Saturday, May 21, 2016

Bigger in Texas

This afternoon on the back porch step was this HUGE bug.  I was worried the dogs would mess with it so I got it off the step.  Hubby wanted to take pictures.  The first one is actually on its back because when i got it of the step it fell backwards into the garden area (that hubby had cleared).  There are no flowers or anything in there yet. But anyway so, yes it was big! This is actually called a Giant Red Headed Centipede.

I didn't hurt it and when I went to check on it later it was no longer there.  I forgot just now to think about taking a picture but I just spotted a baby snake (about 10 inches long and thinner than a worm) right on our living room rug. It caught my eye the way it was moving and I realized what it was.  Hubby caught it in a cup and let it outside to the left side over the fence.  This is actually the second one we've found in the house in the last few weeks.  It is probably from all the rain. I haven't seen any snakes outside (that I could spot), so I am trying not to think about a snake that had babies right near the house. 

So I'm going to try not to have a hard time getting to sleep with all these critters around!  We did just have the pest control place out last week who treated the outside.  We don't have them coming in any more because they just spray all over and we don't want the dogs getting poisoned (even though they say it won't harm them).  The spray is not for snakes though either.  Well I'm going to be on the look out now.,  Oye!

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