Writing a little on my lunch break. I am so looking forward to having a 4 day weekend! The office is closed both tomorrow and Friday, and that is enough reason to celebrate for me!
The trim isn't up yet in the spare bedroom but as soon as it is I will post pictures. Unfortunately hubby did not take before pictures like he said. Maybe he thought he did or accidentally erased them, but he only has pics after the carpet was removed and padding was still down. But will post what I can.
After suffering with some shoulder/arm pain he finally found out today at the doctor's office what his problem is. Since he had some neck vertebrae fused years ago from being in a car accident, the hole that surrounds the large nerves that come out from the spine is getting smaller (from calcium build up or bone growth?) not sure. And so the pressure on his nerve is causing all this pain. He is going to see a specialist about it and may need an operation to make that opening bigger to relieve it. Hopefully that will resolve his problem! We'll see. I'm sure he would rather avoid an operation but since this is not an issue that will go away, he has to do something. At least he knows what is wrong.
Looking forward to a visit this weekend from our youngest. She's still getting her teaching things finalized and also has to get an apartment too, so lots for her to do.
The birds are starting to hatch out on the back porch. You know the ones in that bag for leaves and brush. Hubby saw one in there he thought it was dead but it moved. So yeah! There were 4 eggs total so I think there are 3 yet to hatch. I can't really look in there without standing over it and he is taller than me so he has been peeking at a better distance without disturbing the momma. Too cute! Not sure about pictures but I'll see if I get an opportunity once they are all hatched and the momma slips away for food. We sure know when there is a dog outside laying on the porch though, because the birds squawk like crazy! :) They think the entire back porch is theirs!
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