Saturday, July 29, 2017

100 degrees at 7:30PM

We have had some scorching days lately.  I think today was the highest temperature so far at 106!  Thankfully we have air conditioning as I don't know how anyone would be able to stand it without it.  At these temperatures even a fan would just be moving around HOT air!

As I wrote on Monday, my mom passed away that day at the age of 90.  The rest of Monday was spent picking up her glasses from the nursing home - why I don't know because we didn't bury her with then. Also called some of the siblings to convey the word. The funeral date was quickly firmed up due my brother and his wife from NY already having a vacation scheduled starting this weekend.  The funeral was set to be Thursday morning.

Tuesday was planning out the actual funeral at the same funeral home that took care of my dad's funeral.  We chose not to have a viewing as very few folks would be showing up as my mother doesn't know many folks at all here in Texas.  Also she really looked bad at the end, very, very skinny.

Wednesday I saw my brother and his wife and they visited a little while and I gave him some things my mom had aside for him. I also spent time in the evening at my sisters where my other sister was staying who came in from Ohio.  It was nice catching up with the siblings.  Funerals suck but seeing family that live so far away is always nice.

Thursday was the funeral and there were oh I'd say 12-14 people in attendance but again not surprised. My youngest came up for the funeral as she is only about an hour and half away.  The other one is in PA, so that was far to come. My brother did a great job officiating it.  It was nice.  The funeral home provides food afterwards but the smallest food package they had was for 40 people - wasn't going to happen .So the family just ate at Saltgrass Steakhouse afterwards instead.  Nice family time again.  My sister from Ohio and our niece and her baby girl (8 months old) came to look through moms things in the afternoon and we got to go through a lot of memorable photos and things my mom wrote (short story type of things).  It was bittersweet.  Thursday late afternoon the other sister came and I ended up suggesting we eat out again as I had nothing for dinner to serve since it was so impromptu. 

Friday I went back to work and tried to get back into the groove. It will likely take a while for it to really sink in that mom is gone, but in time it will.  I have realize a new found freedom to go out to dinner and enjoy some things like going to a movie again.  We felt tethered to the home and/or had to be back in time to make mom dinner for over 2 years so it will be an adjustment. 

Today Molly had a follow up from her dental and she is doing fine. I can start finger brushing her teeth now.  I also did some work which was nice to get a few hours in since I've been off most of the week.  That brings me up to date with the happenings this week. 

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