Thought I'd take a few minutes and blog a little.
Oh I wanted to show a few pictures of a bigger than normal size little gecko that was hiding in our laundry bag. My husband discovered it (thankfully, as I would have likely screamed..mostly due to surprise). These were the pictures he took. This thing was a bit of a chameleon with how well it blended in to the rug on the floor. He did not capture it though as it scurried off somewhere. Every night before we turn in he checks under the covers to make sure it isn't in our bed!
I have been busy working and if not working, working on the angel card project that I participate in. I got all of them done. I mailed out 295 of them. Add that to the 34 personal cards and I have sent a LOT of cards out this year. I know a lot of people just don't send cards any more. Postage keeps going up, greeting cards aren't cheap and who has the time?! Well this is one thing that I enjoy doing. My one charitable thing at the holidays, well one of them. We also bought dog food, cat food, kitten food and toys for the Georgetown Animal Shelter and took that over today since we had to renew our dogs licenses anyway. They were very appreciative and we like to help. I don't have a lot of spare time to help with walking dogs, etc., so at least we gave by providing some things they always need.
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