..can't trust that day....from the Mamas and the Papas...I often think of that song when it is Monday. It is just one of those things that has stuck with me through the years. It is a music thing. Those of us who grew up with music at our core just cling on to stuff like this.
Anyway..had a great weekend, actually last week with the family. We actually broke tradition and stayed home which did not please my sister and the folks but when someone works as much as I do, lately 7 days a week well into the night, the one day off that I get, I really like to spend doing what I really want to do.
It may sound really selfish but a dear co-worker of mine put it in the exact appropriate words.."You have to do what is best for you. Our jobs are so stressful, we have to have the downtime with those we are closest to in order to maintain our sanity"
I am sure we will spend a Christmas dinner with the rest of the family this year so it is not like I'm cutting us off from the family altogether.
Well off to work...
6/23/13 ** Just changed the name of my blog. I am now officially an empty nester ** My countdown started in 2009 to becoming an empty nester as my youngest was headed to college. Now I just blog about whatever I feel like for as long as I feel like...
Monday, November 30, 2009
~ Cyber Monday ~

To join in with Cyber Monday I am offering my OWN Cyber Monday special.
20% Affordable Mineral Makeup™ until MIDNIGHT tonight November 30th.
This is MY special and not the company's! All orders must be
emailed to me at dstjames@suddenlink.net
Thursday, November 26, 2009
~ Happy Thanksgiving ! ~
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Here is a photo of the beautiful apple crumb pie my youngest and I made today.

We had a nice day...I made homemade dog biscuits and got the youngest up around noon. These kids will just sleep and sleep! Then we walked ALL the dogs. That was an adventure. Merlin and Molly kept getting twisted in their leashes. When we got home, we went out to Blockbuster to get some movies to rent. Later we baked this pie. And of course I had the crock pots going with turkey breast and green bean casserole.
Popped the wine open around 5:00 and are getting ready to relax in front of a movie. We had a very nice day and there is so much I am Thankful for...family ,friends, furkids....okay later..
Here is a photo of the beautiful apple crumb pie my youngest and I made today.

We had a nice day...I made homemade dog biscuits and got the youngest up around noon. These kids will just sleep and sleep! Then we walked ALL the dogs. That was an adventure. Merlin and Molly kept getting twisted in their leashes. When we got home, we went out to Blockbuster to get some movies to rent. Later we baked this pie. And of course I had the crock pots going with turkey breast and green bean casserole.
Popped the wine open around 5:00 and are getting ready to relax in front of a movie. We had a very nice day and there is so much I am Thankful for...family ,friends, furkids....okay later..
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
..pulse check..
I am alive and no I did not get stuck in Jury Duty from Friday until now...just very busy working a ton! I did go on Friday along with about 50 or more people and sat patiently waiting to see if I would get picked or not. While we were waiting, one bailiff who had been seating people and moving around a lot asked if anyone else was warm. I was perfect, with my jacket off. But some menopausal lady in short sleeves nodded that she was hot, so then the A/C got turned on. So patiently waiting, turned to getting cool, had to put jacket back on ..impatiently waiting.
After 2 hours I did not get picked as they selected from the front back and I was someone in the last half of people. So I went home and started my work day late...and seems like that's pretty much all I've been doing since.
Gotta get back to it now and will write more later. Just wanted to check in.
After 2 hours I did not get picked as they selected from the front back and I was someone in the last half of people. So I went home and started my work day late...and seems like that's pretty much all I've been doing since.
Gotta get back to it now and will write more later. Just wanted to check in.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Oh my....
I got an nasty email today full of the "F" word against me...even on the subject line. Why do people assume that I am the ABC Mortgage that is calling them soliciting them, when there are literally thousands of hits that come up when ABC Mortgage is googled?? Just because I may be listed on the first few pages of results, that is no reason so assume it is ME! I am not ABC Mortgage Company or Corporation for that matter...it is ABC Mortgage Consulting, period. I am just one person who is not in the business to originate mortgages, but rather to help educate borrowers. And actually honestly, I haven't done much of anything with that website in the last 4 years since I haven't had time to promote it due to working all the time. Instead of responding to someone who undoubtedly would not be easily convinced it wasn't ME that called them, I just deleted it. Besides if I emailed back, I'd probably be accused of SPAMMING them and get reported somewhere for that!
