Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hungry I was!

Woke up at 8AM today but could have slept longer.  I did some work today so I went ahead and got up. I also am in the process of transitioning my old office to my new one and so went through a few shelves in the old office and only moved over what I really want in the new one. My old office was packed with knick knacks and I don't want to totally junk up my new one.  I dug in to do some work around 9:30AM.

So we were supposed to get together with this couple that hubby met when he went to buy some things from them.  They were going to call by this morning but when they didn't get a call, he tried to call them to no avail.  So I told him let's just forget it and if they contact us make it next weekend.  I thought he was in agreement but the husband called and I heard hubby say 2:30?  That's fine.  So he gets off the phone and tells me at nearly noon that they are coming at 2:30.  Well that was not what I thought we agreed to.  I worked until  around 1:30 and then started getting ready (a little make up, bra), tidying the house, spraying with febreeze (hey we have 3 dogs), etc.  I didn't have lunch because I had a late breakfast at 11AM since I got up so late. 

Hubby had told me the man offered him a glass of wine when he went over there and knew a lot about wines, etc., so we were going to offer them wine and cheese and crackers.  Hubby went and bought 4 kinds of cheese and 3 kinds of crackers and I had already put two bottles of wine in the fridge yesterday to get chilled.

They got here around 2:30PM and we talked some and showed them around.  They are very nice and I'm happy that we met but when I asked them about a glass of wine, she said that he didn't drink anymore and she doesn't very often (and certainly not in the afternoon).  GREAT!  So I was pretty much starving because I didn't have lunch and thought that would be fine because I'd have some wine and cheese.  Hub asked her if she wanted a soda or anything and neither wanted anything.  I SHOULD have said that I was having a glass of wine and cheese so that I could get something in my stomach, but I didn't want them thinking that I had a drinking problem.  LOL !!   Oye!  They stayed until about 4:30PM and like I said we had a good time chatting with them but the gathering didn't go as I had expected (with wine and cheese).  We talked about getting together for dinner out sometime soon.  I'm not holding my breath though.  If it happens fine, but if not I'm not going to be disappointed.  I've learned to have low expectations.

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