It is about 30 minutes before midnight here. I thought I'd pop in and say Happy New Year!
Went to dinner with a couple friends a little earlier and now are just waiting for the ball to drop although I will miss hearing Dick Clark wish everyone a Happy New Year this year.
I hope that 2013 brings health, happiness and peace! That is a tall order I know but I can at least hope!
I've got my own goals as well. Not resolutions but goals. I would really like to be able to have our bathroom renovated by the end of 2013. I'd like a better (more vast) balcony garden this year too. If these two things can be accomplished I will be happy!
I see hub in the chair, has not quite made it to watch the ball drop. He is sound asleep. I'll wake him up a few minutes before. Now's my chance to change the TV station from Pawn Stars to New Year's Rockin' Eve!
6/23/13 ** Just changed the name of my blog. I am now officially an empty nester ** My countdown started in 2009 to becoming an empty nester as my youngest was headed to college. Now I just blog about whatever I feel like for as long as I feel like...
Monday, December 31, 2012
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Saturday for REAL
Having most of this week off, has made me think it was Saturday so many times, so I can say I have the right day for once! :)
My youngest went back to her college town yesterday and is set to fly out to PA this morning. Luckily it looks like the flight is on schedule. I wasn't real sure when heard about the prediction for some snow back east to hit today. It sounds like it will only be a few inches so all should go as planned.
Since we cleaned the house pretty thoroughly for Christmas, I don't have to think about cleaning this weekend, just doing laundry. That reminds me, have to put some clothes in the dryer...
I'm back. No real plans today. I'm watching Pit Bulls and Parolees on TV. I admire that lady for rescuing Pitt bulls and trying to find new homes for them. I admit, I am very cautious whenever I am near them and tend to avoid them. I can't help it. I am trying to change my attitude about them, especially after I watch a few episodes of this show.
At least I feel we do our part by adopting rescued shelties and shellions (we think Ditzy is papillon/sheltie mix). We also took care of some friend's dogs while they were away at Christmas.
On top of that we also tried to let my youngest's dog stay here but she is a lot bigger than our dogs. I would guess she is blue heeler/lab mix. She is a doll and adorable but she kept barking at our dogs wanting to play with them and that resulted in them snapping at her and avoiding her like the plague. Although she was taking their warnings, I wasn't sure if she might just snap back. Stac called her boyfriend to say he had to take her back to his folks house. They only have one dog who is older and they had agreed to watch her anyway, so I didn't even know we'd be trying to deal with it. My hubby was stressed out over all the dog situations so that compounded the problem. One of the dogs we tried to take care of for our friends would not come to us at ALL and did not eat for two days. They had 4 dogs that we were going over to feed twice a day. Hub says never again and I agree, although it was easier once someone that the scared dog knew, picked him up and took care of him for the rest of the time.
Now everything is back to normal and we survived Christmas! :)
My youngest went back to her college town yesterday and is set to fly out to PA this morning. Luckily it looks like the flight is on schedule. I wasn't real sure when heard about the prediction for some snow back east to hit today. It sounds like it will only be a few inches so all should go as planned.
Since we cleaned the house pretty thoroughly for Christmas, I don't have to think about cleaning this weekend, just doing laundry. That reminds me, have to put some clothes in the dryer...
I'm back. No real plans today. I'm watching Pit Bulls and Parolees on TV. I admire that lady for rescuing Pitt bulls and trying to find new homes for them. I admit, I am very cautious whenever I am near them and tend to avoid them. I can't help it. I am trying to change my attitude about them, especially after I watch a few episodes of this show.
At least I feel we do our part by adopting rescued shelties and shellions (we think Ditzy is papillon/sheltie mix). We also took care of some friend's dogs while they were away at Christmas.
On top of that we also tried to let my youngest's dog stay here but she is a lot bigger than our dogs. I would guess she is blue heeler/lab mix. She is a doll and adorable but she kept barking at our dogs wanting to play with them and that resulted in them snapping at her and avoiding her like the plague. Although she was taking their warnings, I wasn't sure if she might just snap back. Stac called her boyfriend to say he had to take her back to his folks house. They only have one dog who is older and they had agreed to watch her anyway, so I didn't even know we'd be trying to deal with it. My hubby was stressed out over all the dog situations so that compounded the problem. One of the dogs we tried to take care of for our friends would not come to us at ALL and did not eat for two days. They had 4 dogs that we were going over to feed twice a day. Hub says never again and I agree, although it was easier once someone that the scared dog knew, picked him up and took care of him for the rest of the time.
Now everything is back to normal and we survived Christmas! :)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Christmas musings..
Our youngest got here Christmas Eve after 10:30pm, so I did not stay up real long to visit as it was getting late. But it was nice to know she was home safe and sound and there was plenty of time to visit during the next few days.
Christmas morning I decided I wasn't going to bother exercising since after all it was Christmas! So that was my little gift to me. :) After Stac came downstairs we watched her open up her gifts. She liked all of them, but part of the gift was also to get some more clothes that would be student teaching appropriate since she will be doing that next semester. Schools frown upon teachers wearing jeans and sweat shirts. :)
I got my crock pot meat loaf and potatoes started and then we baked some old fashioned sugar cookies, you know the kind you roll out, then use cookie cutters in different shapes, then decorate. We used Christmas trees, angels, rocking horses and I forget, one other shape I think. They are not my favorite cookie and rather a pain with all the steps, but my mom put in a special request for them, so we made them. They sure made the kitchen smell great!
Then we went over and visited my folks up the road for a little and took over some warm cookies and a gift I had gotten my mom. She had mentioned a CD player but did not want the kind with ear plugs. I found just the right size one. After we got to my parents and seated ourselves in their living room my dad started in on a story about how he was looking for a CD player. I looked at my hub and he looked at me. I started to try to remember where I put the receipt! Back to my dad's story, he confused the worker and himself (I guess) about speakers separate from the player and it ended up that he did NOT get one. So I turned to my mom and smiled and told her she should open her gift. She did and she likes it but didn't recall telling me about the CD player desire at all. She apparently DID tell my dad. She had just told me last Tuesday but I guess she forgot. She is 85 so I can't expect her to remember everything. I thanked my dad for not getting one but also apologized that I got one and he didn't.
My dad has a portable bridge game that has a button that is not functioning. He had wanted me to find out if it could be sent back to be repaired as the exact game is not made any longer. I actually found some on an online auction website (although have not purchased yet), so I just gave him a note saying a replacement game will come). While he appreciates that, he still wants to see about sending his back for repair. Ugh! I was trying to avoid having to get into that, but guess I will try to find out for him. I haven't done anything about it yet as Stac is still here visiting.
We were going to go into town to shop yesterday but it was only suppose to get up to the mid 40's..brrrr.. That is COLD for central Texas. Today's forecast was partly cloudy and high of 54 so thought it would be better to go today. Although we went and had a great time and she got some new clothes...the weather sucked! It was drizzly all afternoon and never got above 45 degrees out. I hate when they are that OFF with the weather forecast when walking around outside!
That is done though, dinner too. So we are relaxing now, watching TV, and I have the smallest furkid in my lap while I am typing with one hand blogging. I loved having off this week so far, but I keep forgetting what day it is! :-)
Christmas morning I decided I wasn't going to bother exercising since after all it was Christmas! So that was my little gift to me. :) After Stac came downstairs we watched her open up her gifts. She liked all of them, but part of the gift was also to get some more clothes that would be student teaching appropriate since she will be doing that next semester. Schools frown upon teachers wearing jeans and sweat shirts. :)
I got my crock pot meat loaf and potatoes started and then we baked some old fashioned sugar cookies, you know the kind you roll out, then use cookie cutters in different shapes, then decorate. We used Christmas trees, angels, rocking horses and I forget, one other shape I think. They are not my favorite cookie and rather a pain with all the steps, but my mom put in a special request for them, so we made them. They sure made the kitchen smell great!
Then we went over and visited my folks up the road for a little and took over some warm cookies and a gift I had gotten my mom. She had mentioned a CD player but did not want the kind with ear plugs. I found just the right size one. After we got to my parents and seated ourselves in their living room my dad started in on a story about how he was looking for a CD player. I looked at my hub and he looked at me. I started to try to remember where I put the receipt! Back to my dad's story, he confused the worker and himself (I guess) about speakers separate from the player and it ended up that he did NOT get one. So I turned to my mom and smiled and told her she should open her gift. She did and she likes it but didn't recall telling me about the CD player desire at all. She apparently DID tell my dad. She had just told me last Tuesday but I guess she forgot. She is 85 so I can't expect her to remember everything. I thanked my dad for not getting one but also apologized that I got one and he didn't.
My dad has a portable bridge game that has a button that is not functioning. He had wanted me to find out if it could be sent back to be repaired as the exact game is not made any longer. I actually found some on an online auction website (although have not purchased yet), so I just gave him a note saying a replacement game will come). While he appreciates that, he still wants to see about sending his back for repair. Ugh! I was trying to avoid having to get into that, but guess I will try to find out for him. I haven't done anything about it yet as Stac is still here visiting.
We were going to go into town to shop yesterday but it was only suppose to get up to the mid 40's..brrrr.. That is COLD for central Texas. Today's forecast was partly cloudy and high of 54 so thought it would be better to go today. Although we went and had a great time and she got some new clothes...the weather sucked! It was drizzly all afternoon and never got above 45 degrees out. I hate when they are that OFF with the weather forecast when walking around outside!
