Monday, August 3, 2015


Hubby woke me up at normal time this morning to take our walk.  "Okay I'm getting up." was my response. A few steps around the bed and BAM!!!  I crashed (stubbed hard) my left toes into the wooden dog steps we have next to the bed.  If I wasn't awake before then, I was after that!  I rubbed my toes while in the bathroom and although they were sore I could move them..  So we went ahead and took our walk.  I found myself favoring my foot some but got through my normal walks. Came home, took off my sock and my little toe was purple!  Shouldn't have walked on it. I iced it off and on today and elevated it part of the time too. I was actually relieved that I didn't injure 3 of the toes as that is how it felt when i did it.  Fun working at my desk while my foot was on the desk.

Here is how it looked by dinnertime. Yup. Still pretty ouchy!  Think I'll have to pass on my exercise tomorrow. Oh well, at least I didn't break anything (I don't think).

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