Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday the Park...

Today I volunteered at the local animal shelter. They had a special spay/neutering day that they had for cats and I have never seen so many cats in one day! ;-)   It worked out pretty well as there were enough people to do the job. I was happy to help and when that was done I even stayed and walked two dogs (separately as they instruct). There is a park right near the shelter so plenty of places to walk.

The first dog I walked was a Pit Bull...I would not have picked that dog to walk but the gal who showed me what to do, picked it.  I am very Leary of the breed, can't help it, heard too many stories about them I started out a bit cautiously but then it went fine.  She was really a well behaved dog.  The other dog I walked was a Black Lab who was bigger that the Pit but I used to own a Black Lab mix so I felt more comfortable with that guy.  It was nice getting some of my 'steps' in by walking them and helping them out at the same time, although I forgot my pedometer so I don't know how many steps I got in.

After dinner this evening I walked one of ours, Tika (my shadow) for about 30 minutes. So got some exercise in and got some work done as well.

I felt pretty good today, first day OFF any Truvia !   No bloating, no diarrhea.  I'm not going to bother experimenting any further, (not going to give it a try again), so will chuck the rest of it tomorrow.  I would offer it on freecycle but it is already opened and I wouldn't wish the side effects on anyone else either, so in the trash it is going.

Now to relax for the rest of the night...

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