I called my doctors office today because I checked on their online system for the hormone level tests results which I thought they took last week when I was there. Turns out they didn't take those blood tests at all but they did tell me the other blood work had come in. It just hadn't posted on the website. What good is technology if it is half-assed?!
Anyway, I got the doctors assistant on the phone and got the results of the other tests they had taken which included cholesterol levels, and other things such as blood sugar. All my levels were good, especially cholesterol...except for one the fasting blood sugar level. The level is suppose to be lower than 100 although I found online that a level up to 110 is acceptable as normal. Mine was 111.
They consider this pre-diabeties. The assistant said they would like to test me again in 3 months. I'm not so sure I'm going to have that done. Here's why. First of all although I did not eat anything after 8:20pm the night before, we did have family over that night before for an Italian dinner including a form of pasta, wine and dessert of Chocolate Creme Pie. Bottom line I ate a much heavier meal that night than usual.
Also I did read that sometimes the stress of seeing a doctor may elevate blood sugar. I am the first to admit I do not like to go and do get nervous the morning of and while waiting to go in and get the appointment started. This is also why sometimes my blood pressure is higher. Now that was like 124 over something when I went so that wasn't too bad although it is normally around 80something/50something.
And lastly, the nurse gave me a tetanus shot right before drawing blood for all these tests. Since I've been interested in Biology ever since college, I researched what is IN the Tetanus shot and one of the ingredients is Glycine! Bingo! Glycine can elevate blood sugar level.
So it is possible that it was 111 due to any one or combination of these reasons and not that I may be developing a blood sugar problem.
I may get one of those blood testing kits and just see for myself before deciding to go back. There are too many folks that think whatever doctors say is gospel and I've decided to never just trust point blank what is said or even what the tests indicate for that matter. ;-)
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