Sunday, December 11, 2016

Sunday night blog

I thought I'd write a quick blog as it has been a while and a few of my relatives are wondering when I'm going to blog again. :-)

I have been either working (at my job) or working on Angel christmas cards the last week or so. I have over 300 cards that I need to get out.  Well I don't HAVE to send all those out but I'd sure like to try.  Throw in my exercise routines, eating meals and spending a little time with hubby and the four fur kids, and that leaves very little time for anything else.

Hubby put up the Christmas decorations, thankfully. They'd still be packed away if it was left to me to do the decorating.  We have a tiny tree (artificial) on the fireplace. It is about 2 feet tall but it does have lights and is pretty. So were just using that for our 'tree' this year.  Maybe next year we'll get a real tree.  I was driving by the boy scout tree selling area and it got me thinking about how much I love the smell of real Christmas tree.

I got a gift from my aunt today that my sister got when she was visiting her back in October.  It is a man with his face in a book and he is straddling a book. The whole piece is carved of wood that I think she got years ago. I've never seen anything like it.  So Aunt 'Babe' if you are reading this, thank you!

Oh I did have my semi-annual Dermatology appointment on the 1st. Every time I go she finds some suspicious mole.  I told her my Christmas wish this year was for her to not see anything.  No luck. There were two moles on my back she took a small biopsy of.  They both need punch biopsies so I'm going back and having those done right after Christmas.  Hubby thinks it is all a ploy to make money, but I think she is a great Dermatologist and does thorough exams and if doing these biopsies prevents me from getting melanoma, I'm fine with it. 

I have read up a little on moles that are Atypical moles. These are also called dysplastic nevi. Those with moderate dysplastia may or may not ever turn into melanoma. But why play a wait and see game with something like that. I'd rather not let them get bigger or deeper and then have something much more major and serious to deal with. This is the price for being a teen sun worshiper.  I never sit out in the sun anymore but did every summer until I was in my mid 20s'.  Yup. Damage done. 

Going to log out for the night. I will blog again when I am done with the card project, oh and getting my own personal cards out to family and friends. :-)

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