It is getting to be that time of year already! Christmas ads have already been showing on my television and stores have all their displays up with all the glitz and glimmer of the season. Nooooooo!!! I don't think I have last Christmas bills paid off yet. Well I do but either way, I am not ready for this.
I need to muster up the courage to let my siblings know that I do not want to exchange gifts anymore. We are all adults with families of our own and have for some time now. I loathe the idea of going into more debt and buy all family members gifts. I am hoping that it doesn't go over too terribly bad. I hate being labeled a Scrooge, but that isn't it. There has to come a point where the extended gift giving ends.
I don't mind getting something for my one newphew because he is still young, I think he is 8. But the rest of my siblings children are teens or older and like I said it just is not necessary at this point to keep up the family tradition. I already agreed with my brother last year who was thinking the same thing. I just have to tell my other 2 sisters that they can spare themselves trying to figure out what I and my family want! There, that sounds diplomatic doesn't it?
I still will probably get my folks something and of course something for our two daughters. But that is it. We do not even get anything for each other any more at Christmas but we both know that less debt is enough present for the both of us. :)
Well it was another long work day for me and Conan is on, so I'm going to crawl in bed and watch a few minutes of it before I fall asleep for the night.
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