have to do some cleaning, at least the batho matter how much I wish, they aren't going to clean themselves.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Mom actually went out with me at my lunch hour today to get some new shoes. Granted the store we go to is just up the road a few blocks but I was impressed that she even wanted to go as she hasn't gone anywhere but doctors appointments for as long as I can remember. She got a nice pair of sandals. They are very comfortable and also look stylish. :) She really wanted closed toe for when it is raining out but it really doesn't rain all that much and she doesn't have that many appointments and for them to fall on a rainy day is rare.
It was a beautiful day today, sunny and warm in the upper 70's. I got a surprise in the mail today. A jury summons. Oh goodie. It is for next week. At least it is local so if I have to go I will do my civic duty. :P
It was a beautiful day today, sunny and warm in the upper 70's. I got a surprise in the mail today. A jury summons. Oh goodie. It is for next week. At least it is local so if I have to go I will do my civic duty. :P
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Gyno appointment
Today I met my new gynecologist. I found her in the list of approved doctors listed on my insurance provider's website. I saw she had all good reviews on YELP so I had made my appointment with her.
You know what I liked most about her? She LISTENED!! Yes an actual doctor that listens! Go figure! She was very nice and answered all my questions and gave me my script for my mammogram which I am going to go to a lab that is right here in Georgetown for. I've been going to the same place for years because I was worried if I went somewhere else, the results would be different. But she assured me that the digital mammogram machines are the same and that particular company Austin Radiology has all the prior mammos on their computer system (which can be retrieved at any of their locations). So she convinced me I shouldn't be afraid to make a change and go 3-4 miles away instead of around 15 miles away, just to get a digital mammogram.
I was anticipating that I would be chastised for waiting so long for my pap and mammo but she was actually very nice about it and agreed that 3 years for a pap is fine (with history of clear paps). And she also said every 2 years for mammo is fine. Although that has been a bit longer than that I was glad that she and I are on the same page as to the frequency of requiring these procedures.
So all in all a good appointment. I did ask her if she is retiring any time soon as my last gynecologist retired a year after I found her. She actually knows her. LOL. She said she has to work for several more years, at least 7-8. She appears to be in her late 50's to me. I was happy with the fact that she isn't planning to retire next year! :) Now to make the mammo appointment.
You know what I liked most about her? She LISTENED!! Yes an actual doctor that listens! Go figure! She was very nice and answered all my questions and gave me my script for my mammogram which I am going to go to a lab that is right here in Georgetown for. I've been going to the same place for years because I was worried if I went somewhere else, the results would be different. But she assured me that the digital mammogram machines are the same and that particular company Austin Radiology has all the prior mammos on their computer system (which can be retrieved at any of their locations). So she convinced me I shouldn't be afraid to make a change and go 3-4 miles away instead of around 15 miles away, just to get a digital mammogram.
I was anticipating that I would be chastised for waiting so long for my pap and mammo but she was actually very nice about it and agreed that 3 years for a pap is fine (with history of clear paps). And she also said every 2 years for mammo is fine. Although that has been a bit longer than that I was glad that she and I are on the same page as to the frequency of requiring these procedures.
So all in all a good appointment. I did ask her if she is retiring any time soon as my last gynecologist retired a year after I found her. She actually knows her. LOL. She said she has to work for several more years, at least 7-8. She appears to be in her late 50's to me. I was happy with the fact that she isn't planning to retire next year! :) Now to make the mammo appointment.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
I'm glad Hillary Clinton is projected to win 'Texas' so that I feel like my vote counted. LOL. It looks like Ted Cruz is going to win Texas for the Republicans and not Donald Trump. I wasn't too sure how that was going to go. Trump is winning a lot of states though so who knows, there is a chance he could actually be the Republican front runner. He is very blunt, outspoken and even obnoxious at times but there are many who like him. So this election is entertaining to say the least.
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