Not only is it Friday and the whole weekend is ahead of me, I have Monday off too so that is great and my youngest is coming for the weekend tomorrow so that just tops it off!
It has been a long week or at least it seems that way.
Last night hub and I were watching TV in the living room. I was finishing up a snack and it was a little after 7:00pm. Then the electricity went out! The TV out, lights out pitch black. Luckily I wasn't still in the office working! The thing is, it wasn't stormy out, wasn't windy...nothing! Still don't know what happened. It was out for over an hour.
I decided to read by a small light we had or at least I tried to read. Hub said it was fine to read as I started a book back in November and I'm still not done it. He was bored though so he kept talking to the dogs, singing, etc., so I could not read very well. I need it quiet, maybe other people don't but anyway, I got through a bit more of it until the lights came back on.
I have around 60 pages until I'm done. It is 565 just a few more power outages and I'll have done! :-)
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