There have been teasers of Spring when we've had a few days with weather in the 70's but that is just not sticking! Yesterday it was sunny and nice and got up to near 80 degrees. I started to pull some of the dead vegetable stalks from my balcony garden yesterday and still pondering to what extent I'm going to have a garden this year.
Today it started out in the 60's and hubby and I went to run some errands and by the time we got done at around 11 o'clock it was down to 34 degrees and it was raining and windy which got quite cold by the time I was running in to Walgreens to get some milk.
Enough about the weather, which should be in the 70's and staying that way by this point in time in TX! :=)
I enjoyed watching the Olympics and as always am proud that the US did so well. At the same token though, I am glad that some of my regular shows are back again now that the Olympics are over.
Lately I have gained a lot of interest in cast iron and cast iron cooking. My mom gave me a deep skillet years ago when we moved them here because it was too heavy for her to use. I really didn't use it much but I had pulled out the skillet to cook steaks on the stove. I've discovered they turn out great in the cast iron skillet and let the steaks sit out for 30 min before cooking so they are not 'cold' and also sear them first which keeps them juicy. Anyway after that a few days later I made a shrimp dish with it and the shrimp were done to prefection! Not raw but not rubbery either. They were just perfectly cooked and the meal that came out of the cast iron was delicious!
That was it!! I was going to use it more. I found some cast iron facebook groups including a cooking one and discovered there is so much that can be made with them. Since I definitely needed more than on sole skillet, I have gotten some treasures mainly from the local shops but some online. I got a cast iron waffle iron, corn stick, muffin pan, double griddle and 3 other skillets of various sizes. I have been using my cast iron several times a week now instead of just once in a blue moon. Here's a picture of the eggs I made this morning. They turned out so light and fluffy and once again perfect!
Here is some Parmesan kale chips I made today too which are really yummy! Even hubby said they taste like potato chips :)
Right now I have sausage creole cooking in guess what, yes the cast iron skillet (that was mom's) for dinner.Yum! So you can tell what my latest craze is. :-) Hey it is always nice to be interested in something new...even though this is something that is actually old...some older than when my parents were born. That makes it all that more interesting to me!
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