That is done though, dinner too. So we are relaxing now, watching TV, and I have the smallest furkid in my lap while I am typing with one hand blogging. I loved having off this week so far, but I keep forgetting what day it is! :-)
Monday, December 24, 2012
Christmas Eve
Okay so we're not having a typical Christmas Eve. Many are gathered with family and/or close friends for dinner. Many are going to church whether it is their obligatory once a year appearance or whether it is to truly thank God for his son who we celebrate the birth of tomorrow.
I did do some cleaning today including toilet scrubbing. Yes on Christmas Eve! Right now we are watching Long Island Medium. I would be watching Its a Wonderful Life but my hubby is not interested in seeing it again. He doesn't know how I can like to watch this or other Christmas movies every year. But that is one of the things I like about Christmas! :) Call me corny but it isn't really Christmas unless I've seen White Christmas. I am planning on seeing it tomorrow with my youngest.
We are waiting for my youngest to get here later tonight after she is done her last day of work. She is going to be student teaching so she quit her job at JC Penney as she would not be able to fit that into her schedule. It is hard to believe she only has one more semester left and then she is done college! And if she doesn't come back home to live for a while.. that will be my full -fledged status as an empty nester. Oye! I don't want to think about it.
I won't think about it! I am just looking forward to her visit and can't wait to have her home again!
I did do some cleaning today including toilet scrubbing. Yes on Christmas Eve! Right now we are watching Long Island Medium. I would be watching Its a Wonderful Life but my hubby is not interested in seeing it again. He doesn't know how I can like to watch this or other Christmas movies every year. But that is one of the things I like about Christmas! :) Call me corny but it isn't really Christmas unless I've seen White Christmas. I am planning on seeing it tomorrow with my youngest.
We are waiting for my youngest to get here later tonight after she is done her last day of work. She is going to be student teaching so she quit her job at JC Penney as she would not be able to fit that into her schedule. It is hard to believe she only has one more semester left and then she is done college! And if she doesn't come back home to live for a while.. that will be my full -fledged status as an empty nester. Oye! I don't want to think about it.
I won't think about it! I am just looking forward to her visit and can't wait to have her home again!
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Apparently two nights ago I snored, all night long and loudly! My husband teased me about it from the moment I came into the kitchen yesterday morning. He was zinging me with comments like "even when you rolled over, I thought it would stop and then ...SSSSNNoooree.. you'd start in again", and "it was so bad, even the dogs were bothered. I looked over and saw Ditzy's paws in her ears"! Of course when one is sleeping soundly, one doesn't notice. I had no clue! Of course I shot back such comments as "well it was payback time, honey!" There have been plenty of times when he was rockin' the walls himself.
Anyway I recalled that the night before I had very challenging dreams. It was one of those nights that I was dealt with tasks in my dreams that never actually were achieved. I hate those kind of dreams and hate when I dream them. After all, aren't dreams suppose to be our down time, recharging activity time? A time for rest, relaxation, building up energy for the next day's tasks? Why then are they just as frustrating as some days sometimes?
So last night I was determined to attempt not to snore but also have nicer dreams. My hubby said I snored just once, well I let out one snort last night. So to me that meant that I did not snore. But I also remember having nicer dreams. I dreamt about riding bikes along rolling green hills, liking a man that was cute but was not mine.... yet.
I rarely dream about my husband, or my dogs for that matter. Once in a while my kids are in there but not that often. Wonder what that means? I would think my family would be in every dream I have ,but no. I am never my age in my dreams either. Wonder if it is that way for everyone? I am always young, pretty and quite often in love or at least lust with someone. Those are the good dreams that I like and welcome them any time. I choose to have those kind all the time, but we cannot pick what we dream about can we? Maybe if I think of the things I want to dream about right before going to sleep, that will help. Sometimes dreams seem to last forever too and others are way too short. The ones that seem to last all night long for me are the bad ones that I wake up remembering how frustrating they were.
Enough about that for now. Christmas eve is tomorrow and I have some gifts to wrap and will get some cookie dough ready to put in the fridge for baking on Christmas day with the youngest. My mom put in a request for old fashioned sugar cut out cookies so that is what I will get ready today.
I found out I have off tomorrow too, so that is great! I didn't remember we were told at training in October and I have a few days off this week anyway, so turns out I only have to work 1/2 day Friday! I have never had this much paid time off at Christmas, so I consider this fact alone a wonderful Christmas gift!
Anyway I recalled that the night before I had very challenging dreams. It was one of those nights that I was dealt with tasks in my dreams that never actually were achieved. I hate those kind of dreams and hate when I dream them. After all, aren't dreams suppose to be our down time, recharging activity time? A time for rest, relaxation, building up energy for the next day's tasks? Why then are they just as frustrating as some days sometimes?
So last night I was determined to attempt not to snore but also have nicer dreams. My hubby said I snored just once, well I let out one snort last night. So to me that meant that I did not snore. But I also remember having nicer dreams. I dreamt about riding bikes along rolling green hills, liking a man that was cute but was not mine.... yet.
I rarely dream about my husband, or my dogs for that matter. Once in a while my kids are in there but not that often. Wonder what that means? I would think my family would be in every dream I have ,but no. I am never my age in my dreams either. Wonder if it is that way for everyone? I am always young, pretty and quite often in love or at least lust with someone. Those are the good dreams that I like and welcome them any time. I choose to have those kind all the time, but we cannot pick what we dream about can we? Maybe if I think of the things I want to dream about right before going to sleep, that will help. Sometimes dreams seem to last forever too and others are way too short. The ones that seem to last all night long for me are the bad ones that I wake up remembering how frustrating they were.
Enough about that for now. Christmas eve is tomorrow and I have some gifts to wrap and will get some cookie dough ready to put in the fridge for baking on Christmas day with the youngest. My mom put in a request for old fashioned sugar cut out cookies so that is what I will get ready today.
I found out I have off tomorrow too, so that is great! I didn't remember we were told at training in October and I have a few days off this week anyway, so turns out I only have to work 1/2 day Friday! I have never had this much paid time off at Christmas, so I consider this fact alone a wonderful Christmas gift!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Friday before Christmas..
I was going to blog yesterday about the night before but I was dragging all day and was too tired to write. I didn't even walk or exercise at all! That's how I know I was beat!
Wednesday night there were winds with gusts upwards of 40 mph. Now i know that is not tornado force winds but let me tell you, when you have a metal roof, you notice when the wind is whipping. Something squeaks too. I think some flashing around the chimney that is metal may flap a little because it sounds like something is moving up there when the wind kicks up.
The winds were not suppose to start until around 2:00am. They started up when I was only in bed about 10 minutes watching the beginning of Jay Leno. So let's just say I did not fall asleep for a while! After 30 minutes, the television turned off (timer) and there I was listening to the wind and in between gusts hearing a dark barking incessantly outside. I felt bad for the dog having to be outdoors and I think it was just barking and barking to be let indoors, but wasn't getting anywhere. Then in addition to the wind and the dog barking I could hear a cup or can rolling up and down the street from the wind. It was almost comical! We had a window open because when we went to bed it was still 70 degrees outside!
The power went out twice for a moment, just long enough for the clocks to start blinking. Ugh! I tossed and turned for about an hour I'd guess then I came up with a brilliant idea! I wouldn't hear the wind so much if I turned the TV on and just kept it on low. Hubby was fine with that so I turned it on and Jimmy Fallon was still on. Okay that helped some for about 10 minutes....right when I was finally starting to drift off to sleep..then it went pitch BLACK. NO TV, no night light, no street lights outside, the power was OUT in the neighborhood. Just great! When that happens and there is not a glimmer of light from anywhere it is really pitch black!! I wondered for a moment if that is what it is like to be blind. I really wanted to SEE something. Finally my eyes started to adjust a tiny bit.
After another 5 minutes or so the power came back on and for the third time I was trying to set my clock guessing each time what time it was when the power went out. I didn't bother turning the TV on again. The power stayed on after that but the winds never let up. I remember looking at the clock several times. Why does time seem to drag when you are awake at night? Other times my head hits the pillow and I can't believe it is time to get up already the next morning?!
I would guess I got maybe 3 hours of sleep that night! I don't know how people function on a few hours of sleep! I've read how so many people don't get much sleep and they just live that way. I was grouchy, tired and couldn't wait for yesterday to be OVER! :) So glad I usually get 8 hours of sleep!
No wind last night thank God! :)
Wednesday night there were winds with gusts upwards of 40 mph. Now i know that is not tornado force winds but let me tell you, when you have a metal roof, you notice when the wind is whipping. Something squeaks too. I think some flashing around the chimney that is metal may flap a little because it sounds like something is moving up there when the wind kicks up.
The winds were not suppose to start until around 2:00am. They started up when I was only in bed about 10 minutes watching the beginning of Jay Leno. So let's just say I did not fall asleep for a while! After 30 minutes, the television turned off (timer) and there I was listening to the wind and in between gusts hearing a dark barking incessantly outside. I felt bad for the dog having to be outdoors and I think it was just barking and barking to be let indoors, but wasn't getting anywhere. Then in addition to the wind and the dog barking I could hear a cup or can rolling up and down the street from the wind. It was almost comical! We had a window open because when we went to bed it was still 70 degrees outside!
