Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ever procrastinate?....

I am doing it right now. I am holding off heading to bed because that way Monday won't be here so soon.  I will have to give in at some point soon, but for now I'll blog a few minutes first...

I am feeling a little more of the Empty Nester blues these days as my youngest could only be home for a few days during the holidays, not because she had to go back to school but because she had to go back to campus to work.  I sort of knew this might happen when she got a job near college as employers don't care if a college student is done finals and has nearly a month off...they want their employees.  I am grateful that she even got a few days off at Christmas! 

It also doesn't help that my oldest is now living back east so I did not get to see her at all this Christmas. So as much as I try to procrastinate....the inevitable is going to happen....I will have an empty nest, permanently sooner than I would like.

I guess then I'll have to start a new blog..not sure what the title will be...."The Pre-Golden Years".. or perhaps "5o something is the new 30 something...right?"...or maybe something really original like "What I want to do with the second half of my life"...

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