Well yesterday I took the day off work as it was a special occasion! A Rite of Passage if you will. I even plucked my stray eyebrow hairs and put practically full makeup on, and I don't do that just for any occasion. The youngest has graduated from college~! :)) We went yesterday and spent the night in Huntsville and are back so I wanted to post a few pics of the celebration!
We got there in time to take her, her boyfriend and her dad who flew in for graduation to dinner at Chili's. Then on to graduation. Be kind on the pics with me in them as I had just driven 3+ hours, etc, and did not freshen up any before we went to dinner.
We took a different way there that was going to take an extra 16 minutes and had us going north then east then south instead of the way we used to take. I wanted to be adventurous and also wanted to see if it would help cut down the traffic and stop and go as we took Ditzy with us. The normal way involves some highway but also a lot of traffic lights, congestion in spots and potential construction to deal with. It was actually a very pleasant ride~! The one road we took , state highway 7 was very rural and there were lots of cattle and land. We went through a few small town, one of them so small the population was under 500 people! The speed limit dropped from 75, yes 75mph, which to me is way too high even for rural roads as it is one lane going both ways too with nothing between the lanes (but a yellow line), down to 30mph when we went through these towns. Only one had a stop light, the rest had maybe a stop sign. It was a bit sad to see a few of these towns had dilapidated looking housing or ones in really bad shape right on that main drag. Not sure if business just dried up in those towns or what, but didn't look like a whole lot of people lived there (at least not from the looks of the houses on that main street). I didn't stop to take any pictures of those houses, but should have as an afterthought. I wondered how some of those houses were still standing as they looked like if you went up and touched them, they'd implode!
But all in all, Ditzy survived, Stac graduated and all in all it was a pleasant celebration!
Stac anticipating graduation in a few hours |
Hubby and I |
Why is it as we age we hate our own pics?! |
Stac and her boyfriend of approx 6 yrs Todd |
Stac and her dad |
Getting out of the car at the coliseum |
Ready with cap & Gown |
Waiting for it to start |
College band played while we waited for students to be seated |
She was somewhere in this mess. Hard to keep track :) |
School of Education Graduation Class 2013 |
She's graduated! The yellow cords are for graduating Summa cum laude |
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