I didn't mind today being Monday when I got up because I have the day off! Woo hoo!
I see I haven't written in a long time but there wasn't a whole lot to write about. Quite frankly I was a bit stressed over possibly being laid off for the last several weeks. I was luckily spared though and am very grateful to remain gainfully employed.
Now things are very busy and I've actually had to reverse gears and start working longer hours, which is fine by me. I love overtime! Since the girls are grown and it is really just hubby and me and our furkids, I don't mind working extra hours. So I worked Saturday and yesterday but have today off. It feels like Sunday though so I'll have a hard time tomorrow thinking it is Monday.
We've actually had 3 days in a row reaching 70 degrees out. It is actually in the mid 70's right now and really nice outside. I've been thinking about the balcony gardens this year. Although I do like growing things, I didn't have a lot of success last year. I wish I knew whether I'd be working a ton again. When I have a lot of work, there isn't much time for anything else and I'd rather not have the added responsibility of keeping my garden watered, etc. So...I haven't decided yet. I may just buy a few already started pepper plants and flowers and take it easy this year. After all, I do buy local farmers market or greenling produce/vegetables so I am buying healthier there (not grocery store bought, pesticide ridden, who knows how old food from who knows where). I haven't totally decided yet but the thought of having a light garden makes me feel better.
We took 3 of the dogs to the dog park today and they did well. When we first got there, there were no dogs in the small dog area (although there were some smaller dogs in the large dog area). By the time we left there were at least 6 other dogs in the small dog area. I think we attract them or something. :) We took Tika, Kaci and Ditzy (our 3 smallest).
I did some laundry and cleaning this morning and am content with what I accomplished and here it is only 3:30PM! :)
I feel bad for Merlin and Molly that we didn't take them along to the park so I will be walking them here shortly. Then looking forward to a relaxing evening!
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