Anyway...I am not taking it personally because it is not directed to me. It is just that I wish people would not jump to conclusions and falsely accuse people about things they would never do. Heck I hate solicitous phone calls too, but let's not blame the blameless...okay maybe I am taking it a little personally.
Well the excitement of my week looks like it is going to be reporting for jury duty Friday. I hope I don't get picked, not because I don't want to perform my civic duty but more so because I don't wish to give up my income for that day. I don't get paid if I don't work which is the life of a contractor. If I didn't have to work for a living it would be interesting serving on a jury. I could pretend I'm on Law and Order or The Good Wife! :)
Anyway...I am not taking it personally because it is not directed to me. It is just that I wish people would not jump to conclusions and falsely accuse people about things they would never do. Heck I hate solicitous phone calls too, but let's not blame the blameless...okay maybe I am taking it a little personally.
Well the excitement of my week looks like it is going to be reporting for jury duty Friday. I hope I don't get picked, not because I don't want to perform my civic duty but more so because I don't wish to give up my income for that day. I don't get paid if I don't work which is the life of a contractor. If I didn't have to work for a living it would be interesting serving on a jury. I could pretend I'm on Law and Order or The Good Wife! :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
~ Interesting! ~
I heard on the news today interesting new medical opinions about mammograms. I'm sure many disagree with the new suggestions for women waiting until they are 50 to get their first mammogram and even then getting one every few years. But I have to agree with some of the statements that were made with this announcement. It was 2 1/2 years ago when I posted this blog with my own opinion not too far off what this new medical opinion is.
I know many are against this new idea as it has been been said to us for so many years that we all need mammograms at age 40 and every year thereafter and how important self-exams are. I am still for self-exams as that doesn't cost anything and doesn't involve needless mammograms that lead to possibly more needless tests, such as long as women who do them do not get all upset about a lump they find until they've seen their doctor and determine if it really something to be concerned about (hopefully without a lot of excessive testing). Many women have lumpy breasts until they have reached midlife and this may cause some undue stress.
Since I am already over 50 and have a family history of cancer with my sister being a breast cancer survivor I will still get my mammogram every year or so, but if I were younger and there was no family history, I'd probably wait. But that is just me, everyone can form their own opinion, and perhaps think outside the conventional thinking that we've all been taught to follow.
Off my soap box now about that....only one more week until youngest daughter comes home for Thanksgiving. I'm really looking forward to that and seeing my other daughter and her fiance' the next week. I'm really excited about seeing New Moon too! I am trying not to get my expectations too high as I don't want to be disappointed like I was at the last Harry Potter movie. Hopefully it will be just as good as Twilight.
I know many are against this new idea as it has been been said to us for so many years that we all need mammograms at age 40 and every year thereafter and how important self-exams are. I am still for self-exams as that doesn't cost anything and doesn't involve needless mammograms that lead to possibly more needless tests, such as long as women who do them do not get all upset about a lump they find until they've seen their doctor and determine if it really something to be concerned about (hopefully without a lot of excessive testing). Many women have lumpy breasts until they have reached midlife and this may cause some undue stress.
Since I am already over 50 and have a family history of cancer with my sister being a breast cancer survivor I will still get my mammogram every year or so, but if I were younger and there was no family history, I'd probably wait. But that is just me, everyone can form their own opinion, and perhaps think outside the conventional thinking that we've all been taught to follow.
Off my soap box now about that....only one more week until youngest daughter comes home for Thanksgiving. I'm really looking forward to that and seeing my other daughter and her fiance' the next week. I'm really excited about seeing New Moon too! I am trying not to get my expectations too high as I don't want to be disappointed like I was at the last Harry Potter movie. Hopefully it will be just as good as Twilight.
Monday, November 16, 2009
quick blog..
I realized that I haven't blogged since Friday so I wanted to write a quick one before turning in for the night. Got a call from the vet and our Shelby's blood sugar level is still too high so we are up to 6 cc per shot. Oye. I hope it gets under control soon. She SEEMS better and I know she is gaining a little weight back so that is good, but I want it to be regulated and under control already! She's a real trooper at least and is really good about standing still for her shots.
