Friday, August 16, 2019


I was reading back a few blogs and realized I didn't actually say that ALL the A/C units in the house are now working.  They are!  And it is wonderful!  The A/C guys that were replacing the unit in the attic got here around 10AM on Tuesday and were trying to figure out a better way to run the system down to the unit outside.  There was quite a delay while this was being discussed but it finally got started after noon.  They ended up getting it done but it was 6:30PM by the time they left.

While I am very happy it is done and I appreciate the fact that they stayed so was hard to endure all 3 dogs in my office from before 10AM (because we didn't know when they would arrive) to pretty much 6:30PM.   We usually feed them at 5PM and by 6PM I just had hubby hand me their bowls (quickly at the door) and I fed them in my office (just separated).   The guys were in and out all the time (in fact half the time hubby didn't know what the heck they were doing?), but that is why we never could really let the dogs out.  The back gate was open for the A/C guys too so no potty breaks.  Anyway, we got through it but I really wish they would have come by 8AM so that they could have been done by 5PM and we wouldn't have had that much more stress to put both me and the dogs through.  LOL.  Those who are not dog lovers will be thinking 'So what' it is no big deal.  Those folks won't understand.

I was also surprised (as we've already had 2 full A/C replacements since moving here) that the A/C company called Wednesday and said the city inspector had to come and look at the A/C they installed. There was no mention of that when we hired them. And we have never needed the other systems inspected after they were installed.   I just have a bad taste in my mouth about inspections after the delays and fiasco for the addition to the house for my mom.  So I voiced my unhappiness about not being told this up front.  The name of the company is Honest A/C but clearly they are not at least not full disclosure.  I am not sure if I could refuse the inspection or not but anyway..the inspector came this morning and there is one thing that the A/C guys have to come back and fix.  Of course.  It is never just once and done.

Yesterday was Ditzy's appointment at the cardiologist to get an echo cardiogram.  Luckily I used WAZE to get there as there was accidents on the route and WAZE took us winding through a bunch of neighborhoods to get to our destination but we got there in plenty of time as I allotted an hour and 20 minutes to get there.  We got there with 20 minutes to spare.

Ditzy's results were good!  She does have a slight leak at the mitral valve but she said considering the breed and her age (9) it is typical.  So she doesn't have to be on any meds and doesn't need to come back in a year unless the regular vet hears a heart murmur.  Yippee!  We were so happy about that news.  She behaved so well at the office too!  Not a snip or bark.  She is the best patient!

I did make an appointment for Tika at our regular vet for Monday though as she has been hacking when drinking water, though not every time anymore.  Maybe it is something simple.  We'll find out.
I am just glad all the work on the house is done now and we can let things get back to normal (except for when the A/C guys have to come back but that should be a very short fix).

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