Sunday, September 15, 2019

Post ..#194..2019

This weekend has been a stressful one.  Friday evening our oldest dog Tika started getting sick.  She got sick all over the living room.  Every time I though that she had nothing left in her, she proved me wrong.  I wasn't sure how she'd be through the night and yes she still was getting sick.  I got up around 2:30AM to clean up some and didn't sleep well as I know she was still getting sick but it is hard to drag myself out of bed when I'm exhausted.  

Saturday she was no better. She didn't want anything at all to eat and for a while wouldn't even drink water.  I was really getting concerned that she may be dying as she is 12 1/2 and already has had some heath issues lately.  I looked up some remedies for dogs being sick and there was one article I found that mentioned combining ginger and coconut water. I know ginger helps with nausea so I tried it.  She wouldn't just lick it up for me so I put it in a syringe and put it in her mouth that way.  Her stomach settled down for about 45 minutes but she got sick again though it wasn't much since she was pretty empty.  I gave her some more ginger/coconut milk and she finally stopped getting sick. She laid around the rest of the day and didn't move much at all.  I think she was just so exhausted from getting sick.  I was at one point thinking about taking her to an emergency vet place (why do these things always happen on the weekends?)  

Last night she did go outside for me and did go potty and then I carried her upstairs.  She hadn't gotten sick since late morning but also didn't eat a thing.  

This morning she was much better. She ran downstairs to go potty and hubby said then she was hopping for a treat, so he gave her part of one.  I strained a can of chicken noodle soup, heated up the broth and just a few of the noodles and added some scrambled egg to it.  I gave her about a half cup of it once it cooled off some and she gobbled it up.  And got a drink of water..and kept it all DOWN! She was better!  We did the same thing around noon and then at supper time gave her the rest of the egg and some wet dog food.  So glad she is feeling better!  

There was more to the stress too.  Ditzy got accidentally hit in the eye with a ball that she loves to play with.  She ran ahead, turned around and bam, got hit by the ball that hubby threw for her, It was a direct hit to her left eye. She yelped a few times and her eye was hurting as she had that eye squinted shut for a little while.  I want to see if I can get her to the vet tomorrow just to make sure she is ok.  She seems fine but I am concerned with a scratched cornea or any other injury that may not be easily visible yet.  (When Tika was playing with Bella once she accidentally bit her eye and scratched her cornea and we had to use some eye ointment for a while). 

Then I got a notice from the bank I have my visa card with asking me if I had authorized a charge that I had NOT.  That prompted me to check the account online and there was over $200 in unauthorized charges on that account.  I called the bank and they were really great about it. The account is closed and they are going to credit me anything unauthorized.  I don't know how my number was obtained but it was stolen somehow and recently as these charges were all today's date.  I used the card last on Friday for a purchase that I often make from the same who knows.

I sure hope this week is a good one.  I'm so grateful Tika feels better and I think Ditzy's eye seems to be okay, but like I said it was stressful and September is supposed to be a happy month with birthday and anniversary celebrations!

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