Saturday, March 12, 2011

Woo Hoo!!!

I got a blood sugar meter yesterday and got a good deal. Walgreens own brand had a mail in rebate for the full price I paid, so that is cool. Mailed it today so that I wouldn't forget about it or accidentally throw out the box (which would have the UPC bar code I would need), which I have been known to do. If its free its for me!

So fasted last night and tested my blood sugar before I drank or ate anything this morning.  Guess what?  It was 89 !!!  Thus... the Woo Hoo!.. For those who may not know, the normal range for fasting blood sugar is 70-100.  So my blood sugar was normal and I'm so glad.  Now this doesn't mean I am going to slack off what I have been doing.  I am going to keep at it. So that I don't have to go totally without something sugary in my coffee, I did get some Truvia yesterday. I only needed about a half teaspoon today and it was very close to sugar. I think its going to work well!

I went to the local animal shelter today for orientation as I want to volunteer to help with their animals there when I'm not busy with work and since I haven't had weekend work for a while, I went today. I met some very nice people there and I'm sure I will enjoy helping out. It was hard seeing all the lonely dogs (and cats) needing homes, but at least I can help by walking some at times, and helping out with events they have.

After we had lunch, hubby and I walked three of the dogs and then I broke off and walked Merlin a lot further, in fact stopped at my folks to say hi. Then I walked Molly and Tika for a while too. Only did a little over 3600 steps but it was getting pretty hot and I had walked enough for today.  I guess I was not in as good of shape as I thought (since I already exercise 3 x week). My thighs are sore from walking and I don't see how I can walk 10,000 steps at one time any time soon.  That is a lot of walking!  I'll just have to try to increase it gradually.  Maybe do it in two walks and not all in one.  We'll see how it goes.  I was just so glad to have a normal reading this morning!

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