Just last evening we were watching a show about doomsday preppers where a woman was spending $150,000 for a bunker to escape to should a nuclear power plant have a melt down. It was a ton of money for something that I don't know she could even get to, should a tragedy like that occur. The only real solution was to just move into the bunker and already 'be' there. It just seemed really extreme to me although I understood the woman's yearning to have a place to survive for a year should a nuclear disaster hit. But what happens after that year. What if there is nothing left when you come out? No food, no vegetation? And who knows how long nuclear fall out can cause illness/death? Would it just be delaying the inevitable? Who knows.
With all the tornadoes that are hitting the US, especially Oklahoma yesterday and today, I wonder if we all shouldn't just look into earth homes (homes built totally underground) with just a door/hatch that has a window that you can look out of, in order to get at least a little natural light! The devastation that they show on the television to rows and rows of stick built homes is horrifying. And that is just the structure destruction. What is worse is the loss of life.
There used to be Tornado Alley but with the tornadoes of late they spread all across the US anymore, not just mainly in Tornado Alley. It has become more like a Tornado parking lot in motion. There was even a tornado in Massachusetts last year! I don't know if it is due to global warming or what, but it does make me wonder if the conventional 'house' should be reconsidered. I've heard about container houses that are those old metal containers no longer used and seems like those would be very sturdy. I suppose they could be decorated on the inside well enough to not care how industrial and yucky they can be on the outside.
Just some food for thought. The wave of the future may be an entirely different home! We may be looking for flag poles sticking out of the ground with house numbers and last names on them to find our friends and family!
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