Saturday, February 1, 2020

February already?

Hard to believe it is February already!!  So what did you miss?  Me becoming a Grandma for the first time.  Yup. Last week my youngest had a baby girl.  I was fortunate enough to be there to support her and witness the birth.   They certainly do things a lot differently than they did 30 years ago.  After the birth they don't take certain 'stats' right away.  In fact I never heard an APGAR score for her. They promote skin on skin contact between mother and baby which was nice but I was just surprised they didn't weigh and measure her first.  Like I said things are done differently nowadays.  It was about 2 hours later that they got her weight and length.  She weighed 7 lbs, 4 oz, but I forget the length.

I was proud of my daughter as she did great throughout the labor and delivery.  It went rapidly too once she got an epidural.  Hubby hasn't met the baby yet so we will be going to visit soon so that he can meet her and I didn't get to hold her yet either.  So that will be nice too!

I'm not sure what I'd like to be called, though I really don't like Grandma or Grandmother.  That reminds me of a little old lady who is hunched over, in the kitchen with her apron on.  LOL.  So I prefer anything else, like grams, or grandmommy or grandmama (sounds younger), but we'll see. I suppose it doesn't really matter much.

Fun fact. My granddaughter was born on my oldest's birthday.  Will make it easy to remember, that's for sure. They are 32 years apart.

And my oldest dog Tika turned 13 years old on the 30th.  She makes the 2nd oldest dog we've owned.  My oldest so far was Molly who lived to be 13 years and 9 months old.  Tika is my shadow and I don't see her wanting to leave my side any time soon, so maybe she'll outlive Molly.  We will see if time is on her side.

Work has slowed down as it often does after the 1st of the year.  I only worked a handful of OT hours this week and it was weird as I'm used to being so swamped.  So I am taking it in stride.  This weekend I don't have to work so it has been relaxing.

Tomorrow is the Superbowl.  I plan to watch it mostly for the commercials, but hubby heard there will be a lot of political commercials and isn't interested.  So we'll see.  I may be watching it by myself.  LOL.

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