I'm off to head to training tomorrow for my new job. Things I did, some of which I haven't had to do in years...mix and match and gather up several days of business casual attire..I haven't worked in an office in over 7 years...
then there is shaving my legs.. check
plucking a few stray eyebrow hairs...check
shaping and filing my nails...check..
got a haircut on Friday...check
..maybe these are things that many do all the time, and yes I keep my nails trimmed, but I have to be honest, I rarely shave my legs anymore....just don't have the need.
Will also have to pack up my makeup which I'll do tomorrow before I leave, and drive over 3 hours to get there which I haven't driven more than a few miles one way in months.
But I will be fine, I'm sure. I got some tips from my oldest as well who is familiar with the highways in that area, so I think I'm set. I am looking forward to starting this new chapter in my career and hold positive thoughts! :)
Wish me luck!
How did training go?