The power went out twice for a moment, just long enough for the clocks to start blinking. Ugh! I tossed and turned for about an hour I'd guess then I came up with a brilliant idea! I wouldn't hear the wind so much if I turned the TV on and just kept it on low. Hubby was fine with that so I turned it on and Jimmy Fallon was still on. Okay that helped some for about 10 minutes....right when I was finally starting to drift off to sleep..then it went pitch BLACK. NO TV, no night light, no street lights outside, the power was OUT in the neighborhood. Just great! When that happens and there is not a glimmer of light from anywhere it is really pitch black!! I wondered for a moment if that is what it is like to be blind. I really wanted to SEE something. Finally my eyes started to adjust a tiny bit.
After another 5 minutes or so the power came back on and for the third time I was trying to set my clock guessing each time what time it was when the power went out. I didn't bother turning the TV on again. The power stayed on after that but the winds never let up. I remember looking at the clock several times. Why does time seem to drag when you are awake at night? Other times my head hits the pillow and I can't believe it is time to get up already the next morning?!
I would guess I got maybe 3 hours of sleep that night! I don't know how people function on a few hours of sleep! I've read how so many people don't get much sleep and they just live that way. I was grouchy, tired and couldn't wait for yesterday to be OVER! :) So glad I usually get 8 hours of sleep!
No wind last night thank God! :)
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Stopping by
Thought I'd take a few minutes and blog a little.
Oh I wanted to show a few pictures of a bigger than normal size little gecko that was hiding in our laundry bag. My husband discovered it (thankfully, as I would have likely screamed..mostly due to surprise). These were the pictures he took. This thing was a bit of a chameleon with how well it blended in to the rug on the floor. He did not capture it though as it scurried off somewhere. Every night before we turn in he checks under the covers to make sure it isn't in our bed!
I have been busy working and if not working, working on the angel card project that I participate in. I got all of them done. I mailed out 295 of them. Add that to the 34 personal cards and I have sent a LOT of cards out this year. I know a lot of people just don't send cards any more. Postage keeps going up, greeting cards aren't cheap and who has the time?! Well this is one thing that I enjoy doing. My one charitable thing at the holidays, well one of them. We also bought dog food, cat food, kitten food and toys for the Georgetown Animal Shelter and took that over today since we had to renew our dogs licenses anyway. They were very appreciative and we like to help. I don't have a lot of spare time to help with walking dogs, etc., so at least we gave by providing some things they always need.
Oh I wanted to show a few pictures of a bigger than normal size little gecko that was hiding in our laundry bag. My husband discovered it (thankfully, as I would have likely screamed..mostly due to surprise). These were the pictures he took. This thing was a bit of a chameleon with how well it blended in to the rug on the floor. He did not capture it though as it scurried off somewhere. Every night before we turn in he checks under the covers to make sure it isn't in our bed!
I have been busy working and if not working, working on the angel card project that I participate in. I got all of them done. I mailed out 295 of them. Add that to the 34 personal cards and I have sent a LOT of cards out this year. I know a lot of people just don't send cards any more. Postage keeps going up, greeting cards aren't cheap and who has the time?! Well this is one thing that I enjoy doing. My one charitable thing at the holidays, well one of them. We also bought dog food, cat food, kitten food and toys for the Georgetown Animal Shelter and took that over today since we had to renew our dogs licenses anyway. They were very appreciative and we like to help. I don't have a lot of spare time to help with walking dogs, etc., so at least we gave by providing some things they always need.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Taking a moment
Before I get to work in a few minutes, thought I'd take a moment. The angel card project I participate in is going full force now....I got over 100 Christmas cards done so far. I'm just waiting for some ink I ordered to print out more photos of the dogs to put in them. I do that to give folks a little something to make them smile. (the photo is in Nov 25th blog).
I am getting busier with work as well and worked this weekend, first weekend in nearly two months. I am finally getting comfortable with my current position and am happy to get over for the most part the learning curve of starting at a new place. :)
I haven't been able to (or took the time to) visit the local Farmers Market on Thursday afternoons the way I like to and have really missed making some fresh vegetables. I know I could get them at the store, but with so many things being treated with pesticides or being GMO (genetically modified organisms) food that is not so healthy for you. So I started getting Greenling delivered to me. It is wonderful! It is locally grown (in TX) fruit and produce that I can either hand pick or purchase by the box.
I get the 'local box' delivered and have gotten it twice so far. I order every 3 weeks or so. It is fresh, local, they deliver and they provide recipes too! That part I love as some times I get things I've never even heard of! This last order I got a butternut squash and Kohlrabi. I still have to see what part of the Kohlrabi one even eats, but it is fun! I never had butternut squash before. I used the butternut squash last night in a recipe I found online for roasted vegetables (the recipe that came in the box was for mashed butternut squash and I did'nt really want to make that. Snapped a photo below.
Everything it it except the red peppers (from my own garden) was from my order: onion, shitaki mushrooms, green peppers, and of course butternut squash. It turned out to be a wonderful tasty dish! Of course hub didn't eat it as he likes none of those I froze some to have as my veges with two other meals.
Well better get to work.
I am getting busier with work as well and worked this weekend, first weekend in nearly two months. I am finally getting comfortable with my current position and am happy to get over for the most part the learning curve of starting at a new place. :)
I haven't been able to (or took the time to) visit the local Farmers Market on Thursday afternoons the way I like to and have really missed making some fresh vegetables. I know I could get them at the store, but with so many things being treated with pesticides or being GMO (genetically modified organisms) food that is not so healthy for you. So I started getting Greenling delivered to me. It is wonderful! It is locally grown (in TX) fruit and produce that I can either hand pick or purchase by the box.
I get the 'local box' delivered and have gotten it twice so far. I order every 3 weeks or so. It is fresh, local, they deliver and they provide recipes too! That part I love as some times I get things I've never even heard of! This last order I got a butternut squash and Kohlrabi. I still have to see what part of the Kohlrabi one even eats, but it is fun! I never had butternut squash before. I used the butternut squash last night in a recipe I found online for roasted vegetables (the recipe that came in the box was for mashed butternut squash and I did'nt really want to make that. Snapped a photo below.
Everything it it except the red peppers (from my own garden) was from my order: onion, shitaki mushrooms, green peppers, and of course butternut squash. It turned out to be a wonderful tasty dish! Of course hub didn't eat it as he likes none of those I froze some to have as my veges with two other meals.
Well better get to work.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Okay. I went on my Desktop since I wanted to post the photos of the fireplace. Also took a picture of the lights we have outside too. Wanted to get these up before I went back to work. So here they are. :-)
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Decorating done...even though it was over 80 outside today
We got our Christmas decorations up. Yah!!!
We do not put up as many as we used to, but hubby did put some up outside (I'll take a picture at night soon to post, and I put some up in the fireplace. Here is a picture. Think it looks warm, and cozy and oh yes..Christmas-y.
Okay well I couldn't upload the picture. I'm using a new laptop I got and can't get the image to upload. Gotta love new technology. Not! It took me a bit getting Windows Live mail to work for me as I am used to Outlook or Outlook Express only and they always have to make changes to programs and names so that we can keep having to learn new things every time we get a computer. I wasn't going to get a new laptop but my old Toshiba was just getting really sluggish and it has actually been the laptop that lasted me the longest, longer than two others I had. And I used it when my oldest was still in high school (think I got it in 2003/2004) so that is how long I've used that one.
I still have it for a back up and for some emails that I'm sure I was saving for some reason, but this one is very nice with very beautiful clear colors/photos.
I'll post the fireplace picture later on this week as I'm getting pretty tired and just wanted to blog a little bit since it has been a week. Yes work is getting busy, so that is a good thing but that also means less time for blogging.
Well I am tired of trying to post the photo...good night.
We do not put up as many as we used to, but hubby did put some up outside (I'll take a picture at night soon to post, and I put some up in the fireplace. Here is a picture. Think it looks warm, and cozy and oh yes..Christmas-y.
Okay well I couldn't upload the picture. I'm using a new laptop I got and can't get the image to upload. Gotta love new technology. Not! It took me a bit getting Windows Live mail to work for me as I am used to Outlook or Outlook Express only and they always have to make changes to programs and names so that we can keep having to learn new things every time we get a computer. I wasn't going to get a new laptop but my old Toshiba was just getting really sluggish and it has actually been the laptop that lasted me the longest, longer than two others I had. And I used it when my oldest was still in high school (think I got it in 2003/2004) so that is how long I've used that one.
I still have it for a back up and for some emails that I'm sure I was saving for some reason, but this one is very nice with very beautiful clear colors/photos.
I'll post the fireplace picture later on this week as I'm getting pretty tired and just wanted to blog a little bit since it has been a week. Yes work is getting busy, so that is a good thing but that also means less time for blogging.
Well I am tired of trying to post the photo...good night.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
I did it!
As I promised myself, I went through my closet yesterday and got rid of a lot of clothes! We are going to take them to Goodwill. Hubby thinks a few may even be considered 'vintage'! :-)
I still do have some clothes left but let's just say there is plenty of room in the closet now for my new ones once they come. I'm excited!
In the afternoon yesterday, we went down to the Square and window shopped. We came to one eatery that had entertainment, a preteen girl (12 yrs old) singing and playing the piano, so we went inside and had a cold beer and relaxed for a bit there. I really do love our little town square and have to get down there more often. It is so quaint!
