I don't know what it is lately but I have started to care about bug's feelings.. yes bugs!
It wasn't long ago I posted this picture on facebook.
I had never seek a stick bug before and it was a neat thing to get a snapshot of, but my hubby noticed that it was still near there the next day, just down to the next window sill area. I just passed it off that it liked it on our back porch. But a day or so later it didn't look like it was moving any more. The poor thing had died. And I felt bad. I wondered if it would have lived if we would have put it on a tree or on the grass, if it might have lived. Who knows. I just felt a little sad for our new back porch resident.
Then the other day there was a wasp that kept flying around me and landed on the screen on the window in my office and I shut the window so that I wouldn't feel the need to keep ducking every time I heard its wings buzzing near my head. I was giving it a chance at survival though. There is a small hole in the screen that it could get through and be outside if it was smart enough to go to that small hole and climb out. But hubby saw it later on in the afternoon and injured it by smacking the screen with his hand..and I saw it dragging one of its legs after that. Long story short, found it the next morning in the window sill as it had not survived. I was a little mad at my hub for hurting it because I was giving it a fair chance of escape, and because he injured it, it died. It isn't like there are not tons of wasps around here. In fact there are nests all over the place on the house outside..but again I just felt bad for this insect.
And yesterday we picked up my youngest's car after being inspected and just kept the windows down on the way back and one of those katydid's at least that's what I call them, the things with the wings that make a lot of noise...got in the car, freaking my daughter out. Lucky for her I was driving home (she left her license at home). When we got home I was using a coat hanger and trying to coax it out from the back windshield where it kept buzzing and trying to get out the back. I couldn't get it to come out. I got a large metal spatula from the kitchen to try to get it out and only achieved wedging it further into the back windshield and alas, it too didn't make it. Again I felt a little sad.
So what is it?? Just getting damn sappy in my old age?..that I am starting to feel bad for the bugs that die?
Okay..wait.. I STILL hate those huge big black roach like things that get in the house...those things I do NOT feel sorry for, but for many of the other species of bugs...yup getting sappy.
I can't help wanting to kill every bug I come across- at least there are people like us to balance each other out. Come to think of it, I usually can't bring myself to kill the bug. I have to get Dustin to do it. The other night I had to wake him up at 4am because I noticed a spider near my corner of the bed.