Darn! This weekend just went too fast. It is already Sunday evening. Oh well. We did enjoy seeing a movie today at the theater. We saw the new X-men movie and we both liked it. There is a lot of action and special effects with no boring parts. And I do have to say Hugh Jackman looks very buff!! :-)
This morning I made up an insect repellent concoction made with dish soap and water to spray on some green pepper plants that I have. One had a lot of ants on it and both have aphids especially on the underside of the leaves. So I sprayed them a lot this morning! I just checked now and there were a few ants on the one pepper and some aphids on the other. It is hard to tell if the back side of the leaves now have dead aphids/eggs or not. LOL. I don't want to spray too soon again though in case it isn't good for the plants, so I'll wait 2 or 3 days before I spray again. I'm proud to report we have a tiny jalapeno pepper already! It is only about an inch long but woo hoo!! :))
Tomorrow morning we are expecting someone to show up to give us an estimate for a/c & heating replacement in the attic. I sure do hope that nowadays the units are a lot smaller than what was used back in 1982. That contraption in the attic is huge!
We are going to take our time and get at least 3 estimates for both ac/heat and bathroom, that is if we can get someone to get back to us. Oye! :)
Well off to relax and watch some TV to finish up the evening.
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