* * * *
Today I meant to get up earlier as I've been sleeping a little bit longer each day off. It is only going to make it that much harder to get up tomorrow to work. Oh well. Although we didn't do any Christmas decorating yet, I decided to get our furkids photo done for the Angel Christmas card project I participate in and for our own Christmas cards that we send. Hubby got the bed looking very festive and once again I managed to get a decent picture with his help, and the help of a bag of treats! This year is our first Christmas with little Ditzy (far left in picture), and she fits right in doesn't she?! We love her very much and she is such a sweetie pie....hasn't picked up too many bad habits from the others...yet. I have 81 photos printed out so far, so that is a good start. I try to send a card to every family on the angel project and some years that is close to 200 families!
I still do have some clothes left but let's just say there is plenty of room in the closet now for my new ones once they come. I'm excited!
In the afternoon yesterday, we went down to the Square and window shopped. We came to one eatery that had entertainment, a preteen girl (12 yrs old) singing and playing the piano, so we went inside and had a cold beer and relaxed for a bit there. I really do love our little town square and have to get down there more often. It is so quaint!
* * * *
Today I meant to get up earlier as I've been sleeping a little bit longer each day off. It is only going to make it that much harder to get up tomorrow to work. Oh well. Although we didn't do any Christmas decorating yet, I decided to get our furkids photo done for the Angel Christmas card project I participate in and for our own Christmas cards that we send. Hubby got the bed looking very festive and once again I managed to get a decent picture with his help, and the help of a bag of treats! This year is our first Christmas with little Ditzy (far left in picture), and she fits right in doesn't she?! We love her very much and she is such a sweetie pie....hasn't picked up too many bad habits from the others...yet. I have 81 photos printed out so far, so that is a good start. I try to send a card to every family on the angel project and some years that is close to 200 families!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Lazy Day
It has been years since I've had the day after Thanksgiving off!
I kept being confused yesterday thinking it was Saturday, when it was just Friday. So today seems like a freebie! Our youngest is back at college as she had to work yesterday. Just glad she didn't have to work on Thursday as so many retailers have moved up Black Friday to sometime Thursday. It seems ridiculous to me as this makes so many people have to work on Thanksgiving which either cuts short, or ruins their plans for family time around the dinner table.
I find myself in unknown territory...that of extra time on my hands! I am not used to it and it is a bit disorienting, sad I know. I'm not complaining, it is just odd to me. I know I could clean house, there is always that thankless job to do. I am doing laundry at least so that I can feel like I am accomplishing something today.
I did not go shopping yesterday as I am not one of those Black Friday shoppers. I have no interest in waiting in long lines, and besides I only have to shop for my 2 kids since we have cut out the extended family buying I think it is 3 or 4 years ago now. I do usually get my folks something small. Hubby and I don't exchange gifts any more. If there is something that we really want, we tend to just get it. We live what I would consider fairly simply and do not need a lot of gizmos or gadgets. I have clothes that I've had for 20 years or nearly that long. In fact that brings me to something I will do after I post this blog, clean out my closet!
The last few days 90% of the emails I have been getting are about Black Friday or Cyber Monday SALES!
I broke down and did do a little cyber shopping last night and purchased from one of my favorite women's clothing stores outlet that had an additional 25% off the outlet price. I spent more than I wanted to, but honestly I really don't buy clothes very often and while I was showing my hubby what I was buying we both agreed that it was time to go through my side of the closet and throw out whatever was old or that I knew I just wouldn't wear anymore. That is over half my clothes! I suppose I could consider Goodwill, but I don't know that even they would want any of it. I remember once watching some television show about clothes/wardrobe and 'they' said you should get rid of anything in your closet that you haven't worn in a year. Wow! That would leave me with maybe 10 hangers of clothes I think. :-)
Since I work at home, that is the main reason I have not bought much in the way of new clothes. I don't have to dress up for work, so it doesn't matter how frumpy I look. I am looking forward to some new tops and a new pair of jeans though as there is nothing wrong with me liking some new threads for ME.
At some point today will also walk the fur kids, to get them some exercise and myself as well. Feeling a little sluggish and lazy after all that turkey and pie! Off to tackle that closet!
I kept being confused yesterday thinking it was Saturday, when it was just Friday. So today seems like a freebie! Our youngest is back at college as she had to work yesterday. Just glad she didn't have to work on Thursday as so many retailers have moved up Black Friday to sometime Thursday. It seems ridiculous to me as this makes so many people have to work on Thanksgiving which either cuts short, or ruins their plans for family time around the dinner table.
I find myself in unknown territory...that of extra time on my hands! I am not used to it and it is a bit disorienting, sad I know. I'm not complaining, it is just odd to me. I know I could clean house, there is always that thankless job to do. I am doing laundry at least so that I can feel like I am accomplishing something today.
I did not go shopping yesterday as I am not one of those Black Friday shoppers. I have no interest in waiting in long lines, and besides I only have to shop for my 2 kids since we have cut out the extended family buying I think it is 3 or 4 years ago now. I do usually get my folks something small. Hubby and I don't exchange gifts any more. If there is something that we really want, we tend to just get it. We live what I would consider fairly simply and do not need a lot of gizmos or gadgets. I have clothes that I've had for 20 years or nearly that long. In fact that brings me to something I will do after I post this blog, clean out my closet!
The last few days 90% of the emails I have been getting are about Black Friday or Cyber Monday SALES!
I broke down and did do a little cyber shopping last night and purchased from one of my favorite women's clothing stores outlet that had an additional 25% off the outlet price. I spent more than I wanted to, but honestly I really don't buy clothes very often and while I was showing my hubby what I was buying we both agreed that it was time to go through my side of the closet and throw out whatever was old or that I knew I just wouldn't wear anymore. That is over half my clothes! I suppose I could consider Goodwill, but I don't know that even they would want any of it. I remember once watching some television show about clothes/wardrobe and 'they' said you should get rid of anything in your closet that you haven't worn in a year. Wow! That would leave me with maybe 10 hangers of clothes I think. :-)
Since I work at home, that is the main reason I have not bought much in the way of new clothes. I don't have to dress up for work, so it doesn't matter how frumpy I look. I am looking forward to some new tops and a new pair of jeans though as there is nothing wrong with me liking some new threads for ME.
At some point today will also walk the fur kids, to get them some exercise and myself as well. Feeling a little sluggish and lazy after all that turkey and pie! Off to tackle that closet!
Fall in Texas
Although the seasons pass here in Texas, it isn't a noticeable clear cut change of seasons.
The temperatures can range from the 30's at night to the 60's or 70's sometimes higher in the day. Seems to me the trees would be confused as to just what season it is!
So some trees are still green as the grass (of generously watered lawns), but others cannot hide the fact that it really is Autumn, even in Texas!
Here are some pictures I took yesterday while walking the dogs to provide proof that yes we DO have Fall in Texas!
The temperatures can range from the 30's at night to the 60's or 70's sometimes higher in the day. Seems to me the trees would be confused as to just what season it is!
So some trees are still green as the grass (of generously watered lawns), but others cannot hide the fact that it really is Autumn, even in Texas!
Here are some pictures I took yesterday while walking the dogs to provide proof that yes we DO have Fall in Texas!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving!
Can hardly believe it is Thanksgiving Day! Where did this year go?!
I got the turkey roasting in the roaster, crock pot mashed potatoes heating, and green bean casserole in the small crock pot. Just have the corn casserole that goes in the actual oven to make yet. Apple pie was made last night and I couldn't help myself and had a piece!
IT is true..the older we get the faster time flies by!
Today I am thankful for my children, one of whom made it home for the holiday, the other I wish a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for our home and feel for those who have suffered so much loss from Super Storm Sandy.
I am thankful for my job and my health.
I am thankful for my husband and our 5 fur kids, for without them it would be much harder adjusting to the fact that I will possibly be a full fledged 'Empty Nester' come late spring when the youngest graduates from college!
Many days here in central Texas it still gets nice and warm outside. Today's high is around 80 degrees!
Speaking of fur kids, I spotted two of our 'sunning' themselves on the back driveway and had to snap this picture :)
Well off to smell the turkey and relax until about an hour before dinner to finish the preparation.
I got the turkey roasting in the roaster, crock pot mashed potatoes heating, and green bean casserole in the small crock pot. Just have the corn casserole that goes in the actual oven to make yet. Apple pie was made last night and I couldn't help myself and had a piece!
IT is true..the older we get the faster time flies by!
Today I am thankful for my children, one of whom made it home for the holiday, the other I wish a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for our home and feel for those who have suffered so much loss from Super Storm Sandy.
I am thankful for my job and my health.
I am thankful for my husband and our 5 fur kids, for without them it would be much harder adjusting to the fact that I will possibly be a full fledged 'Empty Nester' come late spring when the youngest graduates from college!
Many days here in central Texas it still gets nice and warm outside. Today's high is around 80 degrees!
Speaking of fur kids, I spotted two of our 'sunning' themselves on the back driveway and had to snap this picture :)
Well off to smell the turkey and relax until about an hour before dinner to finish the preparation.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Got a few minutes and a few stamps?...
I wanted to share a project that I have participated in for the last 3 years with anyone who might have the desire to give a little this holiday are the details from Mark, the great guy who started all this...
