I hope everyone takes some time out today to thank all our Veterans, those still with us and those that have passed on for serving our Country. I also said a silent prayer for those currently serving that they are safe and return home safely when the time comes. Everyone has either a relative or knows someone who has a relative or friend who bravely served our country, so take a minute if you haven't already.
Of course I forgot no mail service today and already checked my mailbox. :P
I can't help it...I have to work today and so it was easily forgotten.
The weather around here is hitting that strange time of year when it is in the 50s in the morning and 75 by afternoon. Sweaters on...sweaters off...that's okay. I still do not miss the snows of Pennsylvania!
Update on the pink Yoplait lids..I now have 31 lids and I think I have 3 or so left in the fridge and then they'll all get sent in for my part in the fight against breast cancer.
The new fridge is working out fine but it is noisy. Since we opted for a cheaper style the coils are on the outside back and may be one of the reason it is rather noisy when it is in its cooling cycle. BUT we can fit through the doorway perfectly without budging and it will be so much easier to move to clean behind and underneath. And the trim to the door is back up...the old one was THAT tight that my hub had to remove the trim to get it in next to the counter.
One unfortunate thing is since one of our shelties is going blind from having diabetes she has walked into it since it is black. Poor thing. I have to admit I had a hard time not laughing a little. I think once she gets used to it being there she'll be fine. Since it is a shiny black I'm surprised one of the other ones isn't staring at it and barking like he does at house windows that are reflecting his image when we go for walks. :)
One thing that I can guarantee almost daily is laughter. That's for sure!
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