Friday, September 8, 2017

Busy day off!

Today I took the day off.  Hubby had a colonoscopy procedure scheduled which he was to be at by 11:00AM, and I also had to renew my driver's license in person this time around.  I got up at 6:30AM to get my normal walk in.  Then it was back home, a quick cup of coffee and then I had to pick an outfit to wear and put my make up on.  Hey that picture may have to last me another 12 years so I wanted to look decent.  Once I was satisfied with how I looked I headed over to the driver's license office.  One of the ladies I walk with warned me that it could take 4 hours!  I didn't realize there were only a few drivers license locations for our entire county.  I got there around 8:45AM and there were quite a few people there.

I gave myself until 10AM and then I'd just have to leave and come back again within a week  Luckily my number was called at 9:53AM so I was happy about that.  The process went pretty smoothly until I had to read the numbers.  I have rarely worn my glasses I got 3 years ago and only use reading glasses when I need them.  I brought my other ones in case I really had to use them.  I got through the first two sets of numbers without a problem but the third set was tough. I finally got them on my 4th try when I was about to give up and get my glasses out.  Phew.  It isn't that I hate wearing glasses, but I just don't want to HAVE to wear them which I would if it was put on my license correctional lenses. So I left there a happy camper and went to Sonic for a Mocha Java Chiller and cinnasnacks  because I wouldn't really have time to have a typical breakfast with all my fruit.

I got home to basically pick up hubby and head to the medical office for his procedure which was close to 30 minutes away.  The entire time I was there they had the weather channel on which had warning after dramatic warning and stories about the hurricanes coming to Florida and the US.  Even though I tried to read after hubby went back it was hard to not listen to all the panic.

While hubby was in the procedure room along with some other patients there was suddenly a man who sounded like he was choke coughing loudly. That is the only way I could describe it.   It was horrible and everyone in the waiting room was looking at each other. He made this horrible sound like 8 times!  I leaned over to the woman next to me and said "I hope that isn't my husband" and she said she hoped it wasn't hers.  An ambulance came.  Then a nurse also came out an announced that they had an emergency situation but it was getting under control.  Here while all that was happening they lost all their Internet and computer power too. Their instruments, etc died.  I didn't even know about that until after getting Steve in the car.  The TV in the waiting room was working fine the whole time. This problem lasted about 30 minutes I think.

I actually had opened the door for the ambulance guys to come in the back way for that poor man, who luckily was not my husband.  The nurses said (when I was back with Steve in recovery) that that incident never happens (something when wrong with that man or he had some other ailment or something, I don't know).  But this place was solely for simple colonoscopy procedures. Ha!  This really got me wanting to have my first colonoscopy - NOT!  Think I'll pass a while longer and take my chances.  I read up quite a bit on it and many polyps never even turn into cancer so it doesn't mean anything that polyps were found and removed.  And hubby has not felt very good ever since the procedure.  The actual prep for him was easy, the recovery is turning out not to be. They did find 3 polyps that they removed and biopsied and he has a follow up appointment in 2 weeks. He also has acid reflux so will get a prescription for that (which apparently isn't ready yet as I tried to check).

After we got back from that it was about 2:30 or so.  I went out and got some dog food and cat food to take with us tomorrow for an animal shelter we are going to visit.  We may be adopting a new furkid. Fingers crossed and will post more about that tomorrow.  It certainly isn't required to give them things they need, I just thought it would be a nice gesture.

I made hubby a couple eggs for dinner and I just had soup.  He certainly wouldn't be able to handle the pizza that we usually get on Friday nights.

So it is time to relax on my day off, finally!

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