The Angel Card Project
is an Internet wide charity event with the purpose of sending Christmas Cards
to the sick, elderly, military, lonely, nursing homes and generally anyone out
there who needs cheering up during the holidays. And we need Volunteers to help
us send those cards! We also give people the opportunity to submit names to us
of those that they feel like could use cheering up. So if you would like
to send some cheer to some wonderful people this year click the link below or visit the page at:
![]() | |
Sunday, November 11, 2012
New after pics
Just wanted to post the photos of my shelves all cleaned and re-organized. Looks good doesn't it?!
So much dust and junk discarded. It makes my office seem so much bigger too! :)
I did both shelf areas and also did my desk, which was mostly just dusty, and only a little cluttered, so I didn't take a picture of that. Wouldn't have been very impressive. I forgot to take a pic of my other shelves before cleaning them up, but there were CDs strewn on various shelves and papers stacked everything is in its place, at least for now.
Off to post about the great Taco 'Soup'reme soup I made the other day.
So much dust and junk discarded. It makes my office seem so much bigger too! :)
I did both shelf areas and also did my desk, which was mostly just dusty, and only a little cluttered, so I didn't take a picture of that. Wouldn't have been very impressive. I forgot to take a pic of my other shelves before cleaning them up, but there were CDs strewn on various shelves and papers stacked everything is in its place, at least for now.
Off to post about the great Taco 'Soup'reme soup I made the other day.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Just one thing!
Why is it that sometimes just mentioning one thing can change the chain of events?
Hubby came into my office yesterday and said "Why don't you get rid of that old fax machine?. The belt is shot and you don't have any ink for it anyway and haven't used it in so long?"
So this morning I decided to take his advice and went into the office to remove it. As soon as I did, there was a shadow on the shelf, a familiar one. The kind that show you how long it has been since you dusted. This shadow was screaming months if not years. :) I decided to clean off that spot, then that shelf, then the floor underneath that area, then the dog bed below that shelf. Suddenly I am on a mission to clean up my whole office! I didn't plan this!
Here is a pic I just took. Can you guess which shelf I did? And see all those pink yogurt lids sticking out of that box on the second shelf that I saved to send in for the cancer cause? Most of them are from last year! So I have my day or at least rest of the morning cut out for me.
I initially came out to the office to upload a few pictures I had taken a week ago. So I'll post those before I get back to cleaning the office. Below are some of my wonderful home grown peppers that I harvested. I got quite a few this year They always seem to really multiply after September, maybe because it is slightly cooler at night by then? The red ones are really sweet!
The photo below I give the credit to my hubby who saw this buck from our front window. Handsome fellow isn't he? Deer are always roaming the neighborhood grazing. Everyone leaves them alone so they tend to stay and grow their families. There are a few herds (guess that is the proper term) that have 10 or more deer that tend to stick together. This guy was on his own.
Well back to cleaning my office..
Hubby came into my office yesterday and said "Why don't you get rid of that old fax machine?. The belt is shot and you don't have any ink for it anyway and haven't used it in so long?"
So this morning I decided to take his advice and went into the office to remove it. As soon as I did, there was a shadow on the shelf, a familiar one. The kind that show you how long it has been since you dusted. This shadow was screaming months if not years. :) I decided to clean off that spot, then that shelf, then the floor underneath that area, then the dog bed below that shelf. Suddenly I am on a mission to clean up my whole office! I didn't plan this!
Here is a pic I just took. Can you guess which shelf I did? And see all those pink yogurt lids sticking out of that box on the second shelf that I saved to send in for the cancer cause? Most of them are from last year! So I have my day or at least rest of the morning cut out for me.
I initially came out to the office to upload a few pictures I had taken a week ago. So I'll post those before I get back to cleaning the office. Below are some of my wonderful home grown peppers that I harvested. I got quite a few this year They always seem to really multiply after September, maybe because it is slightly cooler at night by then? The red ones are really sweet!
And below is what I did with them. Yup. I made stuffed peppers in the crock pot.
Gave some to my folks to have for dinner also. They were awesome and I loved that fact that I was eating peppers that I had personally grown! No chemicals or preservatives. Go me! I also froze some so when my youngest is visiting from college we can have them for lunch one day.
The photo below I give the credit to my hubby who saw this buck from our front window. Handsome fellow isn't he? Deer are always roaming the neighborhood grazing. Everyone leaves them alone so they tend to stay and grow their families. There are a few herds (guess that is the proper term) that have 10 or more deer that tend to stick together. This guy was on his own.
Well back to cleaning my office..
Saturday, November 3, 2012
I'm Back
My two weeks of training is over and I must say I agree that Home is where the Heart is!
I missed my hubby and all my fur kids, although my coughing and sneezing started up again today, so my allergies are confirmed to mainly be due to the DOGS. Doesn't matter, I am used to it by now, just was surprised and didn't really notice that I wasn't having allergy issues while I was gone, until I came back and it started in again. :-)
I thought for sure I had gained at least 3 pounds or more with all the dining out I did over the last two weeks, but happily when I weighed myself this morning I was within a pound of where I usually am and was thrilled. Of course I did keep up with the exercise while I was gone so that helped. I did enjoy eating at lots of fine restaurants, some of which I have not eaten at in a while. I ate at T.G.I.F., Olive Garden, Logan's Steakhouse, Cotton Patch, Macaroni Grille, Steak n Shake (not a 'fine' restaurant but had never eaten at one), and Saltgrass Steakhouse. YUM !
So far today I have done some of my 2 weeks worth of laundry, paid some bills and blogged about the 5 Minute Fudge I made back in October. Also cleaned some which I didn't mind at all since I haven't had to do any cleaning for the last 2 weeks, although I was so tempted to try to change the three pictures that were hung above the couch in my hotel room. I swear they were hung up sideways, but I let it go. They were probably anchored to the wall anyway and I wouldn't have been able to budge them. I just did my best to never look over at that area of the room. :)
I stayed at the Towne Place suites in Lewisville. While my suite was wonderful, there was a card detailing the energy friendly/savings things that the hotel strives for. It mentioned if I hang up my towels then they will not take them away to wash (as opposed to wadding up on the floor or wherever). So I made a point of hanging my towel up after my first night there. I also left the one mug, spoon and glass in the sink (small kitchen equipped suite), as I was going to hand wash them later on.
When I got back from my first full day of training, I heard the dishwasher nearing the end of its cycle. Housekeeping had run the dishwasher for a cup, glass, spoon and the coffee pot. What a waste! And my towels were replaced (hand towel and bath towel that I had neatly hung on the racks). What?! I guess their own staff doesn't practice what they preach.
The next day I left a note at the kitchen sink to please not run the dishwasher for a few dishes, but I forgot to leave one about the towels. They did leave the dishes, but once again, changed the towels. After that I just put the AWAY card on the door handle so that they didn't come in at all for a few days so that at least I could conserve water. I guess this may seem petty, but I do care about conserving energy, water, etc., and if I do my part at home, why not away as well?
Well off to get some more things done. It it s so great to be home!
I missed my hubby and all my fur kids, although my coughing and sneezing started up again today, so my allergies are confirmed to mainly be due to the DOGS. Doesn't matter, I am used to it by now, just was surprised and didn't really notice that I wasn't having allergy issues while I was gone, until I came back and it started in again. :-)
I thought for sure I had gained at least 3 pounds or more with all the dining out I did over the last two weeks, but happily when I weighed myself this morning I was within a pound of where I usually am and was thrilled. Of course I did keep up with the exercise while I was gone so that helped. I did enjoy eating at lots of fine restaurants, some of which I have not eaten at in a while. I ate at T.G.I.F., Olive Garden, Logan's Steakhouse, Cotton Patch, Macaroni Grille, Steak n Shake (not a 'fine' restaurant but had never eaten at one), and Saltgrass Steakhouse. YUM !
So far today I have done some of my 2 weeks worth of laundry, paid some bills and blogged about the 5 Minute Fudge I made back in October. Also cleaned some which I didn't mind at all since I haven't had to do any cleaning for the last 2 weeks, although I was so tempted to try to change the three pictures that were hung above the couch in my hotel room. I swear they were hung up sideways, but I let it go. They were probably anchored to the wall anyway and I wouldn't have been able to budge them. I just did my best to never look over at that area of the room. :)
I stayed at the Towne Place suites in Lewisville. While my suite was wonderful, there was a card detailing the energy friendly/savings things that the hotel strives for. It mentioned if I hang up my towels then they will not take them away to wash (as opposed to wadding up on the floor or wherever). So I made a point of hanging my towel up after my first night there. I also left the one mug, spoon and glass in the sink (small kitchen equipped suite), as I was going to hand wash them later on.
When I got back from my first full day of training, I heard the dishwasher nearing the end of its cycle. Housekeeping had run the dishwasher for a cup, glass, spoon and the coffee pot. What a waste! And my towels were replaced (hand towel and bath towel that I had neatly hung on the racks). What?! I guess their own staff doesn't practice what they preach.
The next day I left a note at the kitchen sink to please not run the dishwasher for a few dishes, but I forgot to leave one about the towels. They did leave the dishes, but once again, changed the towels. After that I just put the AWAY card on the door handle so that they didn't come in at all for a few days so that at least I could conserve water. I guess this may seem petty, but I do care about conserving energy, water, etc., and if I do my part at home, why not away as well?
