Sunday, June 2, 2013

End of Month...

Sorry I haven't posted in the last 3 days but let me sum it up into three words 'End of Month'.  For those in the mortgage business those are the key words that translates to 'work extra hard'.  That is what I've been doing so when that happens I don't do much else although I am glad to say I am thrilled to be back exercising. The first day I was stitch-less and able to exercise was Thursday and I got through it ok. I was wondering if I might get a bit winded from the aerobics part (which is only about 10-13 minutes), but I got through it without heaving or feeling weak in the knees. 

I would post a photo of my post suture area but the nurse put steri-strips on it and they remarkably are still there.  Despite a few showers and sweating in the heat, they are strong buggers.  I've never had them before. Yes I've been lucky in life with only 2 C-sections and some sprained ankles mainly making up my medical history (other than that botched up needle biopsy I don't want to revisit right now).   So when those steri-strips 'fall off' I'll take a photo.


Ever wonder how you know you really LOVE someone? 

For me that is when the feeling comes over me of just pure love and passion along with a bit of euphoria and light-headedness.  After being married going on 14 years, it doesn't happen to me very often, likely because my brain is so filled with work most of the time that it filters out anything else. ;-)   But yesterday morning I came back from a walk and was singing along with my IPod Shuffle and wanted to finish singing a song I really like.  I need to sing MORE if I'm ever going to do something with this voice!  Anyway, I walked into the kitchen singing and my husband had a twinkle in his eye and a big grin across his face.  That was all it took.  I saw the love in his eyes, and I got that feeling. The love and passion was flooding my brain and body.  I couldn't wait to be romantic last night and it was very nice to once again kiss passionately and hold each other. Hubby said he liked the 'new' me.  It wasn't the new me, it was just the me that gets one of those 'BAM' love moments from time to time. There is likely some scientific explanation for it, some chemically ignited libido boost or something but I'd rather attribute it to just deep rooted love!

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