Last evening while my hubby and I were eating dinner, the phone was my youngest. She just had a scary experience. I asked her if she was okay. She said "Yes". I asked if she hit someone and she said "No", but she had to jam on her brakes and they screeched and her tires smoked and laid black tread marks on the road for a bit. She did stop in time and that is all that matters. After she felt calm enough to start driving again the rest of her drive back went well. She was somewhat paying attention but also told me her mind was on the class she just had in Physics. It is easy to get distracted while driving, even if you are not on a cell phone. She knows she is going to have to pay better attention especially on those roads that have a higher speed limit when things can happen like 'That'!
My oldest was t-boned by a driver back in February and luckily she was okay but her car wasn't. Could she have avoided the accident? I guess possibly but it wasn't her fault. The other car came from her left and either thought he could jump out or turn right in front of her and he wasn't paying enough attention is my guess.
Memories of some of my own experiences came flooding back after I got off the phone last night with my youngest. I remember driving home from a church dinner one evening by myself as a teen. It was probably a fellowship group gathering or something. I had a pot on the passenger side floor with a lid on it and I recall it still had some food in it that didn't get consumed. I had made a turn and the lid had slid off. I immediately thought of food ending up all over my dad's Cadillac floor and reached down for the lid. I looked up for a moment and was headed straight for a telephone pole. You don't realize as a teenager when you lean down you can be unaware that you are turning your steering wheel even the slightest bit, and it can be deadly. I immediately turned the steering wheel to the left and was able to avoid hitting the pole and the rest of the ride home did not worry about any lid falling off given the alternative of what almost Did happen!
Another time when I was dating my now husband, I was driving out to his house and was on a two lane country road following a stream of traffic headed to that town my then boyfriend lived in. I thought I had something in my eye and I looked in the rear view mirror trying to find an eyelash, piece of lint or whatever was irritating it! When I looked ahead again just a second later, the cars in front of me had stopped. I to this day think an angel took hold of my actions because I swerved to the right went on some grass made it up to a driveway and then turned left and stopped. I was not going slow either! There I was on the driveway (as if waiting to turn right back out into traffic). I don't know how I did all that. THAT is why I think an angel was surely making me do what I did. If I had hit the car in front of me I would have been going at least 30 if not 40 mph and probably would have been severely injured as I don't think the car I had then had air bags.
I'm sure there are some other close calls..but those are the two that come to mind first. At least I am proud to say I am not ever on my cell phone when I am driving and don't ever text either so that helps. Of course I'll take the help of any angels anytime too....and they are always welcome to help my girls out as well!!
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