Well off to get some more things done. It it s so great to be home!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Sandy Storm
I was watching the news last night and this morning on the edge of my seat as I have friends and family back east (PA, NY, NJ) that I have been concerned about.
Heard from my brother in New York that they are fine, just downed trees so luckily none hit the house. Electricity went out and don't think that is back up yet but millions are without power I hear. Here is one of the photos he sent. Huge trees downed!
I heard from my daughter in PA. She is fine and has power and luckily a tree missed hitting her car by I don't know, inches? From the photos it looks like some of the smaller twigs and leaves did reach the back of her car but apparently it is fine.
One (Internet) friend had severe flooding - house, car, I am not sure if anything is salvageable or not but she lived along the jersey shore that get the worst of the storm's damage from what I've heard. Hopefully she'll be able to recoup, rebuild or start over, at least her family is alive and well.
Hope that all who have suffered loss and damage from this storm will recover soon!
Heard from my brother in New York that they are fine, just downed trees so luckily none hit the house. Electricity went out and don't think that is back up yet but millions are without power I hear. Here is one of the photos he sent. Huge trees downed!
I heard from my daughter in PA. She is fine and has power and luckily a tree missed hitting her car by I don't know, inches? From the photos it looks like some of the smaller twigs and leaves did reach the back of her car but apparently it is fine.
One (Internet) friend had severe flooding - house, car, I am not sure if anything is salvageable or not but she lived along the jersey shore that get the worst of the storm's damage from what I've heard. Hopefully she'll be able to recoup, rebuild or start over, at least her family is alive and well.
Hope that all who have suffered loss and damage from this storm will recover soon!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Ties these days..
Who would have thought that it would be 36 degrees this morning in Dallas! Luckily it is suppose to go up to the 60's today and by Tuesday the 70's. Good because I did not bring a coat.
I am watching Face the Nation and one of the speakers around the table (sorry do not know his name) is wearing an orange polka dot tie (orange with white dots). Anything goes these days as far as ties go, don't they? Used to be that sort of tie would only be worn as a joke! Not anymore. Even the shirts are getting to be bolder, with those sort of ties that don't even match in color.
It has become a bet every evening between my husband and I , as to whether or not Brian Williams is wearing a PURPLE tie or some variation of purple. Nine times out of ten he is. I don't know if he is instructed to do so by a wardrobe specialist so that it brings out his eyes, or if he just prefers purple. It is funny though, that is now the first thing I look for when Nightly News with Brian Williams comes on while fixing or eating dinner. Too funny!
I am watching Face the Nation and one of the speakers around the table (sorry do not know his name) is wearing an orange polka dot tie (orange with white dots). Anything goes these days as far as ties go, don't they? Used to be that sort of tie would only be worn as a joke! Not anymore. Even the shirts are getting to be bolder, with those sort of ties that don't even match in color.
It has become a bet every evening between my husband and I , as to whether or not Brian Williams is wearing a PURPLE tie or some variation of purple. Nine times out of ten he is. I don't know if he is instructed to do so by a wardrobe specialist so that it brings out his eyes, or if he just prefers purple. It is funny though, that is now the first thing I look for when Nightly News with Brian Williams comes on while fixing or eating dinner. Too funny!
Friday, October 26, 2012
This morning
Training is going okay. Last night a bunch of us decided to find this Texas barbecue restaurant which was tasty but filling. I knew before I even ordered take out dessert (peach cobbler) that I was going to be exercising today in the fitness room.
So this morning, bright and early I got my wake up call at 6:30am and got dressed and headed down to the 'fitness room' . I went down and set the treadmill to 40 minutes this time (to work out until 7:30am) and set it to fat burning mode. I guessed on the speed, etc. as I do not know how to use treadmills. I was about 20 minutes into my walk and then a lady came in.
I looked over to say good morning to her but she did not look at me and proceeded to the scale. At first I was impressed thinking she wanted to see how much she weighed before working out. Instead, after she weighed herself, she picked up her drink and promptly left the room! Hello! Lady! You could have used several minutes, if not hours on the treadmill!! Oh well, guess I was exercising alone.
I was just over 30 minutes into my walk, enjoying the Today show on the television set over on the wall which I had turned on when I arrived in the empty exercise room. A man walked in and clearly based on his demeanor and clothing, was there to work out! He started to do some weightlifting on the bench. At that point I had less than 5 minutes left on the treadmill. All of a sudden he walked over to the TV control and changed the channel! It was as if I wasn't even there. Clearly he was self absorbed because any POLITE person would have asked if I minded that he change the channel.
I was ready to ask him if he was married (didn't see a ring) and then when he said no, ready to say something like "it shows because you didn't even ask if I minded if you changed channels, jerk!". Instead I just let it go and watched as my heart rate went from 115 to 141 on the heart rate monitor on the treadmill. I just shut it off then, lifted a few 10 lb weights (for arm exercise) and then left. I was then mad at myself for not having said something to him. If it happens to me again, I WILL say something!
So this morning, bright and early I got my wake up call at 6:30am and got dressed and headed down to the 'fitness room' . I went down and set the treadmill to 40 minutes this time (to work out until 7:30am) and set it to fat burning mode. I guessed on the speed, etc. as I do not know how to use treadmills. I was about 20 minutes into my walk and then a lady came in.
I looked over to say good morning to her but she did not look at me and proceeded to the scale. At first I was impressed thinking she wanted to see how much she weighed before working out. Instead, after she weighed herself, she picked up her drink and promptly left the room! Hello! Lady! You could have used several minutes, if not hours on the treadmill!! Oh well, guess I was exercising alone.
I was just over 30 minutes into my walk, enjoying the Today show on the television set over on the wall which I had turned on when I arrived in the empty exercise room. A man walked in and clearly based on his demeanor and clothing, was there to work out! He started to do some weightlifting on the bench. At that point I had less than 5 minutes left on the treadmill. All of a sudden he walked over to the TV control and changed the channel! It was as if I wasn't even there. Clearly he was self absorbed because any POLITE person would have asked if I minded that he change the channel.
I was ready to ask him if he was married (didn't see a ring) and then when he said no, ready to say something like "it shows because you didn't even ask if I minded if you changed channels, jerk!". Instead I just let it go and watched as my heart rate went from 115 to 141 on the heart rate monitor on the treadmill. I just shut it off then, lifted a few 10 lb weights (for arm exercise) and then left. I was then mad at myself for not having said something to him. If it happens to me again, I WILL say something!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Training Days
Thanks to my oldest, I got some great tips for the drive to training and got here just fine and avoided any flyovers (overpasses that go higher up than any I've experienced back east)
:) Of course leaving around 11:00am so that I avoid any potential traffic jams was a great idea as well. Thankfully Monday was considered a travel day, so I could have gotten lost and ended up in another state and STILL have been here in time for Tuesday morning's meeting.
Training is for two weeks and the company I work for sprung for some very nice accommodations! I am in a suite where there is a refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, and even a two burner stove! Nice, although I am not planning on cooking! Only got through the second day of training so still have a while to go, but it is going as well as expected and the weather has been perfect.
And I also have to thank my youngest as I am borrowing her DVD player so that I can still do my exercise CD's while away. Sitting around in training for two weeks with no exercise would lead to a flabby, lazy me! So I am not about to let that happen. I used the treadmill and some weights this morning too in the exercise room they have here. Not used to using a treadmill but I did walk for 30 minutes and went .85 of a mile according to the readings on the treadmill so that was okay by me.
I am with a group of 6 others and have enjoyed chatting and getting to know my fellow co-workers. Everyone is very nice and friendly.
I was teasing my hubby about bringing our littlest furkid with me to training as this place does allow pets, but she'd be alone all day long and I wouldn't do that to her but I do see some other people with dogs (mostly outside walking them) and it does make me miss all of them. I have noticed though, that the last two mornings I woke up and did NOT have to pull any dog hair out of my mouth and I was able to turn over at night without having to be careful not to kick any dog off the bed by accident.
Note to self, microwave popcorn and coffee are not the best tasting combination.
I am off to watch some TV before turning in and looking forward to a great day tomorrow.
:) Of course leaving around 11:00am so that I avoid any potential traffic jams was a great idea as well. Thankfully Monday was considered a travel day, so I could have gotten lost and ended up in another state and STILL have been here in time for Tuesday morning's meeting.
Training is for two weeks and the company I work for sprung for some very nice accommodations! I am in a suite where there is a refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, and even a two burner stove! Nice, although I am not planning on cooking! Only got through the second day of training so still have a while to go, but it is going as well as expected and the weather has been perfect.
And I also have to thank my youngest as I am borrowing her DVD player so that I can still do my exercise CD's while away. Sitting around in training for two weeks with no exercise would lead to a flabby, lazy me! So I am not about to let that happen. I used the treadmill and some weights this morning too in the exercise room they have here. Not used to using a treadmill but I did walk for 30 minutes and went .85 of a mile according to the readings on the treadmill so that was okay by me.
I am with a group of 6 others and have enjoyed chatting and getting to know my fellow co-workers. Everyone is very nice and friendly.
I was teasing my hubby about bringing our littlest furkid with me to training as this place does allow pets, but she'd be alone all day long and I wouldn't do that to her but I do see some other people with dogs (mostly outside walking them) and it does make me miss all of them. I have noticed though, that the last two mornings I woke up and did NOT have to pull any dog hair out of my mouth and I was able to turn over at night without having to be careful not to kick any dog off the bed by accident.
