Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Remember I said one of our dogs was not feeling well?  Well we took her to the vet today and she was way worse than I thought. She wasn't really throwing up daily anymore she was eating some (not totally refusing food altogether). Turns out she is going through severe liver and kidney failure.  The vet did not know if it was acute or cronic but it was bad enough she said if we took her to an animal hospital she only gave her 30% chance of getting better. I know that is better than nothing but it would also cost thousand(s) until they got a full diagnosis which would likely not be good.

They hydrated her for us and we took her home because we think it is just her time. It is a tough decision to make but anyway we are giving her lots of love and attention (and table meat) which she has been scarfing up, as tomorrow we'll call the vet to see when we can bring her in and say goodbye to her. 

She would have been 11 years old come December 28th.  May not seem old to some, but I've never had a dog live to be quite 10, so 11 is a good life in my opinion.  We love her and will miss her!  I'm off to spend a few hours with her...

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