Yesterday was my dentist appointment for a cleaning and then a filling. I haven't had my teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist for 3 years. The last time I had it done which was there, they used a probing instrument to see how bad my gums were and I remember that hurting, especially around my front tooth crowns (a result of a dog knocking out my tooth about 20 years ago). That is what kept me from coming back 'in 6 months', okay...more like 3 years. ;-)
A few months ago I had to face my hesitation about going to the dentist when I broke part of a tooth that had a huge filling in it, that left what was there a jagged hazard which couldn't be ignored. I had that crown taken care of and decided to bite the bullet and start going regularly again. So I endured a rather lengthy teeth cleaning yesterday. My teeth weren't as bad as they could have been. I do brush and floss every day so that helped. Then it was time to get the filling. I had gotten a back to back appointment so that I didn't have to go through the angst of another lurking dental appointment.
The filling didn't go so badly as I have a very skilled dentist. What I find interesting is that he drills the enamel in order to put the filling in, then puts the filling material in, lets it harden and then DRILLS again to shape it. That is the annoying part. Drilling twice! The sound of that shrill noise echoing inside my head is unnerving!
I left there with my appointment card in hand. May 11th. Phew...I'm good for another 6 months. By then I should have enough courage built up to do it again.
Update on Shelby: Her thyroid test came back normal. I am taking her in this afternoon to get her blood sugar level tested since the first time she's been on insulin. Hope there is some improvement!
Gotta get to work...
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