Saturday, November 28, 2015

Nice Thanksgiving!

I had a very nice Thanksgiving!  I worked not quite a full day on Wednesday and then had off until this coming Monday.  Yea!!!  The youngest came for the holiday and by Wednesday night we were up to our elbows in chocolate cookie dough.
She wanted to have a little taste!  Uh. .that was not a little taste. 

I had already made the crock pot mashed potatoes and put them in the fridge to let the flavors blend overnight.  We decided my mom would like it if we had Thanksgiving dinner over there. So Thanksgiving morning we took over the turkey roaster, and 2 crock pots and got the turkey, fancy mashed potatoes and green bean casserole going in each of their cookers.

When we got back home it was time for pie baking.

I was going to make corn casserole right before we went over to moms and made the stuffing there at her house after we got there.  I also took some cranberry sauce and had made a small lettuce salad too.  We snuck a bottle of wine over to have with dinner. My mom didn't know what we were drinking as we used little tupperware sippy cups. LOL.She had Pepsi which is what she always has with dinner. When we arrived at moms it smelled wonderful!  The turkey had been basting all day and it smelled wonderful.  I asked my mom if she liked the smell but she didn't really notice much.  I'm sure that was because she had been smelling it all day and just got used to it.

Anyway we had a nice dinner and visit and we left some leftovers including pumpkin pie and cookies. 
Yesterday the youngest and I went to see the last of the Hunger Game movies -  Mockingjay 2.  It was pretty good but I still liked the very first one the best.  The games themselves made it a lot more interesting and riveting. Then last night was pizza night. Yum!

Today was small business Saturday and we went shopping in town where they have a neat contest with clues and answers at various stores and then everyone met at one place (this year it was a sub sandwich shop) to hopefully get picked the winner of a gift basket worth over $1700!  The weather has sucked ever since Wednesday night with cold, rain and wind.  The temperature was right around 39 degrees while we were in town.  Brrrrr.. The only plus to this sucky weather is that there was not that great of a turn out for this event. There were only about 35 people I'd guess there at the final drawing which really upped our chances of winning compared to the very crowded room last year.  But alas, neither Stac nor I won the basket. Darn!
 Nevertheless we enjoyed walking around, shopping and getting Thai for lunch.   It was a nice time!

Stac went back home around 4:00PM and I went to a department store to get mom some Clinique that she uses. She dined on leftovers from Thanksgiving for dinner.

Now I'm relaxing and watching Pit Bulls & Parolees.  Hope everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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