Monday, February 25, 2019

Post #56...2019

Today I took a half day off to go to the dentist.  It was a cleaning appointment but I thought I was going to see my dentist too because I didn't see her last time nor the time before.  But nope.  My next appointment is in August and I asked if she was going to be there at that time because it will be 2 years since she's seen me.  They assured me she would be. Sheesh! I don't think that I have any cavities or anything like that but the dentist should see a patient once a year, don't you agree?

After the appointment I came back home to gather our stuff to go get our car titles in the Trust name. This was the last step to getting pretty much everything done that we needed to get done.  We ate at Jack in the Box before we went to the DMV.  There were 5 people in there and while I sat there waiting for our food to be ready, I saw 4 people on their cell phones and 1 person on a tablet.  Yup that's what the world has come to.  I smiled and just sat there looking around.  I am not one that pulls out the phone when I'm somewhere very much.  If there were 20 people in there, it would probably still be the same.

Tonight I caught Bella sitting next to me on video.  She does this often and just sits like a person next to me for a spell. It is so cute!

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