Note to self, microwave popcorn and coffee are not the best tasting combination.
I am off to watch some TV before turning in and looking forward to a great day tomorrow.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Getting Ready
I'm off to head to training tomorrow for my new job. Things I did, some of which I haven't had to do in years...mix and match and gather up several days of business casual attire..I haven't worked in an office in over 7 years...
then there is shaving my legs.. check
plucking a few stray eyebrow hairs...check
shaping and filing my nails...check..
got a haircut on Friday...check
..maybe these are things that many do all the time, and yes I keep my nails trimmed, but I have to be honest, I rarely shave my legs anymore....just don't have the need.
Will also have to pack up my makeup which I'll do tomorrow before I leave, and drive over 3 hours to get there which I haven't driven more than a few miles one way in months.
But I will be fine, I'm sure. I got some tips from my oldest as well who is familiar with the highways in that area, so I think I'm set. I am looking forward to starting this new chapter in my career and hold positive thoughts! :)
Wish me luck!
then there is shaving my legs.. check
plucking a few stray eyebrow hairs...check
shaping and filing my nails...check..
got a haircut on Friday...check
..maybe these are things that many do all the time, and yes I keep my nails trimmed, but I have to be honest, I rarely shave my legs anymore....just don't have the need.
Will also have to pack up my makeup which I'll do tomorrow before I leave, and drive over 3 hours to get there which I haven't driven more than a few miles one way in months.
But I will be fine, I'm sure. I got some tips from my oldest as well who is familiar with the highways in that area, so I think I'm set. I am looking forward to starting this new chapter in my career and hold positive thoughts! :)
Wish me luck!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
It's October, isn't it?
I know some parts of the US are experience very cold temperatures and even snow in a few areas. But I live in Central Texas and it is 48 degrees! What's up with that ya'll?
Nothing should be a surprise anymore with the way the weather patterns have been in the last few years, but it still does blind side me when things like this happen. It is perhaps felt even more so because just two days ago we got upwards of 90 degrees, so this 48 degrees is really bone chilling.
That being said, I started a crock pot of Minestrone Soup with wheat noodles last night before turning in so that I can share a bowl of the hearty soup with my youngest before she heads back to college later on. She came home yesterday for a short visit and as always it is great having her here. She hasn't been home in over a month!
And this morning I made Apple Cinnamon Pancakes for breakfast. They hit the spot.
Well I turned a corner in my career and gave my notice on Friday. I was flattered that they really want me to stay and even made a change to make the job more manageable, but I have already made up my mind and accepted a new job offer. I am a person of integrity and keep my word and I am looking forward to my new work venture.
Not much else planned for today, maybe a movie or two. Definitely do not feel up to walking the dogs in this chilly weather. But my daughter and I took the two rowdiest dogs for a mile and a half walk yesterday afternoon, so that will have to do for now. Unless it really warms up before day's end ;-)
Nothing should be a surprise anymore with the way the weather patterns have been in the last few years, but it still does blind side me when things like this happen. It is perhaps felt even more so because just two days ago we got upwards of 90 degrees, so this 48 degrees is really bone chilling.
That being said, I started a crock pot of Minestrone Soup with wheat noodles last night before turning in so that I can share a bowl of the hearty soup with my youngest before she heads back to college later on. She came home yesterday for a short visit and as always it is great having her here. She hasn't been home in over a month!
And this morning I made Apple Cinnamon Pancakes for breakfast. They hit the spot.
Well I turned a corner in my career and gave my notice on Friday. I was flattered that they really want me to stay and even made a change to make the job more manageable, but I have already made up my mind and accepted a new job offer. I am a person of integrity and keep my word and I am looking forward to my new work venture.
Not much else planned for today, maybe a movie or two. Definitely do not feel up to walking the dogs in this chilly weather. But my daughter and I took the two rowdiest dogs for a mile and a half walk yesterday afternoon, so that will have to do for now. Unless it really warms up before day's end ;-)
Sunday, September 30, 2012
It was Bound to Happen
First off, we celebrated hubby's birthday by going to one of his favorite lesser expensive places to eat, The Cotton Patch which I of course had a coupon for a free appetizer. We had his favorite, cheesy (bacon), fries. I call it the artery clogging appetizer, but he loved it.
Back to the topic of this post. My hubby has become quite the 'picker' and he can spot really nice antiques and collectibles and so we are getting more treasures, some of which he finds vendors for, but others we have been keeping. If someone were to ask me even a year ago if I liked antiques I would turn up my nose and say forget it!
But there have been some really nice pieces hubby has gotten and I found myself actually loving some of them! We are now replacing some of our furniture that we have had for years with nice antiques and what has been really neat is that our dining room looks twice the size! Having smaller pieces really makes a difference. Here is a picture of the before table/chairs and huge bakers hutch (we have in the garage now), and the after pictures of an early 1900's antique table and chairs and a beautiful dark oak china cabinet that sits snugly against the far wall. We also have two vintage hand carved turquoise/leather accent chairs on either side of the cabinet that really add a eye catching touch!
Back to the topic of this post. My hubby has become quite the 'picker' and he can spot really nice antiques and collectibles and so we are getting more treasures, some of which he finds vendors for, but others we have been keeping. If someone were to ask me even a year ago if I liked antiques I would turn up my nose and say forget it!
But there have been some really nice pieces hubby has gotten and I found myself actually loving some of them! We are now replacing some of our furniture that we have had for years with nice antiques and what has been really neat is that our dining room looks twice the size! Having smaller pieces really makes a difference. Here is a picture of the before table/chairs and huge bakers hutch (we have in the garage now), and the after pictures of an early 1900's antique table and chairs and a beautiful dark oak china cabinet that sits snugly against the far wall. We also have two vintage hand carved turquoise/leather accent chairs on either side of the cabinet that really add a eye catching touch!
Close up of table, with the beautiful beaded bouquet my daughter hand made (the table also has two panels that lift out to make it twice as long for when family comes to visit and we need more room than just for two people, and has no screws or hardware anywhere).
Close up of artisan work
Close up of china cabinet which I love that is shorter than the old hutch as now the leaded glass window is totally unblocked.
I'll show a picture of that as well so you know what I am talking about. The picture is dull but had to do it this way to make out the window better.
Friday, September 28, 2012
It is so typical!
In the middle of the night at 2:30 AM we woke to the sound of a loud beep. At first I thought it was a smoke detector but that has a higher pitched beep. We could not figure out what it was and finally hub thought it was one of the dogs moving around in her kennel, but I was not convinced. We let it go until we heard it again. Why do these things have to happen in the middle of the night?
It turns out it was the smoke detector in the hallway that is wired in (no batteries) which is why it sounded different too. We didn't even notice it was there but it is no surprise it needed replacing since it has likely been there for 32 years.
After that it took a while to get back to sleep and wasn't until sometime after 3:00 AM. Ugh!
Tonight we are suppose to have rain, but I am hoping won't be loud thunderstorms in the middle of the night. I would like to sleep straight through.
No big plans for the weekend. All I know is that I am not working once again! Woo hoo! It is hubby's birthday tomorrow so we will most likely eat at one of his favorite placed for a birthday meal.
Going to watch Grimm!
It turns out it was the smoke detector in the hallway that is wired in (no batteries) which is why it sounded different too. We didn't even notice it was there but it is no surprise it needed replacing since it has likely been there for 32 years.
After that it took a while to get back to sleep and wasn't until sometime after 3:00 AM. Ugh!
Tonight we are suppose to have rain, but I am hoping won't be loud thunderstorms in the middle of the night. I would like to sleep straight through.
No big plans for the weekend. All I know is that I am not working once again! Woo hoo! It is hubby's birthday tomorrow so we will most likely eat at one of his favorite placed for a birthday meal.
Going to watch Grimm!
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Random Pics
This is a lizard that was clinging to the window (thus the screen cannot get rid of). The feet looked so interesting, especially the back ones.
This is what we call a gecho, not sure if it is though..this was inside the house
In my garage...
So I am in the office that is in my garage, keeping all the furkids company who are also in the garage with me as someone is coming to take the black day bed from the spare bedroom (sorry Danielle, but I doubt you'll miss it). We got an idea to turn it into a cute antique spare bedroom and hubby knew someone who wanted to buy it for their daughter, so we sold it.
I am thinking an antique brass twin bed will fit perpendicular against the wall so that we can find a small bed stand to put next to it. We're going to move the desk out of there too as it already has that built in wall desk area and I think hubby finally has realized I am not moving my office upstairs to that room. I love my cozy space here too much!
We are going to do things slowly though as I have bigger more urgent goals, like getting our bathroom remodeled. This house is 30 years old and the bathrooms are all original. The tub is so stained, I cannot get it to be anything better than a dull filmy look and it never did match the tile. The toilet is also in the same cubby as the tub, crammed next to it which I have never been thrilled with. We did replace the toilet a year or so ago, so we can keep that, just maybe place it somewhere else. Or we may just leave it where it is and move the tub/shower. Actually thinking of just putting a shower in there and no tub as I do not take tub baths and the other bathroom has a tub. I wonder if that would devalue the home though. Not sure.
There is a door for privacy to that area but open it up and then there is the long double sink area (carpeted too, which is odd to me), and walk by that right to the rest of the bedroom that is in front of that wall. I'd prefer a door there at the entrance way to the bathroom, and tile or some other floor, and we want to use part of the walk in closet for a shower. I'm sure it won't be cheap but it really needs it so that is the main goal right now.
