Thursday, September 21, 2017

Thusday Eve' post

Well yesterday's planned biopsy for hubby's lung nodule(s) didn't happen. I didn't get my walk in since it was going to be an early start to the day. We got to the hospital by 7:30AM, and he got a room, a gown, and two nurses unsuccessfully trying to get a needle in his hand (that I took as a sign), only to have the radiologist come in the room and say he saw the films for the first time and due to the location of the nodule (was only concerned with the larger one), there was a good chance he would not get a good sample and also there was a high risk of lung collapse.  So clothes back on, still no answers and he is going to get a new scan in November to see if it grows any.

Since the day was not going to be taken up by the biopsy and recovery, we went and got lunch at a Mexican restaurant and it was nice.  I had a frozen Margarita as a nice treat too.

Then I had a scheduled hair cut which I moved up since I could, and got my hair colored and cut by my favorite hair stylist. She did a wonderful job.

Today I got my walk in first thing  Then we dropped my car at the auto shop for its annual inspection. The guy said we could actually wait for it and it would only take 15 minutes. I was still in my sweated up walking outfit and we had a 9:30AM appointment for our new fur kid at the vet for her first visit. I know how things are around here too..15 minutes is not 15 minutes and I didn't want to have to rush trying to get washed up and ready for the vet after waiting more like 35-45 minutes. So we just went back in the afternoon to pick it up.

Bella was actually a good girl at the vet's office. She didn't snap or bite at all. She shook a little but not the whole time but all of our dogs shake some so that is just the norm to me.  She is healthy and she just got one shot that she needed.  I ordered some heart worm preventative to start her on.

Then I had lunch plans with one of my sisters that lives nearby.  We had a nice lunch and got caught up with our lives.  She got to meet Bella too, although Bella pretty much just barked and ran away.  Oh well.  I still think she is doing very well, at least when it is just hubby and I.

This afternoon was a quick trip to get my car and then it was just relaxation time.  I am enjoying my time off, even if some of it is things that just had to get done.  At least I didn't have to try to work around my buy work days.

I am ending this here as I'm watching a Penn & Teller TV show and it is better to actually watch it than just listen (magic acts) .  :)

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