Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Happy 4th of July!

I was told it has been nearly a month since I blogged. Tis true!  Sorry about that.

I just got back from visiting my oldest back in PA.  I went with my other (youngest) daughter who lives here in Texas not too terribly far from me.

 I had not seen my oldest since August of 2014 when she got married.  So it has been a long time coming!  We were gone from June 27th - July 2nd.  Well I might as well say to the 3rd as we didn't walk in the door until 1:00AM.  The flight to PA went well and the flight back wasn't bad but there were at least 2 lightening storms outside our window to the South.  We took off nearly 40 minutes late too as the pilot got a different flight plan.  After seeing the storms to the south, I think I know why they had us fly to Dallas then southward from there.  There was also some more turbulence than there was on the flight out. But bottom line, we got home safe and it was wonderful seeing the oldest and her hubby and two fur kids.

It was nice to see what their life is like (well somewhat as Dani was off work most of the time).  We also got to see their cute house which I really like and is in a great location. The house is on a double lot and has a great expanded 2 car garage. Dani's husband has all sorts of car parts and tools in it and he loves to work on his Jeep that he is making changes to. I am very impressed!

During our visit we drove down to the dance studio that Dani co-owns with 2 other gals which is undergoing some renovation and will look great when it is done (doesn't look bad now either but it was literally being worked on when we saw it).  This was the first time we got to see the studio in person.

I also got a chance to have a short visit with a good friend of mine from 30 years ago. She remembered Dani as a baby~!  I plan to keep in better touch with her.  We used to be the best of friends!

We also got in some miniature golf and plenty of eating out. I'm surprised the scale did not indicate I gained any weight when I weighed myself yesterday.  Unfortunately but not a surprise to me,  I got a cold sometime during the trip. The last day there my throat got sore.  I don't go out much and work from home, so exposure to all the germs in the airport, plane, eateries, etc., got to me.  It was still worth it to see Dani and her family after all these years.  Their two dogs get along really well together and have such personality.  We enjoyed playing with them bunches too.

Hubby also had his own trip back to PA earlier in June.  He flew out June 8th and stayed with his friend and they went antiquing for some treasures to bring back.  His friend drove him back a week later but did not spend the night like I thought he was.  He just wanted to get the dreaded drive back over with I guess. Thankfully he got home okay.

The reason we didn't travel together is because we have no desire to put our 4 dogs through the trauma of being boarded.  Two of them are seniors and one has cancer so that added stress would certainly not do them any good,

I had off yesterday and today of course is the 4th. It was nice being off work for an entire week. I haven't taken this much time off at one time before.  I just have to get through tomorrow and Friday and then we have another weekend ahead. Yippee!

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