Saturday, March 11, 2017

Addition Day 22 (Friday)

We've got roof trusses. :)

Here is the latest photo.

Sure hope it doesn't rain too much before they get the roof on.

On to some sad news.  Merlin's growths had been growing pretty rapidly and we decided to have the vet take another look at him.  He also continues to have problems with his legs, often holding his left rear up off the ground.  The vet was concerned as to how much the tumors had grown and even though she had taken a needle aspiration a few months ago could not rule out that they might be a form or sarcoma.  We were scheduling to have them removed and discussing how an operation would go. The larger mass once removed might likely result in an open wound if she didn't have enough skin to pull together.  Then she offered to take an X-ray to see if there was anything suspicious internally. She showed us one spot near one of his lungs that she didn't like. She sent it off to a radiologist and the conclusion was that it was cancer. There was really no point in getting the two tumors removed at that point.

We have made the tough decision to not wait until he is really suffering and are sending him on his way to heaven mid week.  The night before I plan to use my favorite cast iron pan and sear fry the best cut of tenderloin steak for his supper which I know he'll enjoy. 

Here's my favorite picture of our beautiful boy...he would have been 10 years old in May.

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