I told my mom last Friday at lunch that I would go to the dentist with her. She has 3 teeth that are decayed and need to have something done to them. The dentist suggested pulling 2 of them but my mom was looking into getting at least one saved with root canal and a crown. She visited the root canal specialist though and got the standard information document that covers them and forewarns about every possible medical mishap that can occur with anesthesia. So that scared her too. I went with her back to the dentist today and she asked a lot of questions. In the end, she decided to go ahead and get at least 2 of the teeth pulled, think she is letting the 3rd go for now. I'm glad she has made the decision but I also find it amazing how all consuming the time spent worrying about it she went through. To me it was not a major decision needing so much thought, research, contemplation, etc. There are a lot more major medical issues that can cause that kind of worry.
I hope I don't change. I hope that I will always stay the positive person I am. I never want to worry about things that are not life altering! Life is so much better with a positive outlook on life! I probably should have sung that song for her..Don't worry...be happy. :)
I'm almost out of battery power so I'm going to end this here.
I told my mom last Friday at lunch that I would go to the dentist with her. She has 3 teeth that are decayed and need to have something done to them. The dentist suggested pulling 2 of them but my mom was looking into getting at least one saved with root canal and a crown. She visited the root canal specialist though and got the standard information document that covers them and forewarns about every possible medical mishap that can occur with anesthesia. So that scared her too. I went with her back to the dentist today and she asked a lot of questions. In the end, she decided to go ahead and get at least 2 of the teeth pulled, think she is letting the 3rd go for now. I'm glad she has made the decision but I also find it amazing how all consuming the time spent worrying about it she went through. To me it was not a major decision needing so much thought, research, contemplation, etc. There are a lot more major medical issues that can cause that kind of worry.
I hope I don't change. I hope that I will always stay the positive person I am. I never want to worry about things that are not life altering! Life is so much better with a positive outlook on life! I probably should have sung that song for her..Don't worry...be happy. :)
I'm almost out of battery power so I'm going to end this here.
Friday, November 13, 2009
T G I F !
There is something about Fridays that is very relaxing. I suppose it is the harbinger of the weekend to come but most weekends I work right through, so that really doesn't affect me. I think it is just the idea that Fridays are the last official work day of the week most places and I never can get the T.G.I.F. concept out of my head. This is a good thing! It is good to have a day where the pressure of life is relaxed a bit and the coming of the weekend brings a smile to my face, no matter what I am going to be doing. Besides I often still do something relaxing during the weekend, whether it be watching a classic movie on TV, or going out to the movies or to dinner. YIKES...okay I just realized it is Friday THE 13th! So...cautiously relaxed is the theme for today.
Well I did it. I emailed my siblings about cutting out the Christmas gift exchange and to my relief two of them (well one already agreed to it last year), considered me brave for bringing it up and agreed with me. They just didn't want to be the ones to bring up the idea in case there was ill will as a result. But it went over better than I expected! I still haven't heard back from my younger sister. She is the one who had her child late in life and he is only 8. But I am still getting him something! I am glad I did this though. It is a huge weight off my shoulders. Now I don't have to think about what to get, where to get it, crowded parking lots, lines, or extra shipping if I had just decided to buy everything online. ;-)
Still getting our daughters something and my folks but that really narrows down the shopping list.
This is our second Christmas with Wood Stock being at its new location. I sure hope we get some great holiday sales. It would sure boost our spirits and the decision to move it closer to home would finally appear to have been more worthwhile. So..fingers crossed there.
I really miss having my youngest here and I know she misses us too. So glad Thanksgiving isn't far away and hoping both daughters will be home to visit!
off to start my work day...
Well I did it. I emailed my siblings about cutting out the Christmas gift exchange and to my relief two of them (well one already agreed to it last year), considered me brave for bringing it up and agreed with me. They just didn't want to be the ones to bring up the idea in case there was ill will as a result. But it went over better than I expected! I still haven't heard back from my younger sister. She is the one who had her child late in life and he is only 8. But I am still getting him something! I am glad I did this though. It is a huge weight off my shoulders. Now I don't have to think about what to get, where to get it, crowded parking lots, lines, or extra shipping if I had just decided to buy everything online. ;-)
Still getting our daughters something and my folks but that really narrows down the shopping list.
This is our second Christmas with Wood Stock being at its new location. I sure hope we get some great holiday sales. It would sure boost our spirits and the decision to move it closer to home would finally appear to have been more worthwhile. So..fingers crossed there.
