I was going to skip buying any flowers or vegetables this year since money is tight, but when I went grocery shopping Monday, I couldn't resist the price of flowers. 64cents a pot for bedding flowers (petunas, impatients, etc). So I bought a flat since that wasn't much money and got two .99 cent bags of potting soil. Yesterday I cleared out the old dried flowers and vegetables, tilled the soil with a hand trough, and planted the flowers and the vegetable seeds I had leftover from last year and used the potting soil to mix with the soil already there. Actually I already planted Kale about a week ago and that is sprouting. I have a picture of that too below! This year for a change we placed three of the hanging planters on our balcony so that they can get better sunlight. The pitch of the lower porch just is such that sun cannot get to flowers I try to have in planters there. Found that out a few years ago when they just all pretty much died within weeks.
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