Friday, January 26, 2018

Catching up

I posted those pictures of the music room the other day because hubby wanted to post some to his page on sing snap but they had to be on a website.  He couldn't just upload pictures which I thought was odd. But adding them to a post got what we needed for him.

This was a rough week work wise.  Just some tedious work but it happens sometimes.  It was also busy otherwise. Monday I had the follow up to my root canal which I thought would be an easy, short appointment. Was I wrong about that!  She had to numb up my mouth (both in front and behind that tooth,) which always hurts. And she struck a nerve or something because the next day it was sore and a little swollen and it wasn't until Today that it didn't hurt any more when I ran my finger over the gum area where one of the needles was inserted.  They also had to fill the empty root canal with those stems or whatever you call them and anyway the appointment took at least as long as the first time. Their 'air' equipment stopped working too. And the x-ray when I first got there didn't look any different than it did the last time I went over a month ago.  Turns out the bone replenishing takes 6 months to a year to grow back to what it was before. Didn't know that either!  With the amount of times I brush my teeth (ever since the Invisalign it is 4-6 times/day), I am surprised I even GOT an abscessed tooth.

Wednesday was Tika's turn to get her teeth cleaned. She will turn 11 years old next week, so she is our 2nd oldest senior.  We had to take her there at 7:30AM and pick her up around 4:00PM. Luckily she only needed two teeth removed.  I was happy about that.

Then yesterday we had an appointment with an attorney to see about getting a Trust for us.  The attorney was very nice and I'm looking forward to working with her.  We were there over an hour and I had to clock in to work after we got back (and ate).

So there was a lot of stuff going on as I said.  I am glad it is Friday!

The only outside appointment next week is my dermatologist regular appointment to get my body checked. Hopefully that will be fine. 

I didn't intentionally start out with all these appointments so close together.  Some were made over a month ago. It is just how it turned out.  But like I said it is Friday, time for some R & R :)

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