I really miss having my youngest here and I know she misses us too. So glad Thanksgiving isn't far away and hoping both daughters will be home to visit!
off to start my work day...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
~ Veterans Day ~

I hope everyone takes some time out today to thank all our Veterans, those still with us and those that have passed on for serving our Country. I also said a silent prayer for those currently serving that they are safe and return home safely when the time comes. Everyone has either a relative or knows someone who has a relative or friend who bravely served our country, so take a minute if you haven't already.
Of course I forgot no mail service today and already checked my mailbox. :P
I can't help it...I have to work today and so it was easily forgotten.
The weather around here is hitting that strange time of year when it is in the 50s in the morning and 75 by afternoon. Sweaters on...sweaters off...that's okay. I still do not miss the snows of Pennsylvania!
Update on the pink Yoplait lids..I now have 31 lids and I think I have 3 or so left in the fridge and then they'll all get sent in for my part in the fight against breast cancer.
The new fridge is working out fine but it is noisy. Since we opted for a cheaper style the coils are on the outside back and may be one of the reason it is rather noisy when it is in its cooling cycle. BUT we can fit through the doorway perfectly without budging and it will be so much easier to move to clean behind and underneath. And the trim to the door is back up...the old one was THAT tight that my hub had to remove the trim to get it in next to the counter.
One unfortunate thing is since one of our shelties is going blind from having diabetes she has walked into it since it is black. Poor thing. I have to admit I had a hard time not laughing a little. I think once she gets used to it being there she'll be fine. Since it is a shiny black I'm surprised one of the other ones isn't staring at it and barking like he does at house windows that are reflecting his image when we go for walks. :)
One thing that I can guarantee almost daily is laughter. That's for sure!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Back to Basics..
Got our new 9.7 cu ft fridge today. The delivery man thought he was bringing the wrong one because he saw the space and our old huge 20something cu ft one over at the end of the kitchen. He even asked my hub if he brought the right one. I think we probably shocked him. Nobody ever seems to go back to the basic model, let alone a small one. Most people buy bigger, or sleeker, or built-in, or with more buttons and gizmos...not us. Less extras, less money, less trouble...hopefully.
He told my hub that this one did not have an ice maker as he saw the old one had a water line from the wall. My hub said that we didn't want that! It would only break or leak or something eventually and we'd rather not mess with that. The befuddled delivery man finished setting up our new fridge, took away our old one, and left.
My hub saved the door of our old one to take pics of the part behind the framing for the ice/water dispenser as it was corroded and rusting and again we only have had that fridge for a little over 4 years, and we paid $2000 for it! He intends to write to Sears.
Headed to bed. Long work day and my brain doesn't want to think anymore!
He told my hub that this one did not have an ice maker as he saw the old one had a water line from the wall. My hub said that we didn't want that! It would only break or leak or something eventually and we'd rather not mess with that. The befuddled delivery man finished setting up our new fridge, took away our old one, and left.
My hub saved the door of our old one to take pics of the part behind the framing for the ice/water dispenser as it was corroded and rusting and again we only have had that fridge for a little over 4 years, and we paid $2000 for it! He intends to write to Sears.
Headed to bed. Long work day and my brain doesn't want to think anymore!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fun Friday
I went to lunch today with my mom and we met my sister to celebrate her birthday at Olive Garden. I just LOVE their bread sticks, don't you? I don't get there very often as it is not real close to home, but since we were celebrating my sister's last birthday in her 40's, it was nice to get away from my desk for once and relax. I was a little anxious when we had to wait to get seated...I didn't expect that for Lunch but since it is Friday I guess that shouldn't surprise me.
When I got in my car with mom to head back home I glanced at the clock and it was 3:15 !! I thought that was a really LONG lunch. Turns out, I just never changed the time in my car clock as I just don't think about it much and haven't really driven a lot since the time change either. Was glad to see I really hadn't taken a 3 hour lunch!
I also took Shelby back for her blood sugar test again which was still in the upper 400s. There is a different test the vet may take if the next one is still high as the vet said sometimes the blood sugar spikes when a pet is anxious about being there. And that could easily be Shelby's case. Her lips quiver she is so nervous! Next appointment is next Thursday.
Let's see what else....I have 28 Yoplait lids saved now and I think I have 4 more pink lidded yogurts in my fridge. This coming Monday is shopping day but we are getting a new small refrigerator delivered and getting our big one out, so I may just get a few things.
