Today I had the day off work. So I got up a little later for my walk which was nice as it was light outside by the time I was walking. When I got ready for the day after walking and grabbing coffee and sitting on the back balcony with hubby, I actually shaved my legs. I don't shave them very often as I don't usually go anywhere that I need to be concerned with it. But I was wearing a shorter dress today and had a dentist appointment so I wanted to shave.
Then I vacuumed the rug in my office which quite frankly was the first time I vacuumed it since I got it. I had been meaning to vacuum it for a while but with working every weekend, that is what happens, some things don't get done. Anyway it is nice and clean now.
My dentist appointment was meh. I finally saw my dentist whom I hadn't seen for I am pretty sure 2 1/2 years. And now she is retiring by the end of the month. But I did meet 2 new young dentists that are taking over for her and Dr Stubbs (who apparently already retired). Out with the old in with the new. The hygienist who cleaned my teeth really dug behind my right front tooth and it really hurt! I know I have had food occasionally get caught up there. Tortilla chips are notorious for getting jammed up behind that tooth and that really hurts. It doesn't happen that often but it has been 7 months since I've had my teeth cleaned and apparently there was a 'pocket' there that she was trying to clean out. All I know is it really hurt by the time she was done scraping. They took an xray of that tooth and luckily there was no visible damage to the root or tooth, although the hygienist said something about losing bone back there so who the heck really knows. The conclusion was there was no infection and we will wait and see if it goes away. I'm going to try to remember and brush gently behind that tooth more too. I am great with the surface and outsides, etc but often don't think about maneuvering the toothbrush behind my front teeth and brushing very often.
The discussion came up again and I admit I am the one who brought it up, about replacing that crown (that the pocket is behind) as it is a little longer than the tooth next to it (my other front tooth) and not the same color, etc. The young dentists were full of suggestions for doing not just that crown and smaller one next to it but the two teeth opposite as well so that the 4 teeth in front all look the same. One of them even went so far as to say it is really ideal to do the 6 front teeth as the canine teeth are darker and this way when I smile all the top teeth would look the same appropriate and matching color, size and texture.
I'm not sure about getting all that done as I never thought it was a good idea to get crowns on perfectly good teeth that don't NEED them. I'm still thinking about getting the two (that are already crowns) replaced but not sure when I want to do that. I asked if that would help this pocket area behind the one tooth and it would not really have any change on that as that was my gum area behind that crown.
And of course the procedure wouldn't be 100% covered by my dental insurance partly because it would be for aesthetic reasons and not because it is necessary. I'm still weighing it out though. What if they take off my existing crown from my front tooth and there is some problem? I know my tooth was broken off into a jagged slant when my dog's head smacked me in the mouth all those years ago. A new one may not fit right.
Enough about teeth and dentists. Hubby and I went out to lunch after my appointment. It was good even though I chewed a little more gingerly having just gotten my teeth cleaned.
I got to enjoy singing on singsnap after that too. All in all except for the dentist appointment it was a nice day off work. It was nice decompressing my overworked brain for a day.