Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Post #188 ....2019

It looked like it was going to rain all day but unfortunately it didn't. It has been so long since it has rained that part of our back yard looks like the Sahara dessert.  Here are some photos of the back yard.  The lush green oasis green is the new grass that we are keeping watered so that it doesn't die.  Then there is the Sahara.. (pretty obvious).  Then back to the green new grass.  So yah...we really need some rain badly.  Not to mention the water pressure lately is not the greatest either.  When the sprinklers are on in the morning which is only on the front yard ( 2 times a week that is allowed), if I try to brush my teeth, there is just a trickle of water.  So the water levels have dropped too.  They come back up when the sprinklers are done their cycle.

The only good thing from today's cloudy day was because there was a little rain that went through the surrounding area, the temperature is in the mid 80's rather than 100 degrees.

But other than the weather, Tika is hacking (coughing ) less and less.  I only heard her I think 4 times today.  Hopefully she'll be fine as we only have a few more days of the antibiotics and are suppose to slowly get her dose of steroids down.  So we'll see.  Fingers crossed that she will be totally fine within the next few days.

I have been working the weekends but it hasn't been too bad.  I have been spending time with hubby during the evening and not working a full 8 hours on Sundays.


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