My mom and dad are both hard of hearing and sometimes it is funny as I will say something and then my mom will say "What did you say?" And then my hubby says something totally off the wall but using similar sounding words. Like today when I told her "I knew you liked yellow so that's what I got you ( a yellow orchid). She said "What did you say?". Hubby said, "We were going to bring you some Jello (instead of yellow), and I start cracking up! She got the gist of the joke though too. He has done that before though when the joke wasn't caught and I have such a hard time not cracking up!
What can I say? Life it too short to not find some humor in things! :)
Tomorrow is another dreaded Monday. Oh well. It is what it is. At least two Mondays from now is Memorial Day and we will have the day off. My sister from Ohio will be in town then too and it will be great to see her again.
I still love using my cast iron and used it this evening to make some stir fry vegetables. Yum! I even threw in some cilantro, parsley and rosemary from my garden. Pretty cool!
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