Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Nov 15th

I know....I know.. I've hardly blogged at all lately.  Well it is about to get worse as I'm gearing up for the Angel Christmas card project that I participate in every year which will take up even more of my spare time.

All in all there isn't a ton new anyway though. Hubby's back is doing better and he is getting around as he used to.  He still has some numbness in part of his calf and toes but we're hoping once his nerves heal that it will all come back. 

He got a horrible cold/flu? a few weeks after his operation and was kind enough to give it to me too. We are both pretty much over it now and I hope that is it for ailments for hubby for a long time.  He's had so many issues with that unexplained rash, Prednisone reactions, then his back, etc.  

The oldest and I just finished reading the last book in the Remnant Chronicles series.  It was pretty good.  I would say if anyone out there wants to read them, when you've read about a third of the first book, keep going.  It gets better about half way through and we both agreed the 2nd and 3rd books were the best.

With the time change last week, it has been nice walking in the morning again!  We'll see how long that will last since we'll lose some of that as the months progress too.

Tomorrow I see my Orthodontist and I should be done wearing my Invisalign. I'm not sure if she's just fitting me for a retainer tomorrow and I'll just keep wearing these last ones until they come in or quite what the next step is.  I'd love to get this little nubs (which help keep the trays in place) and rubber band wires (on bottom back molars) taken off.  That alone would be nice.  I am tired of wearing rubber bands at night and it was really hard when I had a cold.  So we'll see. 

That's it for now.

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