Hubby had drawn up a few floor plans for a bathroom remodel and I found them the other day when looking for some other documents. We were happy that we still have them.
I can tell fall is here as it is actually cool in the morning and then gets warm later in the day. It calls for layers that I can take off, but that is fine. I love having fresh air into the room at night.
Tomorrow is our 13th wedding anniversary. That is the longest I have been married, but it really doesn't seem that long. No big plans for the day other than to spend time together. I am not working this weekend either.
I am thinking an antique brass twin bed will fit perpendicular against the wall so that we can find a small bed stand to put next to it. We're going to move the desk out of there too as it already has that built in wall desk area and I think hubby finally has realized I am not moving my office upstairs to that room. I love my cozy space here too much!
We are going to do things slowly though as I have bigger more urgent goals, like getting our bathroom remodeled. This house is 30 years old and the bathrooms are all original. The tub is so stained, I cannot get it to be anything better than a dull filmy look and it never did match the tile. The toilet is also in the same cubby as the tub, crammed next to it which I have never been thrilled with. We did replace the toilet a year or so ago, so we can keep that, just maybe place it somewhere else. Or we may just leave it where it is and move the tub/shower. Actually thinking of just putting a shower in there and no tub as I do not take tub baths and the other bathroom has a tub. I wonder if that would devalue the home though. Not sure.
There is a door for privacy to that area but open it up and then there is the long double sink area (carpeted too, which is odd to me), and walk by that right to the rest of the bedroom that is in front of that wall. I'd prefer a door there at the entrance way to the bathroom, and tile or some other floor, and we want to use part of the walk in closet for a shower. I'm sure it won't be cheap but it really needs it so that is the main goal right now.
Hubby had drawn up a few floor plans for a bathroom remodel and I found them the other day when looking for some other documents. We were happy that we still have them.
I can tell fall is here as it is actually cool in the morning and then gets warm later in the day. It calls for layers that I can take off, but that is fine. I love having fresh air into the room at night.
Tomorrow is our 13th wedding anniversary. That is the longest I have been married, but it really doesn't seem that long. No big plans for the day other than to spend time together. I am not working this weekend either.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Rainy Day
I should have walked the dogs yesterday, but just wanted to take my solo walk last night. It isn't that I do not want to walk the dogs, but I walk close to a mile and a half and the one or two dogs I would take because they can handle it, I am afraid may get into a confrontation with another dog.
Often down the street there is one or two dogs LOOSE that I would not want to chance any confrontation, as my dogs are very aggressive, even though they are just shelties. Instead of backing down if another dog was around, these two would likely bark their heads off and pull the leash which I'm afraid would only antagonize another dog. There are people that just don't care if their dog is loose because they won't run 'away' and have managed to not get hit by any vehicles. It would be different if they stayed on their yard ONLY, but they will come out to the street, even wander the street.
I recently had a chat with a nice lady who has a small older dog that got attacked by a large dog down the street and although she successfully got the other dog to lay off her dog before any biting, I know all too well about dog attacks after our Shelby was attacked back in PA. And anyone who thinks they could break up a dog fight should think twice, because when two dogs are rolling around and biting fast, it is not something you'd want to through your arm into. Since then I've read that picking up the attacking dogs hind legs up in the air (together) will make them stop biting and supposedly they cannot reach back and bite you either since their back legs are up. But I hope I never have to try to stop a dog fight.
So I thought I would just walk them today after my morning exercise routine but it is raining, and the forecast is for rain all day. But we need it so I can't complain. I plan to make some pumpkin bread muffins today as my mom loves them and when I go to visit and give my dad the things I got, I want to at least take something for my mom. I may also make the Strawberry/Lemonade Pie and add a bit of frozen fruit I have in the freezer (bananas, strawberries, peaches), but I'm not sure yet. I sure love my Southernbellegourmet (gourmet cupboard) food. Even if I only ever buy it for my own use, it is well worth it to me!
So baking and watching movies are in store for today! Off to get a bite for breakfast and get my shower.
Often down the street there is one or two dogs LOOSE that I would not want to chance any confrontation, as my dogs are very aggressive, even though they are just shelties. Instead of backing down if another dog was around, these two would likely bark their heads off and pull the leash which I'm afraid would only antagonize another dog. There are people that just don't care if their dog is loose because they won't run 'away' and have managed to not get hit by any vehicles. It would be different if they stayed on their yard ONLY, but they will come out to the street, even wander the street.
I recently had a chat with a nice lady who has a small older dog that got attacked by a large dog down the street and although she successfully got the other dog to lay off her dog before any biting, I know all too well about dog attacks after our Shelby was attacked back in PA. And anyone who thinks they could break up a dog fight should think twice, because when two dogs are rolling around and biting fast, it is not something you'd want to through your arm into. Since then I've read that picking up the attacking dogs hind legs up in the air (together) will make them stop biting and supposedly they cannot reach back and bite you either since their back legs are up. But I hope I never have to try to stop a dog fight.
So I thought I would just walk them today after my morning exercise routine but it is raining, and the forecast is for rain all day. But we need it so I can't complain. I plan to make some pumpkin bread muffins today as my mom loves them and when I go to visit and give my dad the things I got, I want to at least take something for my mom. I may also make the Strawberry/Lemonade Pie and add a bit of frozen fruit I have in the freezer (bananas, strawberries, peaches), but I'm not sure yet. I sure love my Southernbellegourmet (gourmet cupboard) food. Even if I only ever buy it for my own use, it is well worth it to me!
So baking and watching movies are in store for today! Off to get a bite for breakfast and get my shower.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Lazy Day
This photo of our Merlin says it all, doesn't it?
This is the third or fourth weekend in a row that I actually have not worked and it is great, although weird. I was so used to working all the time that I sort of feel guilty for not working, but there isn't a lot of extra work right now anyway, so that is one reason why I haven't bothered, that and the first couple weekends, just took a break from working so much.
This morning hubby and I went to the Caring Place store to see what sort of treasures we could find. I got 3 very soft and unstained handkerchiefs for my dad and a neat little jelly/dip spreader that had a handle made with tiny playing cards (hard to explain) but I think he'll like it. He can take it to the bridge games he directs as he puts out snacks usually too so if there is some chips and dip he can put it out. I actually was looking for some nice handkerchiefs for my mom as she likes the old fashion soft cotton type, but I didn't see any nice ones for women. I got a cute little tea container made out of wood, shaped like a little cottage that has Tea Time Cottage written on one side for my green tea bags. I also got two baskets, one which I put in the spare bathroom for my youngest's toiletries that were just scattered on the counter. The other basket I don't really have placed yet but it is hand painted with little flowers on it and the top has a thin wooden painted trim strip that a ribbon tied around it. Here, I'll post a picture of it. See? It looks like a ribbon. Everything I got was only $6!
I made some of my SouthernBelleGourmet oatmeal cookies (without the raisins) after we got home. Yum!!
Now we are watching A League of Their Own, a classic in my opinion. I am planning on walking the dogs later on, if the rain holds off. We actually got a decent amount of rain yesterday and there is a chance of rain through tomorrow I think.
This is the third or fourth weekend in a row that I actually have not worked and it is great, although weird. I was so used to working all the time that I sort of feel guilty for not working, but there isn't a lot of extra work right now anyway, so that is one reason why I haven't bothered, that and the first couple weekends, just took a break from working so much.
This morning hubby and I went to the Caring Place store to see what sort of treasures we could find. I got 3 very soft and unstained handkerchiefs for my dad and a neat little jelly/dip spreader that had a handle made with tiny playing cards (hard to explain) but I think he'll like it. He can take it to the bridge games he directs as he puts out snacks usually too so if there is some chips and dip he can put it out. I actually was looking for some nice handkerchiefs for my mom as she likes the old fashion soft cotton type, but I didn't see any nice ones for women. I got a cute little tea container made out of wood, shaped like a little cottage that has Tea Time Cottage written on one side for my green tea bags. I also got two baskets, one which I put in the spare bathroom for my youngest's toiletries that were just scattered on the counter. The other basket I don't really have placed yet but it is hand painted with little flowers on it and the top has a thin wooden painted trim strip that a ribbon tied around it. Here, I'll post a picture of it. See? It looks like a ribbon. Everything I got was only $6!
I made some of my SouthernBelleGourmet oatmeal cookies (without the raisins) after we got home. Yum!!
Now we are watching A League of Their Own, a classic in my opinion. I am planning on walking the dogs later on, if the rain holds off. We actually got a decent amount of rain yesterday and there is a chance of rain through tomorrow I think.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
My mini loupe
So I waited about a week to see if it would ripen up any. Although the seeds look impressive, I only got about a spoonful of cantaloupe. But it was cute at least! I have one more small cantaloupe (not quite as small as this one) and I am going to try to plant some of its seeds to see if I can get any fall crops.
My allergies have really been kicking in recently, probably due to ragweed being high. I hate that clogged up feeling, especially when I lean over! I always have some allergies but not this bad. Guess I should start taking some over the counter allergy meds since I do have them. Little late in the evening to take one now, so I'll take one tomorrow morning to see if it helps me get through tomorrow without so much hacking and such. Haven't sung much lately either due to hacking so much, already hoarse so hard to be in the mood to sing much.
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