Saturday, November 7, 2015


It has been a while since I posted but there has been a lot going on. I had to go to Dallas mid-week for some training and drove home Thursday night afterwards amid tornado warnings and such.  I got home after 9PM on Thursday.  Yesterday was trying to get back in the grove after a short evening after the drive.

And for at least a few weeks hub's back has been the worst it has ever been. Today he even had to leave the shop (close the doors for a bit until the owner could get over there to tend it). He left mid morning and could barely get into the house. He was in so much pain and I felt so bad. He was even mentioning me taking him to the hospital.  He had to be really, really hurting to say that.

He laid on the living room floor in pain and I had him call the acupuncture doctor. I mainly wanted to see if he could possibly prescribe some sort of pain killers.  He could not but came over and performed some acupuncture on hubby!  I think it helped.  He told him to lay still for an hour or two.  He is still on the floor but has been able to turn over and has been able to get up to go to the bathroom without crawling. I am hoping he can get better without having to visit a hospital.  He is staying home tomorrow to rest his back to.  The doctor was so nice to come over like that on a Saturday! He actually said if Steve needs him to, he can come tomorrow after church to give do more acupuncture.  That is a very, very nice man!!

I'm ending this here as I am pretty beat at this point.  I'll try to write tomorrow.

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