Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thanksgiving 'Eve

I read back on my last post before writing this evening.  The hot water heater didn't get fixed until Monday but it took the plumber all of 2 minutes. He was so nice, he didn't charge us anything!  We have used this plumbing company before and we will definitely use them again (but hopefully won't need them back any time soon). It was so nice taking a hot shower on Tuesday after I exercised.

I got a call last week from my dermatologist's office to let me know they were changing my appointment time for my next check up in January.  That was fine but it also prompted me to try to check my back as I really don't check much for changes in my many moles and freckles and can't see my back very well. I used a make up mirror and turned around to look at my back in the bathroom mirror. I saw a dark spot and it felt rough and I didn't know if it was something to be concerned about or not.  

The next morning I asked hubby to look at it and he thought I should get it checked ASAP. That is not usually what he says when I ask his opinion about stuff like this. So fast forward to today. I got a short appointment that was this morning.  I had really thought and hoped that the black spot was just a clogged cyst (big blackhead if you will).  Hubby got me worked up though with his initial alarm so I was a bit nervous.  So it turns out that it was nothing but a cyst like a sebaceous cyst which they took care of.  I was really relieved.  However she did say she saw a suspicious area lower on my back and took a biopsy of that. She said it was a small cluster of moles and just didn't look right. So I guess it is just as well that I went today, although I'm not sure it would be that much worse in January.  I really am glad that I get checked every 6 months. This way I know the doctor gets to do a thorough look, especially the areas I can't see myself.  I check my arms and legs every so often but that is really about it.  I regret having worshipped the sun so much in my youth as I am paying for it now.  Hopefully every suspicious mole will be caught early and I'll always keep the really scary skin cancer at bay.  I still have my appointment in January to get checked all over thoroughly again.  Maybe I'll be lucky and there won't be any more found at that appointment.

Yesterday I tried turning on the heater in my office which we hadn't used yet. We tested it when the addition was done and it did seem to be working (the air conditioning). My mom was never hot so we didn't need to use it while she lived there. Never did try the heat and didn't really need it until recently as we've had some pretty cold mornings. So I turned it on but it did not get warm,even when I turned the temperature up to 78 degrees.  I feel like we have so many problems with systems these days.  First the hot water heater pilot going out and now this brand new wall mounted split heat/air conditioning unit not heating.  I guess I'll be calling someone to come and check it out. I really hope the unit is fine as I could not find any warranty paperwork for it. I don't know if I ever got any either, as I was just so anxious to get that addition done to move my mom in back in May.  Oh well. Always something!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am looking forward to it!  

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