Our refrigerator is breaking. The icemaker doesn't work and now the water dispenser doesn't work and you can see where it has rusted underneath the finish in one spot where it is bubbled up. It is not a worthy fridge for only being a little over 4 years old. I do not recommend the Sears counter depth side by side!
We are getting a small 9.7 cu ft Top Freezer model in black. We are planning on painting the cabinets white or close to a white color and I thought it might look nice having a black fridge and it may not show the dirt as fast as a white one would. I know it isn't going to have nearly the room but we have another spare refrigerator in the garage so I will have that to use too. Since there are only two of us now (for the most part), I think it will be fine. We're just going back to no ice and water maker either and getting a water cooler and using ice trays. Back to basics...less risk of breaking down.
When I got in my car with mom to head back home I glanced at the clock and it was 3:15 !! I thought that was a really LONG lunch. Turns out, I just never changed the time in my car clock as I just don't think about it much and haven't really driven a lot since the time change either. Was glad to see I really hadn't taken a 3 hour lunch!
I also took Shelby back for her blood sugar test again which was still in the upper 400s. There is a different test the vet may take if the next one is still high as the vet said sometimes the blood sugar spikes when a pet is anxious about being there. And that could easily be Shelby's case. Her lips quiver she is so nervous! Next appointment is next Thursday.
Let's see what else....I have 28 Yoplait lids saved now and I think I have 4 more pink lidded yogurts in my fridge. This coming Monday is shopping day but we are getting a new small refrigerator delivered and getting our big one out, so I may just get a few things.
Our refrigerator is breaking. The icemaker doesn't work and now the water dispenser doesn't work and you can see where it has rusted underneath the finish in one spot where it is bubbled up. It is not a worthy fridge for only being a little over 4 years old. I do not recommend the Sears counter depth side by side!
We are getting a small 9.7 cu ft Top Freezer model in black. We are planning on painting the cabinets white or close to a white color and I thought it might look nice having a black fridge and it may not show the dirt as fast as a white one would. I know it isn't going to have nearly the room but we have another spare refrigerator in the garage so I will have that to use too. Since there are only two of us now (for the most part), I think it will be fine. We're just going back to no ice and water maker either and getting a water cooler and using ice trays. Back to basics...less risk of breaking down.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It is getting to be that time of year already! Christmas ads have already been showing on my television and stores have all their displays up with all the glitz and glimmer of the season. Nooooooo!!! I don't think I have last Christmas bills paid off yet. Well I do but either way, I am not ready for this.
I need to muster up the courage to let my siblings know that I do not want to exchange gifts anymore. We are all adults with families of our own and have for some time now. I loathe the idea of going into more debt and buy all family members gifts. I am hoping that it doesn't go over too terribly bad. I hate being labeled a Scrooge, but that isn't it. There has to come a point where the extended gift giving ends.
I don't mind getting something for my one newphew because he is still young, I think he is 8. But the rest of my siblings children are teens or older and like I said it just is not necessary at this point to keep up the family tradition. I already agreed with my brother last year who was thinking the same thing. I just have to tell my other 2 sisters that they can spare themselves trying to figure out what I and my family want! There, that sounds diplomatic doesn't it?
I still will probably get my folks something and of course something for our two daughters. But that is it. We do not even get anything for each other any more at Christmas but we both know that less debt is enough present for the both of us. :)
Well it was another long work day for me and Conan is on, so I'm going to crawl in bed and watch a few minutes of it before I fall asleep for the night.
Monday, November 2, 2009
short post
Took Shelby to the vet today for her 2nd blood test since starting the Insulin. Her blood sugar was a little bit lower in the mid 400s, so we were told to increase it a little again. She has actually gained almost a half a pound so I'm encouraged by that! Hopefully she is not in any kind of pain, she doesn't seem to be but she just seems so frail. One day at a time...
Busy day at work, so I'm tired and just got done. Going to watch the news and part of Conan if I can stay awake that long.
Oh I DID turn the heat on yesterday for a few hours in the morning to warm up the house some. But I reached my goal at least. I was able to wait until November 1st!
Busy day at work, so I'm tired and just got done. Going to watch the news and part of Conan if I can stay awake that long.
Oh I DID turn the heat on yesterday for a few hours in the morning to warm up the house some. But I reached my goal at least. I was able to wait until November 1st!
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