Thursday, August 10, 2017

Catching Up

Wow.  I didn't think it had been since Saturday that I blogged.  Oh well.  Let's see. Sunday we saw the movie Kidnap with Halle Berry at the theater.  Hubby hadn't been to  the movies in a while and we thought the previews for it looked good.  Halle Berry doesn't seem to age at all!! She was beautiful once again!  But other than that the story line became unbelievable and was for the most part a long car chase movie. By the 3rd time she was in a crash and walked away, I was sort of rolling my eyes.  It was entertaining enough I guess but I was a bit disappointed.

This week itself has been spent working, still adjusting to my new 'office' and getting hot temperatures again although on Monday we did get close to 5 inches of much needed rain.  The rain came and actually hung around and reminded me of the rains back east where it rained all day and didn't budge.  Most of the time the storms move in and out fairly quickly here in Texas. It was a much needed help for the abnormally dry/drought areas around here, although it does smell very moldy for a few days after it rains like that.

Today I had the day off.  I took it off purposely to get some things done to start taking care of my duties as executor of my mom's will.  I did get a lot accomplished and was pleased to cross off everything on my list.  Although everything is not fully completed, I have at least put things in motion.  I also had a nice visit with my sister as I had some things to drop off there anyway.  I was able to enjoy a piece of her son's leftover birthday cake. 

When I got home from my sister's house the mail was on the counter. I opened our gas bill which is usually around $30.  It was $222 !!!   I was like what? #@$@$    I called the gas company and she asked if we smelled gas anywhere and hubby did say that once in a while he thinks he smells it outside at the meter.  So we were connected to the gas emergency line and someone was dispatched to come out and check the gas.  I was trying to think of why else the bill could be so high.  It isn't like it is winter and we've had the heat on a lot. That is when it is its highest although it has never been more than like $85.

While waiting for the gas company to come out I looked at the beginning and end reading on the bill, went outside and the end reading was way off, by 200 units (measurement)!  So that is what the issue was. The gas line was checked since they came out to check that anyway and the gas line is fine.  So now I just have to wait for an adjusted bill to come in a week or two. Phew?!  That was making me panic!

Now I can finally relax for the evening and get some reading in.

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