TGIF everybody!! Yes! Another weekend is here...and guess what? I remembered to take some pictures of the sod. The rest of the grass is not doing well but hopefully this as it takes will grow and spread (per our lawn guy who put down the soil and sod). I didn't take any before pictures but the dirt is so much more filled in than it was before. It has been in for close to 2 weeks now and I'm so happy that it looks as good as it does as it hasn't rained and the highs as of late have been around 100 degrees. We are watering in the evening and in the early morning every day. We may even get a few showers this weekend which would be great!
Below that there are a few pictures of our Crepe Myrtle that we had cut very low. I was surprised to see it sprouting both purple AND white blossoms!
Tomorrow is my ladies lunch group and Sunday I am working. I could have worked tomorrow too but I decided there were more fun things to do besides work.

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