Saturday, August 26, 2017

Been trying!!

I have been trying to blog for several days now on my laptop and it wasn't working. So I downloaded Chrome and that seems to work so I will try to catch everything up in this blog.

Sunday - I don't remember much about what I did Sunday so sorry but nothing to say.

Monday - I did not watch the eclipse other than what was on the Internet and the TV.  It really never got dark here either as it was only like 40% covered during that time frame.  It looked like maybe partly cloudy at best.  Hopefully any of you that watched used the proper eye wear to see it.

Tuesday - I remember working late on Tuesday as there was much to do.  That is okay with me. I really do enjoy the work I do and used to work a lot more a few years ago than I do now.  Back then it was working 7 days a week but that is rare now-a-days. I got caught up with the oldest on a book series that we just finished reading.  It was sort of a lame series but I really enjoy chatting about it with my oldest.  Between the two of us, we figured out who murdered someone before we got to the end.

Wednesday - Wednesday I went out at lunch to take care of some banking,  I found out if I had opened a certain type of savings there at the branch I could have gotten some free money!  I sure wish they would have told as that was already done.  Oh well. The place I bank at was having a sort of customer appreciation event on Friday where they had free food, etc., but I generally only take a 30 minute lunch so I didn't go even though they gave me a flier on it.

Thursday - I met one of my sister's for lunch. In order to not spend a ton of time, we ate at a local Subway.  They were so slow!!  There were only 3 people in front of us but we waited over 20 minutes just to get to our turn in line.  I was almost going to suggest eating somewhere else.  I ended up being gone the entire hour which was unreal to me.  But we had a nice lunch.  My sister was headed out to NC to visit a friend the next day so she is missing a lot of this hurricane crap!

Friday - It was pizza and beer night as usual.  I usually never work late on Fridays bur I had some work to finish up but I got it done relatively quickly.  Hurricane Harvey was in the news the last few days and was hitting Rockport,TX badly.  We were expecting some rains but nothing seriously major.

Saturday - brings me to today. Although we are in what I would say us the outer cone of Hurricane Harvey the power went out today just before noon, and you guessed I was working. It isn't like we had high winds or tons of rain either.  I have no clue why it went out.  It didn't come back on until 4:15PM.  I heard some popping noise coming from the small fridge in that room and here a bunch of water had melted and gotten under the fridge and around the back and a little on the floor. I'm just very glad there was no electrical fire once the power came on and it went back on. I cleaned up the mess and it was back on and functioning. I didn't bother to do anything more because the power was on then   Just now about 6:52PM, the power went out again.  I'm only able to keep blogging because for some reason the laptop is keeping my blog open so I can type.

I went ahead and turned off and unplugged that fridge and put a tray in the bottom to hopefully catch any melted ice this time.    Sure hope they get it back on before Pit Bulls and Parolees comes on.  It just came back on at 8:45PM!  Fingers crossed it stays on!  Posting this now while I can, sorry for any typos!

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